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Brad Apr 2013
When I gaze into the future I see a long and winding road...
The destination is my home, yet it seems like an eternity away.
The real prize is not in getting home, the prize is the journey on my way to it.
Yes, familiar faces are awaiting me there...but it is my purpose in life to be one with the path that leads me there.

Just look at the beauty around us, it truly is a gift to be alive at this time.
Sure, there are people who are here to test us...but shouldn't we love in spite of hate?
Shouldn't we chuckle at our shortcomings?... knowing full well that they are there to make us grow?
How can you feel alone, when you live & breathe this very existence that was made for you?
Who said that the road home was meant to be easy?
We cannot come home without our own story.
Make it one to remember. It's never too late to do what you love doing.
We are all stars in this infinite existence around us.
Some shine brighter than others, and if you feel your star is shining dimly, break free and shine with all your might.

"The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of them who have chosen their destiny, Who has started upon their quest for the source of their being."
Know yourself and you will find your purpose.
Be one with the all because the all cannot exist without you.
Apr 2013 · 624
What is real?
Brad Apr 2013
The questions are what drives us to seek answers. Or better put, the answers give us the questions to lead us to it...

What is real?
How do we define real? Things by which we can touch?
By definition real is something that has an object existence and not being imaginary...
Radio frequency, is invisible yet very real when we have the right receptor.
Love, too is invisible, yet you feel it when a loved one is there when you need them most.
Having a dream where it alerts you to a situation in your waking life, is supposed to be imaginary, yet it manifests itself just like the dream showed you.
God, good fortune, passion...the list goes on...

The definition of real is actually a joke when you cross examine it with the things I stated above.
Isn't it moronic to try and squeeze the entire existence that is out there into a fundamentally wrong description of real?

Open your eyes, Stand on your own two feet... you call the shots, you decide what you want from your life.
Nobody has lived your life for you so go out there and go do what you love.
Make it your mission to wake up everyday with your vision of what you want your life to be, your driving force.
Know, that no matter who you are there isn't a person alive that is better than you.
When you connect with your true path, the universe will do everything in its power to help and guide you.
Remember that only you can throw in the towel. Only you can give up what you love.
Love with all of your heart... for we only have one life on earth.
Be a person of honor, be truthful yet tactful.
Hold yourself in high regard, yet be grateful for the kindness you receive.
Don't be a walkover because you are all special.
Will your life not be more fulfilling when you are living the life you love?

"without a vision the people will perish"
Every building, every triumph, every achievement was first a vision before it became reality!
The dream starts with you.
Your visions are real...use your energy to make them reality.
Apr 2013 · 804
Who am I?
Brad Apr 2013
I am nothing, yet I see myself in everything around me...
I am insignificant; compared to the all, yet the all cannot exist without me.
Be bold, be brave, go wherever the heart leads you.
How can we fear this which is ours?
Isn't it foolish to feel like foreigners in this wonderful journey that we are all a part of?
Why do we believe in things, instead of seeking only that, which is true?
Life is all that there is, experiences are the lessons we get from our master which is Life.
"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred by an external force."
Like a worm morphing into a butterfly, We will spread our wings and see existence from a plane much different from this one.
We are not the things we own, nor are we the jobs we do...we are much more.
Be brave, give love whenever possible.
Be fearless when chasing your dreams, be happy in the knowing the You, beyond the physical, has yet to reach it's journey's end.

— The End —