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Bluelips Jan 2014
One day, you will be
We’ll stumble upon
each other on the street.
But I won’t know
and you won’t know
Maybe I’ll give you a
and perhaps you’ll say
As we walk on by,
neither of us will look back.
‘Cause all will be
When she asks you who
I am,
you’ll say:
«oh, just someone I once knew»
Holding her hand a little
Just like that, we will be
All the fragments of everything
that used to be
will be washed away,
like patterns
in sand. 
And it will all be
And that's how life works!
Bluelips Jun 2013
As I walked out an evening grey,
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned to look and there she was;
Her touch warm and soft, yet steady.

This face famliar to me was;
A pair of eyes I used to know.
Blue and glowing like mine did before,
Gazing into my shivering core.

Her hand touched my cheeck so cold;
Before dawn the night is dark,
Light will shine and birds shall sing,
If faith is allowed within this soul

So I was alone once more,
On a crooked path, going nowhere.
And though I thought about her words,
God left this one long ago.
This is my first poem in a while, so I'm not entirely happy with it, but I just felt like writing something since it's been so long.
Bluelips Feb 2013
As the green fields of desire turn to dust,
And the shining armor is covered in rust,
Cynicism catches reality with her embrace,
While hope takes one last bow in grace.
All that is left is a harsh, crooked grin,
Served by despair who knows he’ll win.
Though his diamonds will leave you shivery,
He is now your finest piece of jewelry.

When taking that frightening leap in tears,
You hear the cries of devotion so near.
In the dark, misgiving cradles your head,
They are dying, these words you left unsaid.
Faith is the light trying to break through,
Yet the choir of doubts still leaves you blue.
Anger and bitterness will claim what’s yours,
Forcing patience to leave these shores.

Looking upon someone you wish you were,
You turn your head away from the blur.
Sweet affection held your hand for a while;
Now regret will walk you down the aisle.
But you request oblivion to stroke your mind,
Yet his stubborn being is not too kind.
Emptiness however is such a fine gentleman,
In him you find your trust to be genuine.
The title for this one is just a working title until I can come up with something better.
Bluelips Dec 2013
At times,
I want to walk in your steps,
and know everything you know,
breathing in the soothing air
you create.

But mostly,
I want to go my own way,
and trust what you won't accept,
breathing in air that stings you
like venom.

Then again,
It might do me well,
to sometimes open up my closed door,
I guess,
your age hides secrets I would like
to know.
Bluelips Dec 2013
I’d like to see the world,
from your point of
Crawl inside your mind,
when mine is

Because yours is always
like the blossoms on the
cherry tree in
It’s orange, a hint of gold,
like when the morning
It’s white; clear and pure,
like the first snow to
It’s the banner that paints
the sky after heavy

So why don’t you let me
into your mind
I’m sure you will bring
my thoughts some
Bluelips Mar 2013
How delighted I would feel,
To be the ocean wave singing softly.
Rolling towards a haven safe,
Embracing every shore so gently.

How released I would feel,
To be the eagle on the morning sky.
Carried by the wind beneath my wings,  
Gliding away without a sigh.  

How thrilled I would feel,
To be the sun breaking through the dark.
Swaying upon the surface blue,
Leaving gold with every spark.

But I am caught in silence,
And I cannot my wings perceive.
As glowing coal dying my beams they fade,
Yet my whispers will retrieve.
Bluelips Mar 2013
If you wake tomorrow
And I am gone,
Then know that I
Will be in some safer place,
And won't not return
No more.

If you wake tomorrow
But light is dim,
You will me not behold
For my silhouette is just a veil,
Flowing in the wind,

If you wake tomorrow
A little colder,
And my shadow is
The only fragment left of me,
I have your dreams

If you wake tomorrow
To a silence,
Leaving you trembling
The voice you hear is not me,
But a sigh deploring in
Your core.
Bluelips Jan 2013
Dry the water from your eyes, leave these dreams behind,
There is no thing here for you, but the haunting ghosts in your mind.
      The ocean may be sparkling in the sun, yet the ship is sinking,
      Shattered down in the deep, where the beams are never winking.

So please, my dearest one, do not let yourself devour.
They will cause only pain, these dreams of yours so flowered.
     The oleander may be a beauty evergreen, yet its blood so deadly,
      Makes your heart stop pounding, turning it cold and heavy.

Make your dreams a different kind, like the ones that never fade,
Because yours are turning grey, and will forever remain unmade.
       The fire may be an alluring saviour, yet demanding are its licks,
       Leaving every soul in ashes, ruthless destruction it inflicts.

Dreams like these were never meant for a heart like yours,
So pour out your reveries, and close the tempting doors.
       His wine may be sweet on your tounge, yet it will leave you drained,
       And bitter is the aftertaste, wishing you had abstained.
Bluelips Dec 2013
Now darling, please,
Won't you bury your armor,
and let your shield down.
Your walls are to high,
for me to climb.
Like a wave, crush it,
what poisons your mind.

Now darling, please,
Let go of your worries,
they can only bring you harm.
Your shadows are too dark,
for me to see.
Your mask, hide it,
and show me those scars.

Now darling, please,
Let me take you home,
to the place only you and I know.
Your heart is too heavy,
for me to know.
My hand, take it,
and I'll lead you through.
Because of lack of inspiration, I haven't published anything here in ages. I was just about to go to bed, but suddenly I felt a little inspired :)
Bluelips Feb 2013
It was like the final creased leaf letting go of its branch in the fall,
and see it dance away with the wind never to return.
It was like the last drop of rain hitting the ground in the desert,
and knowing that this drop would be the very last.
It was like the glittering snow washing away in the streets,
and leaving them slippery and ***** and grey again.
It was like the dying flower in the garden, once so beautiful,
and watching it giving in, knowing its beauty would be replaced.

That is what it was like when you gave me that one last glance.

Once, the leaf sat so proudly on its branch in a coat of green,
with no care in the world on a bright, sunny day in June.
Once, the rain would keep falling, all wet and soothing ,
with pearly drops of hope spreading its moist in the sand.
Once, the crystals of the snow would brighten the winter night,
with its twinkling white embrace so soft and pure.
Once, the flower was bursting, lively and full of joy,
with a touch of grace and confidence, believed to be ever-young.

Once, your icy blue, absorbing stare, would also feel that way.
I'm not very happy with the title, but I just had to come up with one and I couldn't leave it untitled.
Bluelips Mar 2013
My eyes so weary were blessed by the sight of you one day.
But you did me not see, and you seemed so far away.
Silver sheen hair, and a face revealing signs of long years,
Yet your smile, your laugh, could still banish all my fears.

          I closed my eyes and saw;
          A girl in her finest summer dress,
          A thousand suns shining upon her head,
          While dancing into my dreams so sweet.

I walked on that day, but if my courage was to decide,
I would serve you a smile, then say what my mind has denied:
”Though time has been ungentle, and I will remain an old cavalier,
Please know that my thoughts sometimes to you wander, dear”

          Now I close my eyes and see;
          A woman in shiny lace so lovely,
          A thousand golden roses leading her way,
          While floating down the aisle by his side.

Yes, my aged, crooked heart felt its rebirth by this sight of you.
The future never to us belonged, but I believe you once felt it too.
Yet we had our shores just left, setting sail for the sea.
How I wish I knew, that only you could bring me to my knees.
           At times I close my eyes and see:
           A couple old in their sunday best,
           A thousand angles their wings unfolding,
           While drifting away, hand in hand.
I've been listening to Tom Waits a lot lately, especially his song Martha, which resulted in this one.
Bluelips Jan 2014
Last year,
was too much waiting at
dull bus stops on
rainy sunday
And little rambling
in the sun.
Expectations too high
and moments
in vain.

This year,
there will be no pointless
promises of
ever red roses
in winter snow.
And no shy water
in these eyes.
Remember that these
castles belong in
the air.
Just something I came up with. Is this any good?
Bluelips Dec 2013
If only,
you could bring back
that spark in your
They rarely smile at me,
these days.

You let,
the world pass you by,
while walking in
Your path turned dark,
long ago.

If only,
you could lay down and
rest your weary
Your thoughts are troubled
these days.

You say,
there is no anchor
to hold you,
But I caught a glimpse of it,
last night.

If only,
I could reach you from
where you are
‘Cause your eyes rarely smile
these days.
Bluelips Jan 2014
It’s not that I don’t
believe your
They linger inside,
and cling on to
my heart.
But in the end,
my voice speaks
a little
a little
a little
Your words bring,
sparkle and
They always find
their way
But in the end,
they’re just

— The End —