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bobby bielik Apr 2015
Shall I die to put the breath to sleep
or meet each day unto death I keep
to walk a lonely line that never ends
or profess my love to better friends
to drink the swill that ails all bones
or follow the dog that leads me home
life is a test is it not for better or worse
till death do us part if only you go first
lively games are played and lost in bed
wise to keep awake then lose your head
well to remain friends then beg or borrow
nor tell a lie and forget all by tomorrow
to crawl, to stumble, to walk, to run or leap
to want, to worry, to have, or love too deep
life is a mystery, a conundrum to meet
stay awake for we lose too much to sleep

bobby bielik Feb 2015
I put the church away from me
But God never left me alone
I told the minds of men to go home
Wisdom has shown me a new day
I saw the poorman as simple men
the beggar as someone without a friend
the homeless without a voice to say
“I too am just like you in every way”
I see people reach for worldly goods
my thinking says they’ve misunderstood
it’s not the gold or silver lining in the cloud
it’s Gods favor he should treasure so proud
And when I humbly walk beside you now
it will be to help you or show you how
just what makes the world go round
how God leads you without a sound
Should you see me passby your day
let each of us bow to each others way
knowing God asks us to only pray
men might hear God in what we say
bobby bielik Feb 2015
Let moon beams sail from the sky
while cotton clouds waste in the sun
white egrets slumber in the march
see the sunken shadows laying still.
All is, was and will be sets quietly
let time breath again in your chest
allow the naked truth to come freely
on the fields of your wider tomorrow.
Pray awake upon this your dawning
lay hold the flower of your delight
step lightly on the grass that waits
you shall walk this way but once.
Like the ringing of a note moves on
so life is a circled flow you will travel
life is a procession of hours you spend
let the knotted thread of death unwind.
Given from our Fathers in Ivory towers
for sacred truths, which must be lived
the breathings of man is a Godly virtue
timeless air, filling your soul with light.
Into the breast of the beast…a man
forgiveness, a sorrow learned imperfect
pushed to the utter ends, we forgive
and enter into the newness of Christ.
bobby bielik Apr 2013
Pour words over my head like broken glass
until my ears bleed
Shout my name
cuss until your words make sense to you

I will go on
just as I am because I am not you
I walk the streets others have paved
yet I will not step away from my own path
You bruise my heart
but blood flows through my veins
just the same
Because of you and others like you,
I know who I am,
I am not you...

Our lips pout with unfeeling kisses and backward glances.
The foreplay of our truth
dances around like naked lies.
Once we shared the soul in each other’s eyes,
but then we cared.

bobby bielik Apr 2015
I cried on the steps of change, wondering where am I going. So many breathless moments we lose to change. The silver and gold shadows reflecting the sky. The sway of moonlight between the tree branches. The poetry and the book, the skin and the blood of war.
I leave changed knowing it is before me waiting to change me again. Beauty from ashes, fire from stones. Hope is a weary road between us. Like smoke and ice never meeting in the land of fair play. So my dreams are coming and have pass me wanting to dream again. To hope in the stillness of hope that I too will be admired in my live years.
bobby bielik Apr 2015
Oh that I would do that which I should but there is a war among the me's
In the thickets of my mind attesting to my skin. Might-ing that I would do.
But within the crystal fears reflecting the worst of me I choose what to do.
The jealousies of life right the storms within the me's, the fire and the light.
Inside the me's insurrection fuse the immortal and the decay I leave behind.
bobby bielik Aug 2013
Dead kisses are like donuts
with there icing missing
not as satisfying
as when it drools down your lips

Dead kisses are soon forgotten
like the wind that brought the storm
Kisses should be like tornado's
made when the weather's warm

And like a damsel in distress
her cloths ripped and torn
A kiss is wild and passionate
as bull grabbed by the horns

Dead kisses make you angry
they make you kick and scream
You say that will be the last time
You'll ever lose your self esteem

Kisses are like the summer rain
they make sing and dance
for the more you want it
the more you take the chance

bobby bielik Apr 2013
Oft I wonder …Why death knocks my door?
Why I grieve and want for more
A silent creeping deep within
A ghostly creature steeped in sin

Death whispers through spider webs
Scratching footsteps and voices bled
By the morning and as darkness flees
In the thunder and as horror weaves

Under the blanket, under the bed
In a scary story, locked in my head
Beseech my heart with ungodly charms
Up in smoke with fireproof arms

bobby bielik Mar 2013
Dirt in the streets after a jealous rain
It smells so sweet.
And the sun rising over the shadow of our years                                            
Our love never felt so complete.

But now a fire sweeps across the open plains
Your hands move over my skin, a burning pain.
My love for you bleeds on the earth like snow
I’d love to forget honey, this is what I know.

When I need your voice to warm my soul
It’s only memories keeping me in tow.
The time has come, all the words are said
Am I better left alone or left for dead?

How quickly it seems times have changed
From that to this…. I’m tied with chains.
Have all the tears swept our love away?
Tell me honey, why must it be this way.
bobby bielik Apr 2013
The pain it comes down like rain

I’m dancing between the drops
Acting like nothing’s wrong
No one has seen the tears I have fought

Some say it’s my father, but my father’s not at fault
Some say it’s my brother but he is not the one I sought
Some say my sister maybe, if only she had thought

No one knows the pain… it comes down like rain
I fear my heart is breaking the weight has come so fast
I knew from the start my strength would never last

I am my brother’s keeper the fire and the flame
I am my father’s name sake that remains the same
I am my sister’s friend that’s never been a game

I am alone and the pain comes down like rain

I’m dancing between the drops
Acting like nothing’s wrong
No one has seen the tears I have fought
bobby bielik May 2013
Wake up oh dreamers of light, tell of your travels
Sailing wingless upon the sea of glass windswept

Neither tomorrow nor the present can touch you
Neither the past nor what is exists in you now

Touch me with the water of your words, be in me
Consume my dry bones everlasting to everlasting

Sleeping in the heavens providing my eternal bed
Becoming the flower neither wanting or forgetting

The sky is your home without a step to stand upon
The stars are the ancestors of your family tree

When will you introduce me to your time or being
I will wait upon the sun and moon as it counts mine
There seem to be an internal dialog between the muse an I. Is hard to say how twisted the here and now became and went but the desire for our meeting is there.
bobby bielik Jul 2013
My heart is grown full of tears
My mind is drown in distress
My bones have become weary
And there are miles between us
My cries reach out to heaven
As darkness reaches into my soul
Upon this porch I am emptied
Like water I am poured out
The earth will soon take hold
I will as I was ever not before
Be vanquished and forgotten

bobby bielik May 2013
How medieval are your eyes. They rise and fall with the sun; playfully crossing the sky within your gaze I see the eternal sun. Your eyelashes are like feathered gates into which I dream of you.
Your smile is a gift upon your face, only kings deserve to share. Your eyebrows guide my fingertips as I caress your face. And the bridge of your nose is a perch I rest upon to take in all of you.
What cannot be hidden cannot be disguised with a mere veil. Nor can anything vain or foreign come between us. You are my diamond shining in a sea of glass and I see everything about you.
Sing to my heart now in the whisper that carries me away. Within the infinite pools that cascade effortlessly from your eyes I am drowning in your love. You are my beloved in whom I am most taken.
bobby bielik Mar 2015
For a song I would love thee, as no one loves
bright as the ever-moon, your face shinning still
voice as a nightingale, singing songs of deliverance
sung low so most won’t hear, but I heard you my love
in the winters frost, I heard you bleed through the snow
like I am hearing you now, with my eyes closed
For I beseech you like no other women has known
like the absence of every meal, I am missing you
finding it harder to feel your touch, don’t let go
I am almost upon you, soon my love we will kiss
and that kiss will close the door of our forgetfulness
of our lost country, our lost dreams, and our lost love
John 3:16
bobby bielik Jun 2013
You mount the stones on my grave as if I was already dead. You ignore the words to my songs and lip-sync my tunes, as you put me to sleep. You forgotten the time we walked together on the beach when you put your footstep into mine. Soon enough you will follow me.
My life was like living in the shadow of someone else’s reality. I failed to demand my own. So why do I demand it now. I am dead to you. You see right through me, that’s why my skin is softer then ice. I will never remember the warmth of your touch or the sting of your kisses.
Sweet farewells are lies we tell ourselves, when we want to just let go. That is why I let go for you. I could not bare to see you cry. Teardrops stain the pages of your bible, with words that mean nothing to you, words that will never stain your lips again. You never loved me.
bobby bielik Jul 2013
I am unknown
No one hears my voice
My tears are shed in silence
The echo of my cry haunts me
Upon the sacred I’ve taken my pain

Cast into the ocean of endless prayer
When my eyes open I have no will in mind
My soulfulness has been emptied of its voice
I am alone, unknown, emptied out once again

The pains and the joys of an intercessor are left unmet in an undiscovered country
bobby bielik May 2012

I found the bashful shy side of myself
In the rear of the room looking lame
Misunderstood, laughed at, put to shame

I stood alone, my voice turned to stone

Still I could see the beauty of myself
For this reason I did not cry aloud
I allowed my mind to fly upon a cloud

I stood alone, my voice turned to stone

None dare to care, they did not ask
Just like all the writing on the wall
I heard my name echo in the hall

bobby bielik Mar 2015
Who quiets the detonators song
who stills the beast within he wills
the refuting wrong, the ill he feels
a lance pierces longing to wrong
as its victor rides away alone
outer places no one calls home

another victim will rise again
reeling in my pain, until he falls
spilling innocent blood, colder
then the darkness wading in heart
flooding my breath, I'am breathless
as useless as death warmed over

I no longer feel the sun or wind
or a siren bleating in the grasses
she dares me come, die in my arms
for I am soft and wanting your cares
fold your fears into me for I am not
she quiets me, so with it my tears

bobby bielik Feb 2015
from the deadness of an empty dream
One memory flashes past my ear
oh the madness
one note seems to reappear
from the factory of my soul
I’m a ball of missing pieces
rolling, rolling, to and fro
everything sticks to me
my problems seem to grow
the madness of that silent note
just wont let me go
so far from where I came
so near to all my fears
I’m about to just let go
And I hear that one note say….
nothing so meaningless
something so awful
‘You’ll never be….anything!”
one note away and I’ll be free
You'll never be a part of me!
a fog clears, the day brightens
the mask drops from my face
looking into myself, unafraid
I knew you were there
now you see what I see
Untied from the past, free at last!

bobby bielik Feb 2015
Love dies on cold sheets
when you lose your hunger
when you forget the taste of love on your lips
Where the fire once burned, the night is cold

Our winter came in like a storm
On the face of my lovers’ smile
the ones seen before the camera clicks
they fall off without a single memory

Of the love that is lost from her eyes
just a glint of the past we once had
in the summer of ’85
when we dared not look away

Putting away words we’ve spoken before
there is nothing to explain
we lost our way, one two or three times
catching up won’t be easy

And if love is cheating we cheated each other
cheated our dreams and our promises
to wed in bliss and sleep with kisses
but now we turn the other way

I stand in the silence of your hushes
with fingers on my lips for words I can’t say
Good morning sweetheart, we greet the day
we sip our last hopes, swallow our last desires

bobby bielik Feb 2015
I stood against the wall
I heard their screams

the night carried on
the plight existed
a pall was in the air
in the naked light I saw
their homes were broken

I stood against the wall
I heard their screams

looking across the room
etched lightly with dirt and spit
a child held an umbrella
the sky wept loudly
and I saw a child shivering

I stood against the wall
I heard their screams

Mother leaned over a ***** sink
Father too tired to come home
tired songs played on the radio
where is a child to go
in this world, quivering

Children are the broken promises of disfunctional families
bobby bielik Feb 2015
My skin is cold as thawing ice
frozen, fixed, and bleak
the world is broken under my feet
where did life go so wrong
I’m boxed six feet deep
in a dark crumpled creep
dreams mascaraed as light
forbidden light I can not see
one day my past appears
in my treasured hope
from once shinning eyes
how the hours past me by
in this requiem a song
chiming in the wind of time
tempered like stained glass
forever, forever at last
Shouts of Barabus, say not!
low my soul tis not I, behold
the cross, rising on the hill
Golgotha the blood running
A lamb before the slaughter
“Screams” of He died! He Lied!
I…silently died with him too
At his feet nailed and bent
I hear a shuttered cry
“Forgive them they know not what they do”
My brokenness once firmly in the ground
rises quickly bursting in light
Alas my King, my God tis you
every prayer spoken is true
The golden streets I craved
mine, all for the life you gave
bobby bielik Feb 2015
in your insolent arrogance
Your face is hard as steel
cold and ridged

fallen wings spinning out of control
your words bely the truth
with baseless facts

is obvious in the way you walk
away from me
your lust for the way I sing

we collide against each other
all the while like seas crashing
back and forth

the shoulders I’ve cried on
disturb you like an avalanche
tumbling, unfolding, growing old

you find me reaching out from the debris
of our arguments
but our hands no longer cling

misplaced love is quick-sand
slipping, slipping
please take hold now or we are lost

bobby bielik Feb 2015
There is no tomorrow for us
today is nearly gone

Come away with me my love
upon the lyre’s song

Upon the sun moving fast
our days will soon be past

In the calling of your lips
the time falls away

In the dangling of your hair
my tongue is tied

In the saturation of your eyes
I am drown with love

In the blossom of your *******
my heart seeks pleasure

In the fleeting move of your hips
the moon casts its last shadow

In the weight of your smile
all the world sits still

Be mine tonight my love
forgive all my lies

Let us repose in a bed of earth
embracing the fate of death

Let us recall our fondest days
while the stars circle the sun

bobby bielik Aug 2013
Not long now my last summer nears
These days of heated love and fear
Gone the days of my wonder years

A song has come and fed my ears
Warm my heart and wed my tears

Better to have loved than not at all
To whisper sweet things before I fall
To tell you my love before God calls

A song has come and fed my ears
Warm my heart and wed my tears

Sweet is the road that wins the race
To slumber some in Gods good grace
All I'd give again just to kiss your face

bobby bielik Mar 2015
The assembly of words come stepping in the still vagueness of thinking, “Is there something you want to say“ “Something words need saying?”

At times you wait seeming to ask permission “Shall I come along?  Shall I wait here again for you?”
A word slips not sorely but given away, a gift, a challenge, a burden born to itself.

It feels beautiful… waiting. Then it comes another and another like raindrops they begin to flow. Disarranged, compelled, brought to a meaning or question. You resist judgement. You embrace a distant muse rumbling uncomfortable within you
Then if you should venture to stray. In an utter silent doom; the likes of being at the bottom of a well overtakes you. Apologetically amusingly as a slight smile words return pleasingly again. The ebb and flow rushing in and out, back again and again in a hurried parlay. Exchanges are made, substituted, let go. Only on paper or by spoken word is the muse emancipated so freely.

So large the mind of it, so softly the sound, as wisps kindly drift into wandering fingers tapping keys in a dance split and crossed over. In hindsight by a little chance you acknowledge grace is blessed whatever you caught in the master mind of transcending lift. You've risen above the fray, above the plain of earth and have fallen deeply in love with the unified thought of mindfulness.

Writing is accelerating, distressing, bashful, and proud, playful and dangerous but always leaves you like a kiss.

bobby bielik Mar 2013
When the sudden depth of an echo

Strikes within the heart

where time has hidden it away

The wake from its sound

will not let you sleep

in the darkness which you lay

The nearer you keep to my call

the quicker you hear my words


in the deviled night of awe

bobby bielik Feb 2015
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
— Max Planck, Das Wesen der Materie, 1944

A single atom, the god particle, matter or anti matter it is a micro exponential point of every cell within us. We, people are in fact a galactic micro system by design.
The infinite mind, the all seeing eye, the matrix of cross over systems our human anatomy is structured with valves, ventricles, veins, arteries, pumps, liken to refineries, distilleries, depositories, disposal centers, we are a micro-engineered inner-planetary system. Bio chemically producing everything our physical world needs to exist.
Intricately if not divinely flowing in mass with an even greater gargantuan outer limit system of heavens and universes.
We play our part in a much grander idealism then mere earthly beings. We are gods and goddesses. Heavenly tribal guardians of infinite space and time. Triggers like cogs in a finely balanced spiral of life and death on a symbiotic evolution. All without giving our bodies much thought it moves forwards onward to that new place in times continuum.
We devote ourselves to gain understanding. To learn new disciplines. To live long and prosper. To co exist with nature or have you our organic materialism. This paradox is the enigma of fantasy and spiritualism.
Not a poem but poetic in nature
bobby bielik Feb 2015
That summer night had its way with us
we were caught in the after shock of it
the shrill clash, the thrill of her smile
the bouquet of her perfume filled the air
she left her touch like fire in my chest
moments felt as petals from a dried rose
they seemed to last forever
we laughed, we played, we sank deeply
as the moon swept its glow on our bodies
a misty musk lingered between us
words were touch stones we followed in love
we knew the morning would come too soon
caught in rapture we clung to each other
our hesitations were gasping breaths
we weaved into the night, it embraced us
she was a budding flower in my hands
her fingers were blades of grass to my skin
lifting from the ground, sifting my emotions
if love is lost, I never wanted to be found
for in this slip of night she was all I desired

bobby bielik Feb 2015
the sounds of love
the hiss and steam, after the fall
the sounds of awe,
hmmm, ohh yes that too
in front of god and all
in the garden,
Adam and Eve spoon
just the two
under the stars, sun and moon
click, stick, slide
the sounds of love
reaching the sky
after the pain, in the rain
lay tightly thighed, tell me lies
like pearls upon your *******
my youth escapes me, flies
I’ve failed the test and won you
like pears hung from a branch
wild romance
eaten until we have had our fill
the morning comes slowly on the hill
bobby bielik Feb 2015
Poetry is “write” when you let it be as open and free
as open and free as a harmless wing flittering about
an aimless stream meandering from shore to shore
So there on the tip of your pen she lands just aright
so fragile afoot, she prays, no time to wait just write
gleaming ink, shimmering and still weighting its time
the pros and the cons the sound of making it rhyme
words find their own place be it on paper or cement
there you commit by letting it sit just as it was meant
Pick a word or two and say what they mean to you
when hearing a cadence of letters form in your head
let your fingers bleed what your heart wants said
letting your deepest voice speak, the reality inside
Poetry is "write" right where you live, if you decide
bobby bielik Jul 2013
The witch in my heart casts an evil spell
I bow to the graveling heat of her breath
She cries, beats she stomps and she stomps
And there is none to release me from her arms

The day will come…..boom, boom, boom…..

Like a rag doll I take the beating and roll away
When I awake I realize nothing has happened
Dreams, dreams of fear, of something coming
A solemn drum beat …banging in my mind

The day will come…..boom, boom, boom…..

Death moves my way like the tide at night
Ever near I feel the ebbing silence shearing
Another day another hour she takes away
Death is the breast which I suckle at night

The day will come…..boom, boom, …..
bobby bielik Jun 2013
Inside the second sight of chance
Smoke filled rooms and romance
Glitter was running down her arms
I remembered, I grew up on a farm

Thinking I didn't know ladies like you
But tonight I knew I wanted too!

Her feet slipped out of her high heels  
Spilling wine, so stupid is all I feel
Rubbing against her as I passed the door
Afraid to ask her to dance on the floor

Glitter is now running down my arm
My heart is beating like a fire alarm

I looked up and she was looking at me
We both knew what each wanted to see
We raised our arms and started to smile
So I sat beside her and talked for awhile

Seems as though it was meant to be
I was for her, what she was for me

bobby bielik Jul 2013
Vanity covers the road to redemption
Self-doubt is the admission I fear
When no other way seems as clear

The mind extends what the heart has bled
Upon the word the mighty pen has sped
From the womb to the tomb it is said

Doubts are the window I must choose
And my faith is one I must not refuse
Or it is more than life I will have to loose

On the water’s edge time slips away
My constant will I must learn to sway
God’s the same as he was yesterday

bobby bielik Aug 2013





bobby bielik Jul 2013
You look at me with silk in your eyes
Soft ……..and sweet  
Pulling the covers off your thighs

You said you want me to be your lover
Soft ……..and sweet  
Saying there would never be another

I felt my lover’s fever
Soft ……. and sweet
From her side I’ll never leave her

I ransomed all my treasure
Soft ……..and sweet
Just for this moment’s pleasure

bobby bielik Aug 2013
If I knew you would burn me
I’d brought my fire proof skin
The yelling doesn't stop
Until the sun comes up again

By then we are both burned out
I drown on every word you say
Prayers I preach to my maker
Lest he hear me swear his name

I sink into your strange love
More and more I fade away
More than a game between us
It’s foreplay we call the day

bobby bielik Sep 2013
The lighted words of prose
Such fair shades, we exclaim
Like prayers and soft songs
Creeping in veins of thought
The blood of brave naivety

The dew which feeds, on flight
With lofty wing, then out of sight
We ought not but touch with joy
The silver tongue of mercury sent
Escape, the clinging grasp of heaven

Into the bowels wept, melancholy
The distant airs of sweet digest
To spill the ink, of bloodless cries
On the regress of time, as it flies
Lit upon the murky waters ebb

Caught without surrendered fear
Within the clumped throat of poetry
Unearthed, we pray, forgiveness
Love unchained and drunk in wine
We wrangle and write, so blissfully

bobby bielik Apr 2013
Oh the sweet dark clashes,
The arrows that rake my soul
Shuttering, my heart

A lumbering breath
away from death
As sunlight cuts my eyes
Beauty fades,
and I am lost

In the hands of death
with crumbled fingers
Darting from the crypt
Of soiled earth

Morbidity, shows,
Pasted to my face
Sunken, cheeks
Once fired like jealous roses
Of a life I cannot keep
bobby bielik Feb 2015
The creep of death, likened to a knife
slices silently through the barrier of life
a door between here and there slides to
and now your life stands in the divide

The boil of doubt bites, begins to simmer
for a stain has now plied from your soul
the morning after, in quite stares, ponder
what, what if, why, when, how, not now!

When I die I want to lay in a bed of roses
in a rented open casket, before I burn
To spread my ashes in a rose garden
blooming in scents, from a golden urn

Life is poetic, death is invincible justice
for life can’t last forever,  as does death
life is a gift, a trial time spent, breathing
between our heartbreaks and triumphs

Between babies eyes, and Decembers
in our first steps, and our falling downs
folding hands in changing seasons of time
in memories shadow, life is remembered

bobby bielik Apr 2013
You were the first dark step I took then
Knowing your help was as dangerous as your hurt
I wanted to discover you beneath the covers
Where our bodies could blend into perfume
And we could sleep in each other’s dreams

Time has a way of making me forget it all
The walks, the laughter, and the sorrow

My second step was in forgiving you
The mangled mess you made of my heart
The spilled blood, the smell of burned coffee
The stains of which are tattooed across my eyes
I see everything through it now, I can’t help it

Time has a way of making me forget it all
The walks, the laughter, and the sorrow

As we approach the third step of our making
The three heartbeats we created together
Like water melting in the sun we too must go
Let's remember from where we have traveled
And say...It was worth every step of the way

bobby bielik Apr 2013
The sun shares its light with the shadow of the deep
Songs erupt with nightengales in flight
On gentle wings lit from moonbeams
Sweet lakes in the mirth of morning  
Creatures rise scrubbing their faces
Escaping the grasp blanketing the earth
The Chippewa bask in their dancing
Toe stepping to ancient melodies
Clothed in rain drops, echoes rise
Become, become, become
Memories ache from the past
But yonder the voices call out
You are now, you are the day
Mountains shield you, valleys bed the night
While the sun and moon wait
Broken are your songs leaving
Come sip water from the leaf and refresh
Dine in a valley of roses and rise again
The sun shares its light with the shadow of the deep
BB2013 ®
bobby bielik Mar 2015
I am the afternoon
summer rain in the middle of June
time forgot me

water skips off mirrored leaves
and father is working late
I'll be home soon

the baby cries
his kisses taste like whisky
the bed sheets are cold

I'am another year old
but no one came
friends don't know my name

stones skip the pond
tick tock tick tock
time forgot me

bobby bielik May 2013
In the empty space of time before the end
In the moment an echo calls home again
I’ll take that second as my best breath
Beneath the iron gates that hold my chest

The empty hands of time drowns me
I hear the ticking in my head like cymbals
Relentless misery continues to pursue me
Until time has no voice in stillness I meet

bobby bielik Feb 2015
I’ll love you until the sun comes to an end between us
Tell me baby why do you hide behind those blue eyes?

Have we moved from love, have we come apart
Haven’t seen it in your smile today baby, is it true?

In places where the ocean is tied to the sky
If I sprinkled promises in my prayers would that do?

What does it take for me to love you, I said “I Do”
I meant it when I said it, why don’t I know, Do You?

Trust is funny, it plays a game of hide and seek
I can’t say we’ve have found it between the sheets

It’s all about me, It’s all about you, It’s all about us
It’s all about you, It’s all about me, It’s all about us

bobby bielik Apr 2015
As frail rays are mirrored on rolling light,
time passes
Their timid fingers press against the window,
looking fright
Sunken shadows disappear dropping out of sight,
grouping its last bite
Like songs lingering in the night longing to be held,
I too long……..

bobby bielik Apr 2015
What remains is only a flow between us
like a transient kiss blown in the wind
a blink, a hint of a smile, I can't do without
As I watch the rouge flush your cheeks
down your neck and back to your heart
You are the shadow in my raindrops
The sparkle in the reflections I see
the warmth in our soft embracing
like the tides running back to sea
you carry all my dreams with you
when my tears fall to the ground
you are there to catch them cleanly
where would my footsteps lead me
where would my hopes wander
wander not now for I have you forever
in these endless empty days I wonder
in the joy that lights upon every kiss
in my waking hours and in my dreams
bobby bielik Mar 2015
no one sees me
standing against the wall
leaning so I won’t fall down out of fear
I am no one to any one
I'am bleeding out
because I haven’t got a hand to hold

mother, brother, sister, friend
emptiness is where I stand now
needing a friend, but a stranger comes along
who is this man, this friend, who comes along
Open my eyes, break my heart against the stones
and free my soul…friend of mine

for death has no hold on me
it’s an awakening into things of bliss
there is where I’ll forget all of this
with my enemy still within me
enemy of my enemy is me
all I want, for someone to see me

bobby bielik Jun 2013
My heartbeat stopped with the rain
Goosebumps trickled down my spine
I was frightened but still alive

This hole I call my life is a dark pill
Somewhere between this nightmare
I’ll wake up and forget everything

Scowls, cold brew and an empty glass
Last thing I want to see is my reflection
Puking in the gutter of my dreams

bobby bielik Feb 2015
If words could dance on a page
would they tip-toe into your heart
would they swing across the page
would they twist and turn all night

They can bring you to sights unseen
they can melt your heart, make you sing
they can make you rise out of your seat
they can make you run fast on your feet

Words often crumple to the floor and fall
tattered words left to weather in the sun
they seem to stay right where they are
like litter sprayed across a broken wall

Pick up a book see what reads on the page
fill your minds with unspoken expressions
go to all the places your imagination wills
a menagerie of collected thoughts and ideals

A poet is a beggar stealing words for free
a writer is a soul warming his own heart
a reader on the other hand is a dreamer
with thoughts of traveling to distant parts

If words could dance on a page
would they tip-toe into your heart
would they swing across the page
would they twist and turn all night

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