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Feb 2012 · 1.3k
Brandon Whited Feb 2012
Portals are the shortcuts we’ve always dreamed of using
They can help speed up many things that help all.
From the process of bomb defusing
To avoiding a rather large bar brawl.

Portals can also be abused.
Easy things like getting out of bed
And making your boss bemused.
And you end up sitting in your house full of dread.

Portals may be fun for great pranks.
Such as the infinite loop
And transporting them to a certain amount of planks
But a rather clever idea is to help them jump off of a sloop.

The portals can bring an uprising
Or they could be our downfall.
Feb 2012 · 762
Brandon Whited Feb 2012
Aperture Science is like life.
We are the test subjects
and the world has every test chamber possible.
Unfortunately there is no portal gun.

Not many killer robots roam the streets
and shoot the massive population we have today.
There are large supercomputers that control multiple devices
and have their mainframes set for certain purposes.

Sure there's cake for every year you live,
But eventually you will die.
There is no true escape from the inevitable
And you will never win.
Feb 2012 · 752
Brandon Whited Feb 2012
The little white demons that sit, stare, and wait
For the right moment to strike.
They look innocent until you try to fight,
Then they seal your fate.

They are prepared on a dark assembly line
And go through harsh tests of their own.
Their performance exceeds the very word fine
And their enemies minds are always blown.

When they're knocked over
They know they have failed.
Their rapid and effortless shots while eternally sober
Seem to have like their hard drives slowly trailed.
Jan 2012 · 579
Reality Switch
Brandon Whited Jan 2012
Switching into another person’s reality would seem like a dream,
But when you realize the truth its not what its cut up to be.
Switching into someone else’s reality may make you scream,
And it may even shock you that unlike your reality you could climb a banana tree.

Everything around you is different,
You may have appeared into the most obscure cave the alternate has lived in
From room that was known as the typical environment
To an unusual place with juice and gin.

A Friday night partier no doubt.
It’s a Saturday morning and you arise with a hangover.
Then you realize you rock all night and just shout
And you find a for leaf clover

That night you party until the break of dawn.
And you arise to realize you’re back in your own reality and sigh.
Jan 2012 · 17.5k
Technological Takeover
Brandon Whited Jan 2012
Technology has been essential for ages
From the wheel to the computer
Now instead of writing pages
I will type essays for the future of my career

Technology, however, has gotten out of hand
We use it to cover up for laziness.
The television is turned on with speed so grand.
Yet you could’ve gotten up and it would’ve been considered craziness.

Technology has turned us mad
We can’t seem to live without our technology
Day by day we may look glad,
But in the end it will take over angrily.
Jan 2012 · 669
Music Affects All
Brandon Whited Jan 2012
Music can put a person in many moods
Smooth jazz puts on a mellow vibe,
While Hip-Hop can be rather up-beat and movements are rapid,
But yet they affect each individual differently.

Having these genres and many more are interesting
When the person that listens has different reactions.
He or she can find a different meaning
Compared to what someone else may think.

Classical music is meant to be heard by the youth
For mental growth and help the child expand on his or her learning.
Music such as rap from modern society could make the child boxed in
And corrupt him or her and keep the child from their future accomplishments.
Jan 2012 · 897
Life and Color
Brandon Whited Jan 2012
Life and color go hand in hand
Like the smallest grains of sand in a sandcastle
And like space that will always expand.
They may end up being a hassle.

Queer as they may be,
Yet unique in perspective,
They will always stay with thee
And they will never be solved even by an expert detective.

Colors have so much to co-exist with life
Such as red with its passions,
And the love of a husband and wife
There will never be any rations.

Or blue and its youthful regeneration
Of old times when the youngest age was the most exciting.

— The End —