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bownz Jan 2010

do you hear it too,

the song of a bird’s chirping /

A soft wind blowing,

all thoughts stopping and

our minds knowing /

Star cast upon a clear

dark sky, in the dark

you are glowing /

The eye upon it’s love

locked forever in a gaze /

Like the mist our purpose

meaningful, though short, lifting

like a haze /

Do you hear it too,

the bird’s song,

found it’s home,

chirping all along /
bownz Jan 2010
amid vast beyond the

culprits pulpit were stirs of

angst / With no mask it

shoved the future choice

leader into a basket / Flow

life take sulfur

downstream where all the

sharks swim alongside a

dolpin’s dream / On a land

by ourselves with no one

too bothersome and the

upside down possums

awaiting the latest

daffodil blossom / Catch

a bee fly with me sleep

upside down and now tis

we / The most beautiful

thing these eyes have yet

to see is thee also I

declare please charge me

no fee for I have no

control over what

direction the chemicals

inside choose for my

words to plea / Rather a

distant moon rise on a

galaxy afar like your

bodies freckled in perfect

place as we stare at the

stars in outer space /

Thoughts of these kind of

things and my heart starts

slow and then begins to

race / The words lack

description of the true

minds inscription what my

soul is in need of prescription

is truly love’s clearest

diction / As some may claim

this only exists in fiction I

am a believer in miracles

as I close my eyes and

know /

As praying, beautifully amen for

snow /
bownz Jan 2010
Shaped lines speak

fragmented paraphrased letters

lined upon page which

turns into a paragraph

then turns into an essay

afterwards a speech now

it is approaching an idea

once that occurs now

it is an accepted statement

or value

held true with the glue

that stuck together that

first line upon the second

with one thing many people

have thought of somewhere

before once upon a universe

Where does the line get

real in our galaxy, peace / Abdullah
bownz Jan 2010
Voices fade

Blade of grass

deserted Answers

Right truth

She tipped her hat to me oh

I spoke Hello Mrs. Misery

Firey glance back at me her lips

opened Excuse me? It is Ms. Destiny.

Left it at that equations in my mind

had some persuasion. Turned to wave

and my friend she had wed now Mrs. Mystery

I focused a little strain in my sight.

She was already dead lowered ingraved

on her stone was the number from

her phone next to that it said

“Call me if you have any answers

you would like to leave. If I don’t

pick up well I am probably deceased.”

Oh God save the diseased.

Cold and weary.

Mr. Mystery was

always kind of


I walked past her stone on my

way home, slowed my glide bent downn

and picked a blade of grass.

Listening closely to the wind like

it was my only friend. Just

another choice made I heard a

soul cry. Voices fade…

bownz Jan 2010
As I ponder death

while my mind again freezes

Hearts with holes homes for maggots

take that uncureable disease son, ******

No words to describe that loss life demands

Stab me through with a spear. drive nails through my

Hands cover the eyes unknowing emotion

Mourning the ones lost that were loved is necessary

Or else there is no ocean

That is going to be forever here

Face the truth for their is no truth in

fear /

Closer my sweet, turn the handle

listen to the pulse of our heart beat

wick steadily burn, wax melt candle

Loud as creeky stairs upon feet

or the silent tip toeing across the

street /

For we love in death

and live in life

His casket lowered no eye

to see, his wife could not even

come and cry over the success he turned out to be . /

Always had spoken of this day he

was sure that was coming, the on-

listeners laughed passing by always being sure

to tell him he was their favorite guy.

Though at his funeral not even one tear

was to cry…
bownz Jan 2010
Everything is perfect

each word so powerful

hence / Silence

Scared creatures fleeing

natural habitats

The way you run this

world sir, please, have it


Take with you all your

trash, death, and disease ridden

corpses /

All the lies, despising, hypocritical


Don’t forget your wallet, pride,

and why

Well in fact while you are at

as Mother stops her cry, have a

heart attack and die



— The End —