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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
The fact that
this b l a n k page
can be the next great love story


the gibberish
knots and unknots
your mind
scribbled and flicked
in ink.


*terrifying & wonderful.
Found this in the corners of my book!

Hi there, lovely! So, where do you guys write your poems and writings in?
A book, typed up or.. ?
Please tell? ;)
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Angel's Wings
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I am not a little flower- not Theresé of Liseux
But I'll use the metaphor here.
A beautiful flower, pretty and quiet
does not lie and say, "I am wilted,"
but rather, thanks and gives glory to God for her beauty;
a mountain does not deny the thing that makes him mountainous,
and stands tall, pointing towards the heavens;
a butterfly does not live inside with the idea of being 'humble'
But, because of her delicate beauty, will not be satisfied
until her beauty is shared.
Likewise, I, gifted with glorious angels' wings
will not furl them and submit to a yoke of slavery
but rather, fly.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Dear Therese,

I don’t wear my glasses anymore.
Seems insignificant, right?
But I walk around this place
Unable to see beyond conversation-distance
And unwilling.

I don’t wear my glasses anymore
I don’t put in my contacts,
I just walk around, half blind.

And it might seem like a silly thing to write a poem about,

You’re not here.

I don’t wear my glasses
Because I know I won’t see you.
I know that if I search ten faces on the way by
Or a hundred
I will never find yours,
No matter what.

I don’t wear my glasses

Sadistic kisses froze me.
Though I begged for melting,
He laughed as I shivered
And stripped me bare.
Oh, the cold, I cried.
Immobile and compliant as he staked my heart.
Impaled on an icicle,
My blood froze where it ran
But then, I found a fire.
Now I burn
And he freezes, unaware
That he shivers, lost and bare.
I am sad to hear him cry
For, no succubus am I.
And now I bid you

I'm finished with your
You tore me down,
broke me into

But now I'm doing
I'm letting you go.

Because it's tiring
crossing oceans
for someone
who won't cross
a puddle
for you.
The days are fading
But my heart’s still breaking
I’ve been trying so hard to move on
But I’m still chasing
I’ve seen better days
And I’ve seen the worst of them
I know it’s over but I
Still wish that I am wrong

Because I.. I haven’t moved on
I know there’s a place and time
Where the sun still shines
And we’re going to be strong
We’ll be close together
And nothing will tear us apart
We’ll be standing side by side
Holding close, each others hearts
I know that one day..
Everything’s going to be okay

The clouds are forming
And I think they’re here to stay
They’ve been coming fast now
Since the day you walked away
I still remember
Just like it was yesterday
All of the things we used to do
When we were still together
Your love was all I needed
Whenever things got tough
But now that my arms are empty
And I can’t feel your touch
I close my eyes and I think of us..

Because I.. I haven’t moved on
I know there’s a place and time
Where the sun still shines
And we’re going to be strong
We’ll be close together
And nothing will tear us apart
We’ll be standing side by side
Holding close, each others hearts
I know that one day..
Everything’s going to be okay

Everything’s going to be okay
All the clouds will begin to move
The sunshine’s going to shine through
And I’m going to have somebody new
He’s always going to be there for me and
He’ll never cause a tear to fall
I’ve waited on you for too long
I guess it wasn’t meant to be
But I know that I am strong now
And I’m letting go completely..

Because I .. I finally moved on
There was never a place and time
And the sun doesn’t always shine
We’re never going to be close together
And we were really never that strong
Everything tore us apart
We were never side by side
You were holding both our hearts
But I know now finally
That everything is going to be alright

…I’m going to be just fine
…I’m going to be alright
…I still have all my pride
…and I still have plenty of light
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