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Aug 2014 · 175
Same page
Brett Campbell Aug 2014
It's hard to fathom these feelings
Even I'm having trouble believing
Why is it so hard for me to explain
The passion and the pain
I just can't help but love you more
Than I did the day before
But you are with her
And I'm just a blur
And I can't help but wonder
What could I do to change
To put us on the same page
So we can be together
I'm really into this person and I just don't know what to do cause I love them but they **** me off
Aug 2014 · 200
Real pain my love
Brett Campbell Aug 2014
Looking at how much fun you have with her
Is what really kills me inside
Just the look on your face when you look at her
It tears me apart and puts me back together all wrong
I'm not the same after I've seen the two of you do something cute
My attitude just plummets
Knowing that our friendship isn't worth as much to you as it is to me
That my love is what real pain is
Jul 2014 · 239
Happy broken love
Brett Campbell Jul 2014
You fell for her as I fell for you
Your happy, she's happy, so I'm happy too
Although I'd prefer it to be another way
The joy in your eyes convinced me to stay
Like dominos I fall for you you fall for another
But being blue isn't really my color
Forever, like a tattoo, you etched on my skin
So I'll always love you but you'll never begin
I love this person
Jul 2014 · 175
Little hope
Brett Campbell Jul 2014
I fell for you
At band practice
You sang your way
Into my heart

I have little hope
That we will ever be something
But that little hope
Is all I need
Jul 2014 · 629
Brett Campbell Jul 2014
Why do sunset
Have to be so romantic
It wasn't my intention
For us to fall in love
The sun is just some light
Not a love potion
I'm sorry
But this can't happen
Jul 2014 · 245
Stupid love
Brett Campbell Jul 2014
If God and satan had a kid
His name would be Cupid

Love is a crazy thing
It makes us feel stupid

It's good and evil
All at the same time

It's all thats on our mind

There isn't much
That we can do

Except say three petty words
I love you
Jun 2014 · 290
Brett Campbell Jun 2014
Why has the world become cliché
I can already guess what you're going to say
All the brilliant thoughts have been taken
But it's **** time the world gets shaken
We need new creative minds
People to make new finds
Paint some new art
Isn't this something you want to be apart
When the world changes for the better
I want to say that I wasn't bitter
I was already prepared for  the day
When the world wasn't so cliché
im tired of everything being the same, everyone is addicted to their phone or something and I think its time we change that. We should all be different and show it off.
Jun 2014 · 321
Why I love you
Brett Campbell Jun 2014
The taste of coffee on your lips
Your hands on my hips
Our endless talks
And through the woods walks
Snug as a bug
Curled up in your hug
The way we flirt
The smell of your shirt
How you care
The secrets we share
Out passionate kiss
The relationship bliss
Is why I love you
I wrote this for a friend of mine who was going to say it to her bf but they broke up before he heard it

— The End —