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503 · Jun 2014
BP Fallen Jun 2014
why is it always the same
strangled strangers
that end up at this door

wretched wrench turned like crank
they burn all night until day light comes
forgiven for their indiscretions
they sleep within a flood of dopamine

while the writers write
and the preachers preach
let's invite them in and swim within these tattered torn lives
a Mötley Crüe with no given name
yet you know them at a glance
instant instantaneous

they have become we
and we has become us
these thieves thick with tongue
cleverly crafted craftsman of the grift
invite them in and swim within
the wake of fools

you fool
490 · Jan 2017
BP Fallen Jan 2017

My this beat wicked tone
Slides against this winters bone
Breath to breathes
Shudders smokeless; rising


Agreed to never meet here again...
trample towards dissolution
In the wake of Gods Light.

Pressing palms center souls. Anger as our mortality adjusts to His adjustment. Will I be enough

Dorian grey skies unhinged at the sound of this holy war of God less men search for another prophet

Freedom from self, a unanswered promise in my heart, my own angel MALAKI freed only in Gods heaven.  

A Birdless man dies
352 · Nov 2019
Bus Folk
BP Fallen Nov 2019
All this is a transport
All this I can see

Complete and complicated
Trafficking lights a blaze a blazing

Red waters waited #

I show no hope in my gaze
Although your looks do astonish me

Your nails across my thigh... thighbone

I walked farther without you watching
A swagger in my blue cold step
Fresh as it was; washed out and faded

I fall hopeless within myself- I imagine
a lucky arrow passing my life. A moment's momentum captivating this lonely man's heart o glass

188 · Dec 2019
BP Fallen Dec 2019
I checked the crew page
Whenever becomes whatever
And my heart bleeds

Falling is nothing new
Landing in a landslide too
I'm detached

Yet I race to a destination
Within Gods journey
I find peace in the last 3 words

177 · Dec 2019
Stripmall Meds
BP Fallen Dec 2019
All I feel right now
Is pain a physical
A slouching like an ER
An error

My mind decided
I cry for help
Listen to me !
I am hurt

Not like Reznor or Cash
Not like losing you
More like a toothache
Or an apendectomy

I find no comfort
I find no relief
Hopefully this young intern
Will write me a scrip

Of sweet oxycontin or
For I am tired of feeling pain
I am tired of being sick
169 · Dec 2019
Christ Mas'
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Splinter this splinter
It hurts like a noose
Collapsing upon my neck

I'm wide awake within you
I raise a hand and turn a cheek
Grace returns in a moment (that moment)

The thin of the skin
I praise Him
148 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
Western College rapid transit
40k a semester
A Bukowski wanna be
with a bolo tie; type specific

A mating call of manners
quicken the senses
Front row center
out classed in every way

I beakon the beautiful
to continue
forgiving me

For what I know not
146 · Jan 2020
Split Aparts
BP Fallen Jan 2020
TreeTops alkaline radio
Timestamp ● AM transport
Bukowski, Bellows
Rather than you !

An estimation
of salvation (salvage)
From the ****** of crows
that bark in my general direction

I'm gliding through the mess of you...
Part of the promise my love
when you have gave me your hands a new
I love you too much to let the other one go

Rebooting a life
with the kindnesses
you so richly

amongst the alkaline radio
144 · Dec 2019
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Am I not supposed to see that !
I gaze upward upon your sightlines
Arranged just as God anticipated

An unruly exception to attraction
Bellowing in the halls of this dead letter office~ I arrange a place for my note to sit

Collecting data in the milliseconds of passing. Lying cleverly I sneak unabashed
from your grace. You ***** little *****

I see your eyes aboveground and star lit
I need a drink (gin) above a finger in you
I remind myself we are not alone MUse

A nightingale with a spell checker and Doc Marten 3 holes. Black
I hope its Chanel no 19 when I lay you down
And not another puddle **** with no hometown

Tu as ravagé mon coeur
Et moi j'ai bu ton sang
137 · Dec 2019
Bird Seed
BP Fallen Dec 2019
I'm alive with diesel
Goo Gone
Cheap Lysol

A Pendleton plaid shirt
and hot pair of RayBans
Polo green and Redwings

All things I used to take for granted
Because of you
above and beside (next to you)

I'm set apart from the mira clay
above it all
A good day earned
Like a diamond ring

A spokesman to the splintered
Frayed and reglued; revived
Likewise includes all this-
Including your doing

No expression
Drown my sorrows
Neck (nectar)
137 · Dec 2019
Taco Bell #1174
BP Fallen Dec 2019
A perfect partition of Gabriel's direction
I push this broom to and fro
Embarrassed no more

I wipe your countertops and collect your trash. As we nod our pleasantries
I needing you more than this wage

I give thanks for the bus pass my po provided and this can of shaving cream from the dollar store.

I gotta room; its $80 a week
A place to lay my head
Like Red from Shawshank
On my way to Andy you see.
133 · Dec 2019
ProBably (just the weed)
BP Fallen Dec 2019
She sat where I told her
And for that I was grateful
Granted it was her decision

I thought for a moment :
And then I began again
It seemed unbelievable

For a moment I could only hope
She would stay for good this time
All the cliques rebounding within a mind

I wonder if she'd ever rode the 40x
to Independence. An uncrowded excursion
in every way

I adrift in her every everlasting motion
A sway from to and fro...
Bus rides a seemingly unconscious time
Momentum the only thing on my side

Safe in that knowledge
I risk not a sound
Once again alone
In a wanderlust
122 · Dec 2019
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Cross within arms
A melody like another's heartbeat(s)
small gifts with weights and pulleys

Anchor down, drain
Green fields grey skies
Gods hierarchy of Grace

Meridians, melancholy and madness
A few minutes after
Another's day elevated levels
Lost on all- Allegations
121 · Dec 2019
Compass/ Moral Angle
BP Fallen Dec 2019
There is just enough space to
slide my hand around your life
Deep down slipping behind your
wicked spine

Here we are lost in the consequences
of your deception- Trustess of modern chemistry

I slip lower under the tightness of my girls sin- You feed your addiction, I pace my reaction; You feed my sin

Calypso remains a lost colony of broken helpless souls. Many remarkable moments continue to shine throughout

Until the dignity of self returns; Once again recognizable to myself. In Gods light we shine. Yahweh
119 · Dec 2019
Caravan (wanderlust)
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Danger it flows
Around you and me
Unlike anothers ability

Surrounding, collapsing upon thee
An impatience host
It rides me like a parasite

I am ok with this but that's just me
You on the other hand
Well. Just a happenstance

I hold my hand up against the sun
My hand on your knee
Wrapped inside yours

I can pressure you no more
You & Me
Peas in a pod ; All that matters

You know not c o i n c i d e n c e
Something other than
Beautiful and pure

Thank you, I truly thank just you!
112 · Jan 2020
U Turn
BP Fallen Jan 2020
Judged and discarded
Pilot lights, wayfarers and blue neon

His part-
Another puddle
A mirror disturbed
Another day lonesome

Jumping hopscotch on a tightrope
Quarters in a pocket countersink
This days events (momentum)

A back beat likewise kind
to feel under my feet
Responding heartache
seems oddly unappropriate

Within the litter of vocabulary
I find myself lacking ignition
to began again-

So I quit
112 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
As an enigma
She walks
106 · Dec 2019
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Purpose being what it is
A hallowed wall of mindfulness
The last cigarette smoked
A partition in a ****** mind

Grasping for breath your blood runs blue
I turned the key; Locked your door
I ran away

Are you safe Miss Grandeko
Because I'm still running today
From all the voices alive in here
My purpose supposed in willingness

I cannot compete competently
with your glass ****
You see loves bitter toil has no mercy
and yet I still breath

My brethren, your prayers and this head trauma focus my hopelessness
So I ride once again with lawlessness
With only Yeshwa at my side

I compete fondly with purpose of this I know only too well... E x i s t e n c e
104 · Nov 2019
SU nshine
BP Fallen Nov 2019
Our we reaching ?
Are you reaching ?

This splintered day elevated
By Gods flyboys

Wishing within this moment ~
Grace returned to a simple man (woman)

This tingle for your skin; Grace
In all of Christs love poured over you
Within the realms of Purity

As fashioned by the Angel's of God
A day just as any other: another
Day just for you and me

Set apart from pain
Grace fills my heart with perfection
As I am whole again within Gods love
104 · Dec 2019
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Walking round seems right
Wrong or wrongly rejected
You matter no more

Just a little sniff of hope (hopelessness)
Engulfs my senses
Invading the obvious

I too see the proper route
In case you should offer directions
Remembering your manners- Posted w/ tacks

All about (around) me
You flutter your delectable treat
I ponder this... For a moment

You see
103 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
Noted. May I began
Collapsing the 3 letters;
a letterpress collection
of nonsense
Wasteful sentences
of youthful melancholy;
drugs o cheer
I raise a glass and toast your
wicked ways -
98 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
apathy nevertheless
Upon the
I met
BP Fallen Jan 2020
And here I am again,
My girl
Shifting from a chance thought
that in fact memories were
being made

A renegade with a Tori Amos CD
A tattered pair of my 501's
By the way-
Can I get those back?

I was reminded rather quickly
That I was already in love
I wish you never took those pills
You know ones my love

The ones that allowed another man
to take ownership of your heart
Collapsing fragmentation of cuffs
to the hands and the toes

I still love you and I'm cleverly aware
of exactly how much that hurts...

All pleasantries aside
95 · Jan 2020
black h3art
BP Fallen Jan 2020
I'd offer all apologies
if love offered a hand

I'd close the space between
us with a gunshot

A happier day a promising
an estimation of grief

I hate God for taking you away
I'd love Him if he brought you back

95 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
I like the wAy you fall apart
with the grace of Hepburn
Trivializing the nothingness
as you often do

A dreamer within Gods world
you shine throughout me...
Gravity having nothing to do with
the chaos you create

Even on the days the handcuffs are off
85 · Jan 2020
Desert Rat
BP Fallen Jan 2020
Stevie Nicks makes me cry
her love for Lindsey not far behind
A rapture captured within
Acoustic architecture

I bow to your quertsee
Sentencing myself to deployment
Within the grace of Gods offerings
I breathe a breath within a Landslide

Indian summers and bare feet
Dying winds of heat
Lying next to you
Safe (again)
83 · Jan 2020
On Point
BP Fallen Jan 2020
Within these 4 Squares
I operate on you
Creating as creation does

With all of this hope (hopefully)
I survive
Blue skies and Oregon rain

A birdsong reports the days events
As God wraps His warm hands around me
I give thanks

For eternity to be
And the journey that is
Friend & Family
76 · Jan 2020
BP Fallen Jan 2020
As before
I remain under thumb
A place I know too well...
An impressive overture

Oregon rains
Cascade snowstorm
A quiet place to ride
I am not alone

— The End —