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Jul 2011 · 875
Scarlet Alphabet
Brandon Laditi Jul 2011
The strength of blood
And weakness of will
Wrought in crimson
Re(a)d across my chest.

Proof of burning desire
Etched upon my soul,
And I proudly wear
My scarlet alphabet.
I'm quite the sinner
Jul 2011 · 717
Brandon Laditi Jul 2011
I held a match
To my hands today.
Matrimony made
Between man and flame;
Incensed skin and molten ash
Show hot displays of
Love ablaze.

Oh bright, blushing,
burning bride;
I walk wounded
For all my days.
Chard hands bare
Witness to
Love of flames.

Oh spreading fire
And torrid pain and
Oceans of passions
In engulfing flames.
A charcoal soul and
Black burnt skin shows
Love's touch, again.

A monument
To fiery lips
For each hot kiss
Scars my visage with
Inflammatory bliss

In pain your name,
Melted to my lips
Can love, be not, but this?
I realize the title is somewhat pretentious, but it was all I could come up with...
Jul 2011 · 511
Table Gods
Brandon Laditi Jul 2011
I took an ax to a tree,
And it said to me
"Explain life's purpose
Before you cut me down."

I said to him:
"Your hope is not to live,
But in death find peace.
A table to honor me."
I think Nietzsche would appreciate this

— The End —