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Never to land, never to fly.
Recovery is the only choice.
Story: no ones alone
Genre:historical fiction
Main characters:Johnny,Shana,filiona,Kano

Its 1862 and the Civil War is still going on, Johnny Colam was at his house watching his mother and his small brother and sisters since his father was in the war. Later that day up the drive they saw military men and they knew that they contained the letter saying that his father had died by friendly fire. His mother was especially sad but Johnny was very surprised that his father ,since he was such a good soldier, had died. The next week A general came to thier house and told his mother that Johnny was to be sent to war to replace his father. His mother ,trying to beg and beg to keep Johnny at home, had failed. Johnny had to go to war that day. He went day and night for five weeks and thought he was not going to survive."I need water I need food" he tried to say they had a limit of food and water since it they needed a lot to survive the war. It was very cold and many soldiers have fallen but been replaced by new recruits.

On the way Johnny and another soldier were sent to hide behind trees near where one of the enemy soldiers were going. But to their surprise the soldier turned and motioned more soldiers to come with. As they watched the soldiers they lost sight of them. "Where did they go" Johnny whispered. His partners response was just 1 shrug of his shoulders. All of a sudden Johnny and the other soldier were GRABBED. They were taken to the enemy's chamber and locked up. Johnny and his partner were thrown into the chamber. "I should of known this would happen" The other soldier said. "Luckily I snuck in and pretended to be my brother.
            "What do you mean"
             "Wait your a girl" Johnny was very surprised. "My name is Shana" the girl said. All of a sudden cling clang click screech they looked and saw a girl and boy at the cell door and they said "come with me and Kano"
Johnny and Shana nodded and followed. "My name is filiona" she said as they followed then they stopped. GUARDS EVERYWHERE! They were surrounded slowly they all rose up there hands but filiona did not. Instead of surrendering she just stood there. Finally when the guards came closer by 2 steps filiona kicked and punched and did the hardest move out of all the fighting moves,the thunder swirl, and she did it perfectly.

They watched as she kicked and punched and blocked the guards weapons. "Ok let's move". The three just stared with wide open eyes.
"Well are you coming". All three blinked twice and followed once again.
    "How did she do that" thought Johnny. He felt like he knew filiona from somewhere and at that moment he had a vision. A girl with black hair and tan skin was walking on a skinny pipe and fell off and must of drowned but the body was not discovered."It couldn't be it just couldn't" he said quietly to himself.

   The place they were taken to was a old cabin with many hand made weapons. They each chose one. Kano chose the staff, Filiona chose the chain and Shana chose the knife. "I i can't use a weapon I can shoot though." Th others just glared at Johnny and gave him a metal polet  

"Hey hey hey" Johnny jumped up from the sudden noise. "EN GARDE"Johnny yelled as his hand flew across the room like a clumsy sword.
           "OW" THUMP "SHANA!"

"Huh"  Jhonney finally  opens his eyes and saw a hard pole in his hand then looking down saw Shana with blood out her nose and mouth uncauncious lying on the floor.

While the whole group surrounds her Jhonney just standing like a brick wall. Finally shana wakes and then after making her go to sleep Jhonney tries to run but Kano is to fast for him. Kano then tackles him while the group follows. The group then beats him up and leaves him there luckily for him emergency helpers get him and Shana and take them for 15 years. When they finally awoke the were sent to a foster home, for all of there families had died. Kano,Filiona,Shana,and Jhonney were all sent to the foster home. While they were in high school Kano and Shana were populer also was to. They saw Jhonney scream at Shana for leaving him out so,as most would do, they tricked him to meeting them after school. When Jhonney came he saw the football player and just walked past them. The group then yelled and teased him so he ran.

The group had promising futures. Filiona was a AWSOME fighting trainer, Kano was a football player, Shana became a famous motivational speaker, And Jhonney, well he had many jobs. One was a part time  test dummy for the rich people since there government was a confederate,oligarchic  government the rich people tested the medicines on him but mostly Jhonney is a underwater and land explorer.
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My cat is funny
My cat is dumb
My cat is lovely
It would be a ***
To have no one
And my cat not shown
But she's like a bone
And a never paid loan
She's kept forever
In my world
And I love her
Like a little girl
A death is pain
And yes it hurts
But you can't switch lanes
Cause life is alert
Making you stay
In your own line
Driving on day after day

Like this world says your name
Whispering in the wind
With a voice full of vain

Like this world
Is out to get you
Make your heart cold
Like the man below
But only God
Takes the goods man soul

Like a straight rod
Is what we are
Standing there
In the middle
Of a lightning storm
We're in cold
Nothin keepin us warm

There's more than life
And more than pain
Like a lil kite
the wind keeps you sain
There's emotions
And there's problems
That we can't solve
But that we can help

Yes I've learned
About a good mans death
But I'm still not healed
Cause death can hurt
But not forever
It can make me shiver
But it can make see
How much I know
About this world

I wrote this in memory of my grand father who's now passed
His name was Rhodes Slaughter Werth and he passed a few weeks ago so I wanted to write this poem.
The ones with wings
That shine
Bright with white
And gold

The ones with heart
Big and bold
That help ours
To live and to grow

It's the Angels that fly
High and higher in the sky
Each star is an angel
Each angel is a sign

A sign of hope
For the people
Of the lord
Who gave his life

Gave the Angels that fly
Fly by us
To give us hope and freedom
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