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Brenda Strausz Mar 2017
I have come to live my life out loud.
And in joyous celebration.  
Amidst the noise and squalor,
I will see the beauty in every day.
And the eyes that know longing.
The hearts that hurt.
I will not cower among the wounded.
I will not wilt and hide as the sun scorches me.
I will stand up for sunshine.
And rainbows.
And dreams.
And children playing.
And acts of kindness, charity and love.
And dogs cuddled by fireplaces
And cats purring on a lap.
And brave people.
And those who need love.
And rolling down grassy hills and splashing in pools
I bow down to people who take risks and people who care.
And I will shout from the rooftops that life is good.
Brenda Strausz Mar 2017
Oh little me, go cry, go blow your nose
Where only teddy knows and God.
And don't cry forever
Forever is eternity,
And eternity is never.
Go, go, go.
Run, run, run.
Just to stay where you are.
And little, little, little,
Don't forget your Kleenex.
Teddy bear will drown.

— The End —