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Apr 2016 · 543
bonsai Apr 2016
Crumbled, cracked gravel
Where once was mortar
Between the sarsen stones
Whose purpose you ignored

Thank you.
Apr 2016 · 604
bonsai Apr 2016
Tentacles, tendrils, invading, intruding
Suffocate the sulci
What is, seems otherwise
What seems, isn’t
A succubus, seducing
An incubus, enticing
“Follow me.”

A steady trickle
Tiny droplets
Against the granite
Cutting holes where once were none
Particles carried on the wind
Smoothing jagged faces
Ask the mountain.
Jul 2015 · 918
Performance on Demand
bonsai Jul 2015
Don’t worry
I won’t let on
Your partially buttoned collar
Your freckled clavicle
Peering out from behind your hair
I can see your underthings
Clinging to the perspiration
And the expiration
You’re my inspiration
Jul 2015 · 736
Dressing in Reverse
bonsai Jul 2015
Can you tell
By the look on my face
That while you sit
Anticipating my stance
I am removing each article
And placing them folded
Back in your drawers
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Lustful Suction
bonsai Jun 2015
Across the room
You tempted me
I caved
For a moment
We were alone
We were one
As my lust increased
So did your affection
How could I escape such an embrace?
I couldn't
And then we were no longer alone
And the mayonnaise
And the laughter
I was 13. It was a Hoover.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Coming Undone
bonsai Dec 2014
The rope tightens
At first from the base
Then along its length
Seemingly growing
From its coiled beginnings
To its rigid completion
The release
And slowly returns
Coiled in waiting
Until next time
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
bonsai Oct 2014
Gears turn
The unnoticeable increments
Cogs meshing with cogs
Under the surface
But felt
For too long
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
bonsai Oct 2014
Run across the length
The fibers seem to rise to meet
The nerve endings that send the message
To my brain
These words were meant to remain hidden
Within the folds
College ruled bars
Keep the words in
Safe within the creases

— The End —