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Jan 2014 · 549
Bre Shaw Jan 2014
Throw the wind this way.
Point one way with one hand,
and take mine with the other.

Bring me home to your mother.

I'll wear a dress,
But I confess,
the dirt on your face
makes me hate lace.

**I'm just itchin' to be free.
Jan 2014 · 507
Laws of Living
Bre Shaw Jan 2014
The feeling of your skin
Against my skin
Is deliberate.

It was meant to be.

Like a flame beneath a candle,
There is a greater law saying it is so.
And passively we melt together,
Relishing reality in what we have deemed a dream.

It must be so,
And we are happy it is to be.
Dec 2013 · 460
I, Contact...
Bre Shaw Dec 2013
Time has grown a little older since we were young
losing tires in parking lots.
Leaving out the front door to be together in the back seat.
And I remember
Spending the night feeling the sound of a summer storm.
Your car echoeing the sounds of an ancient beat.

And I remember
how it moved me.

But when I danced naked in the rain,
you didn't care too much either way.
You watched me,
but I wondered how you could see me.

And then I realized
You were a storm yourself.
One moment calm and controlled
And the next cold and torrential.
With no expression you stared as my movements slowed.
Under their gaze I was disobedient.
A child who should be in bed.

I almost cared.

I laughed as I spun away.
And this time
I danced for me.
Not for you.
You never had to see me.
I was free.

Finally, hip popped and panting,
I glared over my shoulder to meet your eyes,
Defiance radiating from every muscle.

But the storm had already passed
and you just smiled.
Watching me.
Really watching me.
And that was better than any smell
after any rain I could have ever danced naked for you in.

I just danced in you instead.
And watched you as you watched me.
Dec 2013 · 972
Give and Take
Bre Shaw Dec 2013
I asked the World, "What can I give?"
The World answered back, "Well, what do you got?"
I said, "Not much."
He said, "That'll do."
So I spit in his face and I gave it to you.

You tipped your  hat and extended your hand,
gracious and grateful and grand.
I said, sweet as honey, "You're my kind of man."
And I jumped in the back of your van.

Half lost, half found we tumbled around
the county the country the sea.
I stuck my head out the window and screamed to the World,
"And you tried to take this from me!"

The World bit his lip as he spit out his dip.
"You'll see what you've done soon enough."
"I ain't scared of nothin'!" I said, shirt unbuttoned,
"besides, I like it rough."

I woke with a start, a missed beat of the heart,
And I rose to look for a spell.
It was dirt and **** and I didn't miss it a bit,
until I noticed that you were long gone.

My heart hurt bad, but my pride hurt worse
and I turned to the World slow and crooned,
"I'll except it this once, but wait a few months,
and know I'll be gone again soon."

The World laughed, "That's true,
but you'll come home again, too."
I said, "Pride sure looks ugly on you."

He took a long sip of wine
and spit out the line:
"Well, loneliness suits you just fine."

— The End —