I thought I could stave off the insanity
Because we ended so well
But I drove through a storm
And I became one
I talked to you
Out loud
Pretended you were still sitting beside me
Launched a conversation that I only wanted to have with you.
I told you
I wept
I confessed
I begged
I reminisced
“How ironic,”
I said at one point in the one sided conversation
“That we should work together better than we ever have now it’s over.”
And I smiled bitterly
And sobbed.
I knew what you’d say,
I could almost hear the deep sounds of your voice
Oh how I craved them.
‘Don’t call.’
The still sane part of me whispered.
‘Let him let you go’.
So I told his ghost.
That I missed him.
How hard it was, him being the only one I wanted to talk to about it.
I told him that I knew he was on the road to moving on from me
That he was already well down the path of discovery
And that he’s soon figure out
That he could do so much better
Than me.
That the evidence was
I was no longer a priority, did he notice?
He forgot me, for long stretches.
I am both happy and heart broken about it.
Did he not remember how I feared being forgotten.
I told his ghost it was okay he was already forgetting.
That the part of me that loves him cleanly
Knew this was the right way to go.
I told his ghost the part that loved him selfishly
Was the part hurting the most
How it protested the forgetting
And begged me to call him.
To return to him.
“I’m still so in love with you”
I cried into the night.
Ah and this is where the insanity sets in
The Unmet expectations
The guessing
I love you.
But I can’t keep doing this to you.
I can’t keep calling you back to me.
So watch me go
Feel my rain, my thunder
And then forget as I drift away
Like a passing storm
I found myself waiting on you, grasping onto whatever fragments I could. I just wanted you, to talk to you as I soon discovered talking to anyone else about it was futile because they didn’t get it. We said so much. And you’re getting over it so fast, I feel left behind in the pain and alone in it. See what I mean about insanity. You’re all I want. It is hard to feel that, feel you leaving. I think silence is better than expecting words and missing them. I know I need to let you go, but I just can’t yet. Not yet. I wish you were here.