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Breanna Riddle Aug 2017
As I watch you
I am struck with wonder
Not as to how you move so easily
Nor how you do it so gracefully
But more in wonder of how something so beautiful
Can live in this world
It's not that your beauty  cannot be matched
Nor that it is uncommon
But rather that this world tends to make beautiful ugly
You see I used to be beautiful
I was sweet and calm
So innocent
Then this world turned me cold
I lost the light
And became the darkness
I was once beautiful
But now a forgotten face in this puzzle we call life
I am just another piece of this endless board game
And not the kind you enjoy playing with your family
But rather the kind that makes you ignore your family for days
You see I am nothing more than a star in the sky
I am no more uncommon than an ant in an ant farm
And no more wanted than a flea on a dog
You see you are beautiful
You are the light I once craved for
And now you fly alone
Flower to flower
It's as if I could reach out
And just grasp you
But I am not alive
Because beauty doesn't live forever
And soon you will meet your fate
Just as I have
Then I will hold you
Breanna Riddle Aug 2017
I am falling
Not from a tree
or some other tall structure
But I am falling apart
Not because I am broken
And not because the glue is coming undone
You see
With age
Comes wear and tear
And instead of wearing
I am tearing
Not by my choice
But that of mother natures
You see
Everyday I wear a smile
But who knew that smile
Would one day be the reason
That I fall apart
You see mother nature has set a standard
Its not something she meant to
I'm sure of that
But it is a standard non the less
You see everyone is born happy
And though we all have our bad days
We are expected to be okay yet again
Yet I
Along with many others
Struggle to smile again
It's not that we don't want to
It's that we can't
You see we know the true intentions of this world
People who smile we perceive as naive
It's as if they are welcoming betrayal with open arms
We see their smile as a weakness
And yet strength at the same time
You see we were taught
At a very young age
That if you are strong
You will pick yourself back up when you fall
But as I grew
I learned
That strong people will hide how they feel
We are strong
And they are too
But that's not how the world sees it
So instead of crying when I get back up
I think I'll just fall a little longer
Until I am strong enough
Not to pick myself up again
But to not let them see me cry
Breanna Riddle Aug 2017
I was in a room
a dark dark room
Of course it wasn't really a room
and it wasn't really dark
You see the room is my mind
the darkness is depression
I say that I was in a room
because I'm no longer depressed

I was stuck in a box
a very messy box
Of course it wasn't really a box
and it wasn't really messy
You see the box is my feelings
the mess is my own thoughts
I say I was in a box
because I'm no longer afraid to express myself

I was stuck in my mind
my very messed up mind
Of course it wasn't really my mind
and my mind wasn't messed up
You see my mind is my family
and the mess is me
I say that I was stuck in my mind
because I'm not stuck with people who don't love me anymore
Breanna Riddle Aug 2017
I remember the day that I  met you
That was the day I realized you werent a stranger to me
Sure we had only just met but I knew you
I knew the child that hid behind your eyes
Because that child hides behind mine
It was as if we were connected
Not physically and not mentally but emotionally
Like we were both the playground for this sick child
As if were only meant to hide this child
As if this child was meant to be inside of us
You see I know you
Maybe not like a best friend or even an acquaintance
But I know you
I know you  more than anyone else
Sure I don't know your favorite color
And I don't even know what you name is
But I know you
That look on your face
And the sadness in your eyes are all to familiar
You see when I was a kid
I was happy
Just like you were I'm sure
But one day it changed
You know the feeling
Its all to familiar
You see one day youre smiling
You're happy and then
You're lost
Something changed
And you want to be happy
because thats what they expect
But how can you be happy when your lost
We are adults now
And yet children at the same time
Not because we are slow
And not because we aren't mature
But because we were never loved
without love we cannot grow
and I know that's not my fault
But I can't blame the child either
The child in a way protects us
Shes hurt and doesn't know who she can trust
Without trust there is no connection
without connection there is no feelings
and without feelings there is no pain.
I know you
Because I can't feel it either
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
I'm alone
in the dark
It's cold here
and i can't get out

I'm alone
in my struggle
It's cold here
and there's no one to cuddle

I'm alone
in my battle
It's cold here
and i feel like lost cattle

I'm alone
in my life
Its cold here
and i want a better life

I'm alone
in my sorrows
It's cold here
and it will still be tomorrow

I'm alone
in my pain
It's cold here
and warmth I cannot gain
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
If mom were still here
I would be different
And I would be able
To call you my dad

If mom were still here
I would be happy
And I would be able
To actually love you

If mom were still here
You wouldn't of remarried
And I would hug you
Just like I used to

If mom were still here
I would still be your little girl
Because your new wife wouldn't be there
To tear apart my whole world
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
On our flag
Three colors show
With thirteen stripes
And 50 stars as white as snow
Each color is special
And each makes a stand
For our country it waves
In our brave soldiers hands
White is for the purity
Of each loving soldiers loyalty
And Red is for the blood they see
And the blood that they have shed for me
Blue is for the aching hearts
Of the soldiers who lives soon fell apart
Our flag is a symbol
For a soldiers life
A life so very precious
And as beautiful  as a stary night
So look at our flag
And remember the story
And please hold them high
In a commemorating glory
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