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Sep 2013 · 728
The Game
Brett Sep 2013
Players are we all
for so it seems
attraction nowadays
results in the game

there is always some game to it
depends how you look at it
which side you are
what benefit you aim
what you do seek from it all

a message is sent
a wait is kept
all intensifying as time goes on

tick tock
yet again you look
still nothing
what do you do
how are you feeling
do they care
are they real

tick tock
feels like time stands still
your thoughts rushing
your head muddled

tick tock
a reply

so you hope
you do get on in life
but still wonder
are they real

why do they play
why not just be genuine
protection they say
careful they do act

do they even care
do they realise
do they understand

or is it all just mere words
on a screen
you write
you read
you send
you wait

the game it feels
to wait for what
a sign of interest
showing that they think of you
that they may want you for you

seriously now
be real
do they even realise
or understand

tick tock
a game is all it boils down to
for this
for that
for hope
for what really?

Do you play the Game??
Aug 2013 · 381
Infinite Time We Are
Brett Aug 2013
WE are what we are
for each moment has been
in this moment we are
lost in thoughts
on what will be the next instance

ARE there more moments
we ponder over
that have been
before us and after us

TIME to go
for that is the moment
of what does come
future sees what we do not

INFINITE is all that is
let it come for us
take us and make us
our path does cross
somewhere out there
for ever to be
Jul 2013 · 474
The Words
Brett Jul 2013
What we write
we say

Are they ours
Are they yours
Are they anyones

We all write
what we feel
both mindful
and meaning

However a word
is just a word

do we write it
do we think it
do we feel it
what do we really do with it

It comes to us
we flow
as our thoughts go
for we not know what comes
till it is infront of us

then the WORD is written

Our meaning is different from yours
what we portray is ours
it differs from what you read

It means the same though
your perception says more
than mere words do

Even though we all write just words
they hold us
captivate us
entrap us
into your thoughts
trying to understand you
yes you the writer
yes you the reader

Words are just that
its the meaning
the power
the understanding
the context

that makes
your words
our words
the words

become truth to us all
Read what you want
See what you want
Believe what you want
Feel what you want

For we write
you read
we feel
you feel
you try to understand the complexity of who we are
as the writer and the reader

Jul 2013 · 615
Brett Jul 2013
How we see each day
as it comes and goes
with it so do we
in present
and future
are we

How we live it
is our choice
how we see it
is ours to see

How do you see our life
Is not the same as me


Only we can live our Life

Be Happy in spirit
Be True to yourself
For then you are truly happy
Open up your eyes
Enjoy the true nature
of what life has to offer

i tell you
but you do not hear

but you do not see
what is truly there


You are you
It is your life
Why not be happy
enjoy life to the full

Truth is just a word
It is a feeling
So be truthful to yourself
See the truth in LIFE
Jul 2013 · 537
A closed Mind
Brett Jul 2013
A closed Mind
is what you have
closed to see what is there

For little is seen
not realised
true potential

Time to move on
a space is there
in time and place
for little is going

round and round
thoughts are had
little time
is left

move on
think differently
time to stand still
no more

up and away
feel free
peace in thoughts be had

now in this
speak what you may
think what must be
time is the teller of all things

A clsoed mind
be that of yours

Open it and see
Feel alive again
time does tell

move on
time has come and gone

now you see
now you dont
for with each second
new thoughts come and go

so be gone
are old thoughts
new thoughts are due

A closed mind
now let it free
Come i say

Let you open up and see
how free you truly are
A closed mind you now have

A never ending circle
you travel your thoughts in
so closed and still
in time you be


Let your mind be
Jul 2013 · 769
To... A Natural Beauty
Brett Jul 2013
I have seen you many times
never realising the true value within you
not till that day
when we did speak

for since then i have thought about you
about what we spoke about
how you feel
what you feel
what you think

a natural beauty i see you as
so much potential there is
that within you i do see
so much to offer

it seems you are not truly happy
love is what you make of it
happiness comes from the truth within us all

be truthful to yourself
be true to what you want in life

how do you really feel
only you can asnwer that

From our car journey
i did tell you
so much of what i see and feel
that now time has gone by
i think about you
and see you are still in the same place
as you were that day

For now i have seen you
a few times since
each time so different but so alike
for each has been unannounced
so i have seen your natural beauty

I wish i could take your hand
to lift you up and show you
that there is more to you
you are worth more than you feel
right now

To offer you what you have lost
to take what i see
A natural beauty
so much potential
so rare an individual
that has touched me so

With you comes happiness
Free spirit

To see you smile
to hear you laugh
to smell your aroma
to touch your heart
to feel your touch
to see you for you

A natural beauty you are to me
for there is more than what the eye does see
a depth that has been closed
turned off to those that do not see
for feelings are trapped
emotions are off

Little it truly known
A small part is rarely seen
Taste of you is never felt
Caress of such softness is not fully appreciated

Limited is what you have felt
from words once spoken
your mind body and soul
have ceased to value
their true potential and happiness

Freedom in you
is sought but not found
fear of future may be held
darkness of what is to come
for every step is the same

so i ask of you
come take my hand
see what there is
feel what is not
sense what has been lost
find yourself
find what it is you seek

My hand i offer you
a life is what you have
take it if you look to the future
and see you for the Natural Beauty you truly are

Jun 2013 · 536
My Day
Brett Jun 2013
All i want to do is ask you something
How can i....
Have you a.....
Do you want.......

But no...
walk on by
ignore me

That is all you do
I just want to help you
But you care not
Do not listen to me
Why should you

I am just me
A passer by
Someone who wants to take up your time

Wait you spoke to me
You listened
You replied
You asked me

Now you go
By and by
Walk away
A thank you i say

You do not care
You do not really listen

Why should you
Why oh why

I was disturbing your thought
I was pestering your walk
I was intruding on your time

Now you walk on by

All i want is to....
Please can i ask
Do you mind if

I repeat myself
But no one listens
I ask so many
But so few stop

To take a minute or two
and listen
to benefit from my words
to help you

Those few that do
I thank you
for you made my day

Just a little yes
just a little time
just a little moment
Just you

Thank you i say
I will help you
This is what i do

Crowds come and go
People pass me by
Work i should do
But browse i am

Why not
For work i still do
People i still talk to
Listen i do

For you have taken a moment in time
to actually listen to me
to hear what i say
to understand the value of my words

Thank you
For today
Those few
That said YES
Working on a Saturday....
Jun 2013 · 496
Brett Jun 2013
By the light of the silvery moon
Under the blackness of night
You stand there and see
what cannot be seen

out there in time
are your thoughts
spreading across
the infinite of your mind

with such thoughts
comes emptyness
that you are just you
alone there

time goes by
light changes
night flies
yet you are still there

are you not?
Or are you?

You have not moved
yet you are not where you once were
for time has moved past you
your thoughts still out there

your mind

as you go by
staring out there
the night time changes
but do you care

since you are thinking
what are those thoughts
no where
every where

they are yours
but are they not
for they were in your mind
but do you not feel
that they now be out there

in space
and time

so you wonder
what was it you thought
as now they have changed
so have you

inside you go
feeling different
I cannot say
for they were your thoughts not mine

so you carry on
for this is now yours
so what were your thoughts
under the blackness of night
By the light of the silvery moon
By the light of the silvery moon, came to me as i was driving... the rest... well i just sat here and wrote...
Jun 2013 · 575
Tick Tock
Brett Jun 2013
is time that passes by
each second comes
and goes
with it is our life

from which we make things happen
as and when it must be
for a time n place there is
but when we get there
is it foretold
or do we come to it by ourself
as and when we should

for each minute that passes
our thoughts come and go
for within is so much
that has yet to be told
for in our life
we do hold
so much yet so little

our thoughts motivate us
from them we do so much
or so little
in them we find solace

find despair
find trouble
find hope
find happiness
we find so much is to long a list

for in them we see much
but listen to them do we
for there are so many thoughts we have
each day comes and goes
a thought lost
a thought found

within them we are who we are
we can do anything we want
for they are our thoughts
part of who we are
for we are what we are
but have you learnt that

few have found what they seek
for have they really sought
what is within them
for that is the truth

so little be told
so little be seen
so little be heard
so little be known

do you understand it
for it is you
within you
every second
every minute
every hour
every day
your life

so lead it how you will
for one day
you may finally come to see
what it is that you seek
do you not know
then listen to yourself

not others
is for you to lead
is it not your life
to enjoy and live
othesr come and go
they be part of it

that be part of you
in whatever way you let them
for they are just a part
no matter how close or far

let them in
hold them back
see yourself
before others do

why judge others
when you have not learnt
what it really is
for life is yours

take it how you want it
live it how you want
make it what you want

things come and go
learn from them as you will
do not ignore
no matter how trivial

for everything we see
we do
we hear
we think
they all make us what we are

do you really know
who you are
for are you not yourself
or are you what others want

realise your true self
the potential that is within
for only when you learn yourself
will you understand

and so i write
from a sleepless night
thoughts going through my mind
for others to see

that is if you can
Originally written on Friday, 22 May 2009 at 05:33
Jun 2013 · 534
Brett Jun 2013
From place to place i go
always moving
coming and going
never stopping

in time and space
i have been
both past and future
i have seen

but present
i am not here
for i have no place
i call my own

for i do wander
from time to time
around i go
here and there

from the past to the present
i will move about
never in one place
to call my own

for as i move
i do see
many things
come and go

few see
what i have
few felt
what has been

some see
but never realise
what is there
for eyes are closed
to what should be

as i wander
from here to there
i move about
now and then

time to move on
once again
for i am here
and you are there

for if i be
then im no longer here
for i have moved already
so see it as it should be

from place
within time
in space

never where i should be
for i am have come and gone
been there
seen what i should
now moved on

so see what you want
from whence i was
to where i go
see what you shall

for wander i do
in time
in space
in mind

for none to see
so i do carry on
moving around
until the day

when i do meet
myself where i should be
until that time comes
i will carry on

wandering where i am
where should i be
what have i been
why have i been there

for everything
comes and goes
a time and place
so ive been there
for a reason

but still i wander
i do come
and go
in the present
is my time now

for past and future
have become one
so all thats left is present
to live in

wandering about in time
is not where i should be
for once youve been there
is hard to see
what everyone sees
for so much more are you
that none do feel
like you

so wander you must do
in time
you may find
the place
you can call
your own

until that time
does come for me
i am here
but not in being
perhaps not in mind

for i wander
have been there
have been here
is all the same

no where is mine
to say it is
so travel i must
until one day

i can lay down
n pass away
in a place
where time and space
have stopped for me

that day is there
for me to see
but time is not
n space is hidden

so wander i will go
for where i stop
i dont know
for i am not there yet
here i am


just knowing that
for now i go
to join the queue

never settling
till i do find
my time in space
for me to rest

and say this is mine
where i do stay
with you i go
for now i am

no longer a wander
but a settler i be
until my days
i am here
with you i am

when one day
will come
for me to start
to go again
as i once did
my journey begins

for it happened once
so it will again
for me to pick up and go
never settle

to become part of time
within space i am
no longer anymore
just fade away

a wanderer i was
wandering in time
through space i went
but return i do
as that is all i am

a wanderer
Originally written on Friday, 10 April 2009 at 03:06
Jun 2013 · 508
Brett Jun 2013
a person is who you are
a stranger you may be
a visitor who may come and go
coming through a life you do enter

for in that life you may know
each person as you want
for you pass through
as and when you want
for it is how it has been
and how it will be

each time you do pass
a trace of you is left
a thought
a word
a meaning
a smile
a touch

each and every thing
you say or do
is remembered in a way
by one or by many
as it is what you are

whoever you pass
they will know
from you about you
and so will learn
what they must

for each person
that you do pass
in your life
has something to pass on
you may never know
may never realise
but everyone has something

from a simple word
a conversation
a look
a thought
a writing
even a smile

for it will all be stored
in your mind
to think about
look at
percieve as you will

many things will come and go
little might be said
things may be learnt
but will you understand

for every person that does come
you will see and feel
in so many different ways
words and meanings
feelings and thoughts

all in all
they will be had
no matter if you realise
for they are part of you

a stranger
can become a friend

a friend
can become more
but what that is
is upto you

why judge when your not perfect
for if you were
would you be here
why not pass what you have
onto others
let them see you for who you are

no barriers
no walls
no fakeness
no falsety

be yourself
in every way
for all to see and know
let you be you
and others will know

let life pass you by
with those that come and go
learn from all and one
for each have a tale to tell
to be learnt and understood

only a few do realise
only a few do see
only a few do understand

the few that have insight
that do accept and be
will become seen
for more than there worth

for do little they see
the worth in themself
but in others they see
the world as it is and can be

a person you are
little in life you are not
for you make your path
and you touch others
even if you do not realise it
for you are you
and that is life
Oringally written on Friday, 22 May 2009 at 05:46
Jun 2013 · 622
Brett Jun 2013
a thought is said
a word not told
a life is held
in every moment

for in it be
a second to us
a lifetime there be had


nothing heard
for nothing said
unwise to all
for it be told

a listener there is
for who it be
many say
so have asked

within it be
to be said
when it is
not before
not after
just when it is

many are there
unbeknown to him
so many

a night
a day
all are one
all have become none

words are trivual
to understand it
for it be as it is
as once was
as will be

a star is born
a star goes out
time is eternal
are we not so

within there be
so much to say
so little time to be said
nothing to understand

why say what is not heard
for who truly listens
do we ever

are we really
such is said
not heard
but should it be

too much there is
too little too late
past its all
present its become
future who knows

time is as it is
just please realise that

unspoken it remains
an so it shall
there is a time and place
in life for everything to be
from birth to death
once or more

understand we will not
for we are not us
let the stars be


is all here and now
and was
and will be
we are just a speck
for dust is all everything is

to complex
you have read
understand you will not

Originally written on Friday, 3 July 2009 at 00:45
Jun 2013 · 774
Simple Life
Brett Jun 2013
how simple is it
for us to have
but little do we
for its hard

to learn
to teach
to play
to enjoy

feel what there is
so simple it be
yet everything that is
be said

is taken hard
no matter
where or when
for it is so

that we do take
what should be simple
and becomes hard
for that is life

how we do take it
in whatever way it be
no matter
we say

we cope
we deal with
we get up n carry on
**** we say

but deep down how simple is it
for us to see
but none do
that life is as easy
as it really is

just things come and go
time and place
there be a lesson in everything
but do you learn?

that is why
so simple it be
for hard comes from it
to make us see

that life is not what it is
or should be
but what we make of it
what others make of us

for we do not live
how we want
but for others we do
the things that are done

in doing so we become part of one
humdrum in life
that daily plod
get up
go do it
go to sleep

and so the cycle goes
no break
no change

how simple do you want it to be
do you not understand
do you not see
have you not learnt
open and feel
for it is right there

alone one stays
seeing it for it is
but understand be not
for time n place is not right

so much is said
so much is written
so little is understood
so few do realise

simple is life
for it is what it is
so be yourself
feel the breeze

stand n see the wind in the trees
remember what it was like as a child
let loose the humdrum
feel it as it is
simplicity in life

you know what i mean
take time out
look and see
feel n hear
not what is said
but what is not

dont let it go by
for then regrets
as a time gone by

remember it all
how simple it once was
but really
its just that simple

so go and enjoy
Originally written on Sunday, 19 July 2009 at 23:51
Jun 2013 · 481
A thought
Brett Jun 2013
a thought it is
that you do read
a poem it is called
but a thought no doubt it is for all

take it as you see it
understand it you may not
for my thought it is
for all to see

we all have thoughts
little to big
some dark n despair
some joyful n happy

all are what they be
for in time they come and go
but a thought they will always be
take it as you want it

for little is there in them
for anyone but you
no matter what it is
its part of who you are

it be there then it be gone
for its just a thought
the memory might last
it might come n go

be it deep
or be it shallow
its there in your mind

understand it ye may not
see it for what it is
feel it within you
forget its meaning

any of these it may be
come and time will go
go and it may remain

within it stays
for time itself
a thought to you
but to many
who knows

what is will be what is
a time n place for everything
so read as you will
forget as you may
remember what you do
a thought be just that

a memory
a passing
a thread of what might be
of what could be
of dreams n wishes
of aspirations

take a thought for what it is
for little do you understand
for within in is so much
yet little is seen

take heed of your thoughts
for they are all wise
no matter what they be
a lesson is there to be learnt
just see it for what it is
for we all have thoughts

so let them come and go
within you be

a penny for your thoughts............
Originally written on Sunday, 19 July 2009 at 23:20
Jun 2013 · 406
A Time forgotten
Brett Jun 2013
you have opened up what was never there,
you have awakened the lost sleep
you have brought divine truth
you have raised your hands
you have held me
you have me

i am yours
i am open to you
i am lost in your eyes
i am empty to be filled by you
i am loved by you
i am with you
i am you

you are me
we are one
we are two
we were lost
we are complete
we are now one

Originally written on Tuesday, 29 March 2011 at 00:45
Jun 2013 · 507
The Lost Love
Brett Jun 2013
what once was is now lost
for it was gained
spoken of

but now
its forever lost
the feeling is there
the truth is there

but can never be gained again
as it was once
it will never be again

for the past it was from
and so the past it will stay

seek it though may
find it you will
feel it you will not
for it be no more

hurt instead
says one
says another
death inside
says all

trust was once earnt
within time it was gained
after trust came love
in love we come

but love we loose
in lost we are
for we hurt

words are just that
feelings are more
honesty and truth above all

is of old
and new
but still
its tainted

it comes and goes
in time
does it heal
does a new love come

who knows
who cares
do you
or do you hurt

feel lost

how do you feel
like words are just words
meaning and actions
show love

for within those
is everything
eternal it should be
broken it is now

for you to feel
now go in pieces
and curl up n cry
let it out
that scream
that anguish
the lost love

so it be once
and forever it was meant
from heart it was felt
but no more it be

for its forever hurt
broken into pieces
never to be fully fixed

enjoy what you have
while you have it
for it will be lost
and then you will know

how it feels to have lost
Originally written on Monday, 7 December 2009 at 00:08
Jun 2013 · 531
Brett Jun 2013
what is seen by them
what is hidden
for not many dare seek what is behind them
few do see
few do look







these are but just a few
for we all see
but we do not want to
for some its one

for some its another
we do look
at each other
but we only see what we want

in one night i saw
so much yet so little
from within it did all come
so many n so much

expressions in the eyes
for so many reasons
so much not said
just looks
all in their eyes

why so many
so much
so little disregard

why oh why
are we all like that
for are our eyes
not windows to the soul

that is for you to decide
if so be wary of what you see
for within us all is so much
and so much is said in our eyes

take a good look at ourself
behind what we see
what is there really

like it for what it is
see it for what there be
within those eyes
is you and me

that is what one says
for are you not looking back at yourself
for are they not part of you
but so see what is in others

do we all see the same
or just our perceptions differ
from what is
what will be

within those eyes
that do see
for so much there is
not said but can be seen

so see
open them
look at what there is
for within is so much
not what is not

hidden no more
let loose n view
what should be seen
so be free from it all

open your souls
let loose the truth
feel free from your bonds

open your eyes!
Originally written on Sunday, 19 July 2009 at 23:52
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
A Cloud
Brett Jun 2013
i was travelling two days ago
by coach
i was sat on the left
by the window

i looked out in transit
just gazing at the fields
as life was going by and little did i see
the usual countryside
flashing by each time the hedge was low
to see the cows and horses
grazing happily

but on one occasion i looked out
and was looking at the sky
just letting my mind go
at how peaceful it all was

a clear blue sky
few clouds high up
the sun coming and going
hiding behind the odd one

but as i looked out
i noticed this one cloud
so low it was
that i felt i could reach out
and touch it

white n billowy
no exact shape to it
just a cloud it was

but seeing it so low
i was amazed
just wondering why it was so low
how it could be
what kind of cloud it was

taking me back to georaphy
listening to the teacher
talking about different types of clouds
what they were n how they were called so

but still i couldnt remember
what it was called
but the fact was it just amazed me
sitting there was i
staring at this cloud

as we drove on by
just wondering in awe
reaching out and touching it
so low it was

that i could put my arm
through the window
n grab this cloud
n just feel it within my grasp

all it was was a simple cloud
but why even now do i think about it so
was it that peaceful to me
to just admire a cloud
that was so low i could touch it

for it was no more than a few storeys high
if had been an office tower there
then you would of walked up
through it
and above it
but who would or really noticed it

i noticed it
i lost myself in it
my mind wondering
just thinking about a cloud
how simple it is
that it was just there
like all the others

but so low it was
that i could of touched it
well thats how it felt to me

but to me that was all i noticed
to someone else they may not of seen
for who knows
as that moment has gone now

no cloud will ever be the same
for now i have that thought
that little clip of time n space
deep in my mind i hold that feeling

of how a simple cloud
made me feel
lost in thought

do we really take
such a simple thing in life
so granted that we dont notice
the inner beauty of its existence

well now you know my thought
how a single cloud
has made me feel
two days ago on a trip i made
Saturday, 16 August 2008 at 19:52
Jun 2013 · 491
Brett Jun 2013
We are all but alone
in time and space we are
for now we are here
we are gone tomorrow
for time will take us
space will have us
we go to whence we came

earth brought us
space filled us
time elapsed around us
spirit was within us

we have been
we are
we will be

we are what we are
accept that within us all
accept who you are
for you are more
we are all more
than what you know

do not speculate
why access

be all
be none
be more

why assume
when you are
for you are more
than you realise
the potential
within time and space
of our lifetime

become one
become many
become none

for we start as none
we become many
we become one
we find who we are
we define what we are

you are you
never forget that
understand yourself
be happy in you
see what is not there
for then you are true

the truth will set you free
so many have said
find it and you will see
seek it and you shall find it

be none
do none
become all
for you are all
we are all one
and none

back to time and space we do go
so i say now
find who you are
become yourself
happiness is what you make of it

open your soul
your heart
close your eyes
silence your ears
let your soul become you

for we are none
we are few
we are many
we are all

look up
see what is lost
find what you shall seek
but not with your eyes
time is now upon you

do not hinder what you do
for time will go
and so will you
regret will come
and so will i

for when i do
you shall know
the end of your time
but a warning there be

find yourself
for you
then happy
be all

heed that warning
for then you shall be
more than you ever dreamed
not only in your life
but in that of your generations

for the universe shall have you again
and then so shall i
Jun 2013 · 414
Brett Jun 2013
who are you
not what are you
why do you not see
why let others see for you

do you not care
what you are
who you are
why you are

do not realise
your potential
do not limit yourself
for there is more to come

so much more
to you
do not let life tear you away
bear with it
for truth does prevail

come with it be
the life once was
stripped away
the past

let the future bring
the you that is
not what was
not the old
but the new

a flame is lit
in the darkenss of you
let it shine
for within you it grows

do not hide the glow
let is out
let all see
what is truly within you
deep it may be
fire in the soul

passion there is
so be it
let that out
no longer hide away

for you are you
so show it
be yourself for a change
find that crack
break that mould

let all see
the truth of
Jun 2013 · 510
Brett Jun 2013
where does it lead
why is it there
is it closed
is it open

that door there
yes that one
in front of you
not that one
close your eyes
now you see it
that one there

for there be so many
is it that hard to see
why keep it closed
why not open it
see what is behind it

dare you
scared are you
fear is there
pain be near
so many emotions
you do feel

that door there
yes that one
why keep it closed

a door can lead anywhere
locked away

too many doors
there be
why keep  it closed

open it
if you dare
open it
if you care
open it
and let yourself free

why keep it closed
yes that door there
why lock it
when you know its not there

a door it is
why it be so
what is really behind it
the truth

so open it
let yourself go
no door
can hold you
for it is your door
to hold

its only a door
so break it down
break free
open that door...
Jun 2013 · 387
Brett Jun 2013
A dear friend asked for some inspiration from me.... As i sat there thinking what to say... this is what my mind brought forth:

Look in a mirror
look into your eyes
Seek what is within
for do not search
as that will not tell
what is it you desire

For inspiration
Do not search
Just let it be
An your words will flow
Jun 2013 · 375
For a Friend
Brett Jun 2013
**** happens, do not let anyone get to you,
is your life, if you get knocked down, get back up tell them to shovel it...
and carry on smiling and things get better....
may take time, may hurt like hell...
but from the past rises the present and from the present you learn for the future!

I know we were never close, but you were always good to me and with me, and anytime you need a good chat, i may not be close by
but i am here and can read your words,
if its for a scream and shout... so be it...
if its for a shoulder and a cry... then let it be...
these words i say to you as a friend

— The End —