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May 2010 · 802
meeting lucy cid (part3)
brian brenes May 2010
I climbed my mountain to its peak with thin air and astonishing sights .
the understanding was gone the intensity found me . my friends didn't dance anymore they where tired since they melted all over the walls . the floors soon followed  and my friends blue checkered pants expanded into a sea in which i swam in looking for her . her voice guided me but i never got anywhere i couldn't find her i was lost.There where brief intervals where i would pop into reality to catch my breath and then the world would collapse and melt all into different journeys through an array of environments .i never found my way out my head melting into the floor i almost left my mind there in those the end my friend shaking me looking at me as she also melted combining with the pool of leftover worlds on the floor ,and it all accumulated into a massive shake disorienting my sight and speech. As i rolled on the floor screaming for the end my wish was granted it was all over.that night i met lucy and that one single encounter changed my life.
part 3 i dont want to put them into stanzas too tired. but the next ones might be in stanzas
May 2010 · 865
meeting lucy cid (part 2)
brian brenes May 2010
my confusion overcame me but then left me as fast as my confidence of will .Hyde was leaving me but Jekyll wouldn't.
such a quick tripp in silent argument i ended up in a blue room with humorous graffiti, the graffiti spoke, it was my friend, it knew my
name . I had no ones attention but i had the art . the tiles  appeared in the ceiling and they moves and danced with  the fan so gracefully the fan moved in a waltz so beautiful so tender so slow so precise the tiles lost its place and eagerly enough proved itself again.the room was dark but i could see a variety of lights rushing in vertical and horizontal motions constantly changing leaving me in awe. They all moved and they where all so happy , i was happy. The simplest things amazed me the room spun so slowly so evenly and increased in speed as i breathed and i smiled slowly and time stoped .. i understood everything, everything understood me and i felt accepted .
part 2
May 2010 · 713
meeting lucy cid (part 1)
brian brenes May 2010
ready for the tripp that cant be traveled by conventional means
i shipped myself to an outer planes of a new dimension with lucid  stamps . the night began and i was born again . the lights surrounded me dancing for me in a insatiable pattern that hummed and murdered indescribably. my two sitters of for the night where more like Jekyll and Hyde saving me and hating me destroying me and building me i was the world spun i looked and i teared and i tried to know why i didn't know. A state of utter confusion that i hope never to go through again.that confusion and was just the beginning but it taught me so much.
part 1 of an unforgettable night
May 2010 · 680
3:01 am
brian brenes May 2010
its 3:01 am in this silent lonely night perplexed by the uncommon coherence of the the invisible entities that flow through this place  .
a shake of the auburn door the echo of the floor all unknown.the wisdom of the nights whisper teaches me  every night i stay awake. in a hushed tone the shadows speak haunting me ,i am afraid. not of the noises but of the calamity of the world. sitting here in this house in the dead of night thinking about what most don't even notice the loss of the innocence and disappearance of virtue. Honesty is all but a joke in this day of age the selfish world we live in , gluttony and sin breaking the hands of god ,the grip of the false idols we worship has on us the grip that scared us into a righteous life we used to live all too scared to go against these idols and now its gone.the world is blind and i wish i was deaf.
i just wrote this now for the first post on this site . i would appreciate some honest feedback

— The End —