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 Jan 2013 Bri
Alexis Martin
remember darling,
that you will never
be able to taste the salt of the sea
or smell the flowers in the garden
or feel the worn pages of the books
or hold the hand of the one you love
when you are busy hiding under the blankets
Weren’t we in love?
Now we shake hands.
It’s been almost two years,
And life’s still just as bland.

Now and again I think about everything.
From our first day to the last.
We felt like we knew each other,
But we hadn’t met in the past.

Sometimes, I think I hate myself for it:
Falling in love at eighteen.
Now stuck in the Present,
Did I mean anything?

Was it good to pass the time?
Was it your reason or rhyme?
Was I your chapter sublime?
Girl, I know you were mine.

— The End —