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Oct 2011 · 859
Is a pursuer
Of Happiness.

Is a tornado
And when she pursues Happiness
As though It is her lover who loved her enough
To let her go,
She kicks up **** where **** doesn’t have to be
And Happiness
Is no longer curled up under her nose,
Like treasure
Waiting to be discovered.
It has scurried away
In the calm before the storm.

Is a Perfectionist.

She sits here
Imagining what it would be like to construct a poem
That would turn her reader’s world upside down
Or her audience
Or herself.
Because she needs a change,
A dose of anti-gravity,
A chance for her toes to dig their tiny graves in the sky
And bury themselves.
And when she is not satisfied
Like right now?
She gives up.

Though sometimes,
She does not give up.
And she continues a pattern
That we might as well all call Self-Destruction
For lack of a better name.
And she really does become a ticking time bomb.

Let her introduce you to Self-Destruction.

Is the monster in her mirror
Who, every time she gets too close,
Eats away at her.

Is her fascination with blood
And her love of bones.

Is all the stupid things
She knows she could do
If she couldn’t take it anymore.

One day she will sit down on an unsuspecting airplane,
And she will blow up.
It will start in her head.
And her eyes will quiver
Until they roll out of their sockets
And her neck will shake
Until it snaps
And her hands will twitch
Until they break off
And suddenly her head will split in half
Her whole body will split in half
And the molecules that have defined her for over fifteen years will break apart
And her infinite number of atoms
Will carry the plane down, down, down
And the passengers’ screams won’t be able to lift the plane back up like helium
And they’re screaming
And they’re screaming
And suddenly the ground magnifies in the windows
And they’re screaming

She believes it.
She believes one day she will lose herself
Into the abyss we call life.
Snatched away into the wind;
One second she is there,
And then,
She is not.
Oct 2011 · 804
She is a girl
She is a girl
With lips that seem a tad too plump
And eyelashes that will never be long enough
And skin as white as snow.

She is a girl
Whose doe eyes are definitely hazel
But everyone sees them as brown
And she hates brown.

She is a girl
With a contradicting, yet satisfying hair color, though it may vary,
Which is never, ever shy of a genuine brown.

She is a girl
Who can’t place mind over matter
And it usually ends up matter minus mind divided by carelessness times anxiety plus self confidence to the negative twenty sixth power.

She is a girl.
Aug 2011 · 581
to die with no regrets.
did you know
that when you die,
your once glassy eyes,
who dreamed wild dreams
standing tall against
the landscape of vivid imagination,
see the sun
and the stars
and all things billions of light years
so far into the universe
that even god himself
can only stop
and stare as
you leave earth --
your hands outstretched --
like a bird flying --
you hurdle
toward heaven
never once
looking back?
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
lust is a funny thing,
it makes me feel two-faced.

one moment, i'm calm,
sitting there, smiling.
the next,
i am in your arms,
or i am on top of you,
and i am something
i have never become
Aug 2011 · 674
one thousand kisses.
we moved fast,
rolled with the punches.
one moment leads directly
into the next
and before i know it,
your mouth is on mine,
and mine on yours.

it was my first kiss,
and suddenly it became my

we probably kissed
one thousand times
and with every one,
mounting up to that thousandth one,
it felt right, natural.

and your last kiss --
i remember that one especially well.
a "goodbye,"
a "we'll do this again sometime."
i could feel you wanting more,
wishing time would stop,
five more minutes, please!
and i did, too.

is it odd
that i still feel your lips on mine,
your tongue gliding along my tongue?

your hands caressing me,
in my hair,
along my back,
my hips,
my face?

i will never forget how
we built up to the ******.
our noses touching playfully,
and suddenly we know
it is the time
and the time
is right.

we kiss.
i chuckle.
we kiss again.
an endless pattern --
i hope i didn't annoy you.

i still feel your arms around me,
and i am snuggled into your neck
and i am up on my tippy toes to kiss you.
it's like a ghost.
it makes me want to cry.

before we are done,
let's make it one billion kisses.
i am crazy in love and i cannot stop.
Aug 2011 · 376
i have to remind myself
that there will be a day
where you will
wake up
and not love me anymore.
Aug 2011 · 3.4k
Three years under my feet sat
She wasn’t my mother,
My sister,
My aunt,
Or my cousin’s best friend’s transgender brother.

Was 59, 425 square miles of home.
A place for unconditional love to roam.

Was familiar,
Like the smell of my mother’s perfume,
Or my oldest family heirloom.

Stretched as wide as she could
Until one hand met the ocean
And the other held hands with Alabama,
Their history together still slightly filled with tension.

Bumped shoulders with South Carolina,
Each unaware of the changes that were about to take place
A fifteen year long path they could never retrace.
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
Hello, My Name Is Bianca.
Long auburn hair bellows behind
I’ve got so much to choose from, but I’ll just change my mind.
These hazel eyes are the mark of mystery
Yeah, once I’m famous, they’ll make some history.
Got my pencil tucked ‘hind my ear
Life for me ain’t very austere.
I’ll leave to where the wind is takin’ me
No permanent home, this is what I call free.
Gimme music or gimme death.
I never knew the taste o’ your breath.
But I don’t care.
My heart still survived ev’ry freakin’ tear.
A notebook under my arm
Yeah, y’know I’m worth three times the charm.
Let’s keep traveling, c’mon, let’s just get away.
Don’t tie me down, ‘cause I’m bound to betray.
Gawky, yeah, and not too pretty
Dude, sorry, but that’s just me.
I’ve got guitars and screaming pounding in my head.
This pain doesn’t make me wanna prove my blood is red.
Just give me sunshine and a clear blue sky
And maybe some o’ that Boston Cream Pie.
Some consider me a nerd, but I’m just as clueless as you.
Ha, I’ve got way too many library books overdue.
There’re some friendships ya just gotta reminisce.
See ya somewhere beyond this oceanic abyss.
my sad attempt at a rap. oh well, i guess it'll pass as a poem.
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
I’m a bruise
Not one thing
Could excuse
The pain I’ve felt
The blows you’ve dealt
The heartlessness
That left me crying.
Aug 2011 · 567
If I hold on tight,
If I dig my nails in
Into my cold hands
And never let go.

If I squeeze and squeeze,
Fists clenched,
Knuckles white,
I just might be able to contain it.
Rewind the disaster, stop the explosion.
Keep the glass from shattering
And the gases from escaping.

Face my head to the midnight sky,
Arms at my side,
Stay rooted in my spot,
The stars reflecting in my eyes.

I wonder if people know
That there’s a war going on
Inside myself
Just yards outside their bedroom windows.

If they saw what was possible,
What could burn down their houses,
Crack open their skulls
Or tear off their limbs,
Would they grab their children,
Hide wherever it’s most safe,
And pray to God that it all ends soon?

A ticking time bomb
Is what I am.
Does the world end now?
Or can I fend it off for a little bit longer?
my father,

your words reverberate
in my vertebrae.

thirty three words
shake me to my core:

my child,

i have to make it
before my times runs out
you have many years,
but i do not.

i don’t belong by your side
like i thought i did.

you didn't even sign with
"your father".

an eye for an eye
leaves the whole world
when i said, "an eye for an eye
leaves the whole world
blind." do you understand why i said that? or was that a little too random?
Jul 2011 · 657
still undecided
about everything there is.
a troubled person
pondering recovery.
my eyes are always open.
Jul 2011 · 552
"I seek greatness,
but greatness
does not seek me,"
is what they told me.
They said
it was because I could not
live up to their expectations,
so instead
I decided to die down
with their disappointments.
Jul 2011 · 679
Tangled up
So that I’m so
Lost in these bindings
Trapped in repetition
Flying only inches
From the ground
Because my feet
Are caught in
Silent space
And Miserable cries.
Unable to free myself
I can’t see
My limp hands slip on
The jagged black ribbons
So close
To me
I can’t find breath
To breathe.
Lost on a path
I follow blindly
With little dark figures
Crying to me
For help
Yet I’m unable to stray
To leave this frozen
Place in time
The ribbons are my
Holding me to
Jul 2011 · 429
The Forest of Red Leaves
In a forest of leaves
The color of blood
Within the light breeze they sway
Lies a path that leads the wrong way
If you might take it
To Hell you might make it
And never on Earth may you stay
Jul 2011 · 571
My Voice
My thoughts seem so loud.
I’m amazed people can’t hear me think.
I feel like I am and always will be the most deafening,
Even if I don’t talk often.
Friends and family
Are so much quieter,
They give the world the innocence
I drown out.
And then my voice.
My voice sounds like music,
Has it always been like this?
Smooth, soft, and low.
This isn’t possible.
Tell me,
Is this the same miracle for you?
Jul 2011 · 515
Remember when
Pledged your heart to
Wasn’t even alive
Yet, I’m sure
Could see
In my mind.
White veil, a long porcelain dress,
I’m sure
Were very pretty
In your layers of make-up upon those dark green eyes
And perfect, luscious dark brown hair.
I know
Thought so
With his slicked back
Young dark hair
And beautiful blue eyes
Fell in love with from the start.
Clasp your hands,
Exchange rings,
Flash loving looks to the audience
And your best friends
Who all have tears in their eyes.
Remember what the pastor said?
And then what
Repeated and promised?
And when
Did the same?
I’m sure your eyes were locked
Inseparable, blue and dark green mixing
Creating a concoction
That made the final promise –a kiss
The fiercest yet.
Lips molding, folding
It’s over.
You’re home with
And it’s morning after the longest night ever.
Had fun,
Don’t think
Will discuss it, though.
Maybe another time.
Months pass while you’re in pain
And then
She’s born suddenly,
Premature, fragile
And dies after half an hour.
Are never the same again.
Less than a year later
Must have been desperate
Another great night passes,
But it’s filled with tension and caution
And when morning comes,
Are thankful.
I’m born suddenly,
After those agonizing, miserable six months
Why wasn’t it nine, though?
Only God knows
But it’s not like he’ll tell
Behind walls of home
Things get stressful
Stayed for a while
Then left
There in that white world full of beeping and weary eyes.
Grew up,
I’m okay now,
Not that little baby in the plastic, translucent crib-box.
After another half-fun night,
Years later,
Know it’s never going to be like the first time.
Months pass
He’s growing in
The one you promised everything to,
Is growing tired.
Isn’t the same
Nor are
It’s the truth,
I’m not lying,
He’s born!
You’re overjoyed,
The shadows under your eyes gone
You’re actually happy
Know he’s actually healthy.
And your husband
Stands near-by.
Looks okay,
But could be better.
Grow up.
Grows up.
But it was only two years.
We were only little children,
Must remember.
Yet so much can hurt the innocent
When the ties are broken.
Were supposedly going to be together forever,
As if!
Taken away,
We went
The last hug hurt,
The last glance
Was even worse
Had no idea what was going on.
A new home,
We start school.
We’re young
But we’re used to just
In the house.
No father.
I’m still used to it,
Every kiss and hug
And whatever else
Do with the new
Brings back every moment and memory you’ve told me about
In that past too long ago.
Jul 2011 · 527
When are you going to admit to yourself that he never took that **** in the first place?
That he never believed those sullen faces you wore
Or the stories you told about your broken heart
That had been “true” but sounded so far-fetched and wrong!
He never felt sorry for you
Or thought about you in the middle of the night
No, he never would have!
He hadn’t wasted a tear over you
And that wasn’t because boys didn’t usually cry
But because he had no ******* point to!
For his infrequent sympathy
You were an unlikely choice
Didn’t you know!
And all the more time you pray for him to give in
To want to hold you in his arms because he thought you needed someone
How are you so capable of that trickery!
You need someone like you need air
You need someone to hold you and tell you it’s alright, it’s okay
Yet you plan on playing them and at long last devouring their sole love for life itself!
You’re a monster
A parasite
A control freak!
It’s someone’s sincere grief that stimulates your iron fist around the more unfortunates’ throats
You’ll flatten them for sympathy and pity
Until their necks snap!
No, I’m glad he saw through your disguise
I’m glad he saved himself from the pain in the end
When you would hurt him more than you ever were to begin with!
Jul 2011 · 584
Fogging up the windows,
It’s like drenched, thick smoke
Close me up,
Squish me,
Crush me,
Strangle me –
I’m being thrown in and out of consciousness.
Silver-white fog,
Oh, follow me through the dark streets.
Carry your bits of moonlight,
And light the way for another person.

Humidity is your breath,
Then warm against my back.
I turn around to find you –
And you’re not there.
An ocean wants you back,
I’ve been told.
‘Create another storm!’ it screams.
Droplets dot the windowpane,
‘Are you crying?’ I ask quietly.
I know you wouldn’t say so.

Words fail you.
You have no mouth.
A silent shadow,
A haunting memory,
Why am I afraid of you,
When you’re nothing more than –
Jul 2011 · 560

I’ve sat in this darkness for ages.
My eyes are gone and I can’t speak,
Every breath is a rattle in my ribs.

Hands can’t move.
Legs are crippled.
My spine hasn’t sat right for years.
My fingers were chewed off only days ago,
By the rats that haunt my sleep.

Upon this rock I’ve stayed,
Every stone in my backside is proof.
The ocean, thick and navy blue,
Licks at the remains of my toes.
I used to stare at the starless sky,
Before my eyes were gouged out.
And I’d sing the sad songs,
That played out everything I was feeling,
To whatever listened from below.

With pain still familiar,
As I am eaten alive,
Everything is a routine.
I never sleep,
I never eat,
All I can do is breathe.

There’s this delicious sensation,
Said to carry me away.
I’ll wait for it, don’t you worry.
The days are long,
Though I have no sun.
The nights are even slower,
Because I’ve lost my moon and stars.

Something surprised me, early one morning.
And for a brief midst,
I wondered if the largest rat found me.

Light penetrated deep through me;
I was flooded with warmth.
I even felt myself be lifted into the air!
Shimmering “stars” were mine to hold.

Tumbling around on empty space,
I never did cry out for help.
It felt as though God had found me,
On this dark, hidden shore of the dead.

But things end,
And water dries out,
And light fades away,
As well.

I was startled (and maybe awoken)
As I suddenly crashed to the ground.
“Dear God, what did I do?!” I wished I could cry out,
But not a word left my mouth.

Later on, when time had seemed to lapse into silence,
And I was given the essence
That a clock never ticked,
I figured it out.

What had lifted me up,
What had shown me the
Light I’d lost,
Even if I was without eyes,
What had sent music into
My ragged ears,
Was the lighthouse on
The very far shore.

I was sure it was the
Gate-way to heaven,
And even, in its few seconds
Of freedom,
If it could not raise me to
I would remain here in this
Gloomy, bleak place

You are my Lifehouse …
Jul 2011 · 735
Five Little Blue Pills
And with these pills in my hand,
I know I have power.

Five little blue pills
Could mean anything:
Sleep as dark,
But as peaceful,
As a coma
Where I do not even dream.
Or a slumber I may not wake up from.

I have power,
If just tilt back my head
And toss these little blue pills into my mouth
As though if they were coins
And it was a wishing well.

If I washed them down,
All five at a time
Would tomorrow fade
Just like my consciousness?

Would my world be shoved into a little dark box
And hidden in the corners of the attic?
And then go up in flames
In the house
It hid
Or had been hidden?

I stand there and wonder
How something so powerful
Was smaller than my fingertips.

How something so powerful
Could be simply swallowed like food.

How something so powerful
Could sit there in your medicine cabinet,
And watch you as you ate breakfast,
Or as you brushed your teeth.

How there were hundreds of thousands
Of little blue pills like this
In your local supermarket or drugstore,
Sitting there on the shelves,
Their power charging as they waited
Like predators
For innocent you to buy a bottle of them
And swallow
One too many.

— The End —