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479 · Dec 2014
amazing device
Brent Hunter Dec 2014
As I fade into the night my love for you is an amazing device. I'm you ! As you are me.I smell you and hear your soft voice,I love you today ,Tomorrow and as long as I breathe you will forever hold the key..
349 · Apr 2014
palm read
Brent Hunter Apr 2014
Have you ever had your palm read ? I had mine green ! If your ripe your rotting ,,
291 · May 2014
the water...
Brent Hunter May 2014
As i sit and glance into the raging water, A life passes before my eyes ! We are here know longer then a space between a blink and a tear .One voice is one more then none .I shall stamp my name in this crusted planet they call earth....

— The End —