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422 · Jan 2016
Brandon Colonna Jan 2016
When I was a young boy
My favorite toys were transformers
They were heroes protecting space
And they taught me that I can be
All I had to do was transform
The only thing missing was my spark
I didn't know how to be something else
Because I didn't know who I was
Or where I belong
Am I a Decepticon?
Meant to destroy those around me
Causing pain where I go
And suffering where I've been
Resorting to violence to solve my problems
And deception to avoid confrontation
Or do I rise up
And become an Autobot
And learn to love
Create from the rubble of chaos
And transform the world into something
Into something else
A better place where everyone
Is a superhero
308 · Dec 2015
Brandon Colonna Dec 2015
There is nothing so sad
As the idea of being

Almost got the grades
Almost did well in college
Almost got a good job

Almost met the one
Almost fell in love
Almost got married

Almost had a wife
Almost had children
Almost created memories

Within the idea of
Is so much potential
That can never be known
262 · Jan 2016
Trip Over Night
Brandon Colonna Jan 2016
In a room full of stars and light
We listen to the sounds of the past
Dreaming of the future
By living only the moment we exist in
We were all deep in our selves
Each pondering the lives we built
The paths we've taken
And the memories that bind us to reality
As the drugs sped up my brain
My words came out slowly
As though my voice were lined with honey
But my thoughts came like a typhoon
Thrashing about my ideas of normality
Flooding my body with emotion
And glowing in my eyes was a hallucination
Where you and I gazed at the stars
Watching as the world passed by below
While the heavens reach out endlessly
I kept grasping for a way to speak
But the words never got out
The moment was lost
But the feelings remain
261 · Nov 2015
Morning Routine
Brandon Colonna Nov 2015
When my sleep ceases
My nightmare increases
Thoughts slowly creeping
Deep into my mind while weeping
Of loneliness and dread
Before I can even leave my bed
Filling my head with a dark shadow
While the sun still has its morning glow
Blinding me with confusion,
my happiness just an illusion
I glare with eyes closed tight
Screaming in my head "THIS ISN'T RIGHT"
Some days I wish I was dead
Some nights I hope to die in bed
The isolation is choking me out
Leaving me with hollow doubt
And the stainless steel knife
Stained with fear and strife
That leaks from my heavy soul
Like tears seeping through a cracked bowl
I spend my days waiting for sleep
So I can dream of a hole six feet deep
243 · Nov 2015
You Make Me Feel Alive
Brandon Colonna Nov 2015
Everyone says love exists in the heart
But the explanation cant just be that part
Love is something so much more
than a muscle that can get sore

Love is seen within the look in your eye
When you see the golden sunset in the sky
The look you make when your favorite movie is on
Or how your eyes light up with your favorite song

Love is tasted within your lips
your smile brighter than a solar eclipse
and your laugh an incredible combo
of joy and beauty showing your inner glow

Love is that feeling in your stomach
when your here all of the sudden
and it twists and groans and aches
Like a bridge during an earthquake

Love is in the very tip of your toes
It spreads its way up your spine, up it goes
All the way to the top of your head
Where it makes your cheeks turn red

Love is no single part of a whole
but totally encompasses the soul
Shaking me from the roots of my being
Now that I know Love is just Living
235 · Jan 2016
Brandon Colonna Jan 2016
The game of plinko is very simple
The player takes one single disk
And makes a choice
They must decide where to play
With the hopes of the grand prize
Once the move is made
It can never be undone
As it makes its journey
It hit some bumps
Slowing it down
Steering away from your mark
Only to drastically change direction
For no apparent reason
When it does finally reach the bottom
It may not land where you had hoped
But just by playing the game
By choosing to make a choice
You can shape the basis for the future
You can choose your path
But it may not always be what it seems
All that matters in the end
Is that you played the game
214 · Nov 2015
Brandon Colonna Nov 2015
As I look to the sky I see the moon
I close my eyes, dreaming to see you soon

I glance away from the dark night sky
To spark my pipe and feel the high

I enjoyed the time we had
Until you left when I was mad

As I dream I exhale the smoke
Wishing my heart was yet to be broke
176 · Dec 2015
A Flower Called Change
Brandon Colonna Dec 2015
Growing over time
Planting roots into our life
Feeding on our pain

— The End —