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bluedomes23 Jan 2014
I hear the waves break the shore
Then they go back to the deep
My eyes await for their return
As my soul longs for your presence.
It all came with surprise
  Never thought I would be this happiest
      Yet the most forlorn without you.
   Every time we’re together
Carefree, no worries, no scars
We are in our own paradise.
How I wish the time halts.
Priceless are those times.
I miss you.
  And I mean it.
Dec 2013 · 716
The Story of Us
bluedomes23 Dec 2013
Not long ago our paths had crossed
Not just once, but several times
We knew each other though not of deep affiliation
I know your name, your friends
Your ways and things you did

Remembered well are the places I saw you
The days we bumped in each other’s path
An idea instilled in my mind over the years
That we would never come to an agreement
But I was proved wrong by now.

There were numerous moments in the past
That you let your presence be felt
Yet I sternly ignored and forgot about it
I barred the chances and closed the doors
And left no single window opened.

Time has passed and changes made.
No tie established neither news heard.
You had your own way, I had mine.
Until one day, a messaged was received
It was daybreak of a new chapter.

Reflecting on the past, I said to myself
“Nothing can go wrong if I give some chance”
Have fate make its way.
Clock ticks and the pen is ready
Let’s write our perfect story.

Things went better as nature conspires.
The flowers budding and the sun shining
So as your presence brightening up everything
Strange it is to think
The present seems so great.

Today is our story
Tomorrow may bring permanence or changes
But what remains important
To treasure each moment together spent
The best kind of happiness felt.
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
bluedomes23 Sep 2013
It has been a month or so
Still thinking what it could have been
If you did not yield to leaving
And forgetting everything
A smile can still be painted
And my spirit is still filled.

Fate is not in our ways
Yet our hearts remain beating
Our souls searching
Reality knocks on our door
No sense in holding to something fading
Help me get over then.

Hope is in the horizon
Tomorrow brings a different story
A sea of new faces may surround us
The perfect love may be found
A love that overcomes any adversity
And does not surrender easily.

I pray for a desire
To teach my heart to forget you
To free my soul from blue
That I may breathe the wild breeze of tomorrow
And witness the buds blossoming
With the right man holding thy hand.
Sep 2013 · 654
Tale of a Blessed Heart
bluedomes23 Sep 2013
Gone were the days that I fretted
Gone were the days that I got so immersed with careless fun
They all perished with a purpose
They all wrecked with no memories remorse.

All of these happened with no intended casualty
All of these came into being with no accident
For you came, first unnoticed
Yet, now the most beloved as fate meant.

Each moment spent is a day in heaven
Each day treasured is a bliss of Nirvana
With you, love is endless, timeless and limitless seemingly
All these words I say, simply lovely.

Could hardly imagine a life without you
Could barely think of an impure love
You put a mark on everything that is of me
Significantly, you did all and made me happy.

Reality checks in our circumstance
Reality brings reasons and pains
Parting is what we're destined
You serve your task across the seas.

I remain here waiting and hoping
I remain here praying and remembering
My blessed heart is your gift
A lifetime for me, forever cherished.

A promise has been made between us
A promise has been left and an undying trust
You'll be here soon, and that I foresee
Love shall blossom and be kept binding.

A deep gratitude, I shall reward
A deep gratitude, I shall say
For presenting a new world and meaning
For always being there when I need thee.

If I be permitted to write my fate
If I be permitted to draw my stars
Then, you'll be my other half forever
And my heart shall be blessed by you and a prayer.
Sep 2013 · 2.2k
You Caught me off- Guard
bluedomes23 Sep 2013
Everytime I see you,
My heart is trembling, my mind is bewitched
Then triggering me to smile
It’s like making me speechless and stationary
As if I’m injected with a ******.
I feel happiness to being bashful when I catch a glimpse
I hate feeling this way.
I want to cut down this sense of insanity
But I am weak to breakfree
You’re such a wonderful thing to be stayed away from.
It’s strange why I had this likeness on you
Maybe your smile, the calmness of your face or so.
I can’t let you get out of my head now.
I think I’m pretty caught off-guard.
Sep 2013 · 804
Loving Him is Like
bluedomes23 Sep 2013
It’s been a more than a week now
I still welcome the feeling
Bleak, sad, melancholic
As the sun kisses the day goodbye
As the red petals fall to the coarse ground
No grace no energy, no charm.

I had a deep fall, painful and chronic
A fall without any precaution
To him deemed unworthy
As committing a sin so passionate
As not following orders so easy
Everything came smooth, yet mistaken and immediate.

At all times, my mind entraps the thoughts
Of his sweet words and warmth
So sudden, they had perished
So hasty he has changed
As the wind blows the leaves of a dying cypress tree
As the strong waves erode the coast

Puzzled now how to mend
The shattered dream he had left hanging
To move on as if he never existed
To comfort thyself, and live life anew
As the caterpillar metamorphoses to a butterfly
As the sun creeps in the mountains to give light for a new day.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
bluedomes23 Aug 2013
On the fourth night of this sweet summer month
When I first looked into your pleasing eyes
I read a message, something deep and vulnerable
I gauged myself and my feelings even  more

Saying to my heart, “it will just perish”
But days passed, I started to become foolish
I fell into likeness with you and definite I was
Contemplating and reflecting on a decision, I must!

Our fates may have been planned
Things came about though complicated but manned
We’ve placed ourselves in a difficult situation
Yet we were happy for having our feelings expressed.

I weighed things out, carefully and sure
Commitment and love for him were now more obscure
Even before you came, uncertainty was a question to be answered
Many means were sought and prayed.

You came into my life and made me realized
Something that is greater, free and more that I can take
That I’m still capable of loving somebody else
And be loved in returned and not make myself bleak.

A moment between us happened
May 15 was the date and everything was said, breakeven.
With a crying heart, I told you of what my heart was feeling
You too confessed yours and time passed even more exciting.

It’s been a week now since we’ve cleared everything between us
We’d promised each other to cut strings from our past.
The times spent with you, deep happiness felt
I wish this would last even after the world would melt.

No words could express how grateful am I to the Lord
Not even the renowned lines in prose or poetry could describe this contentment
When you came into my life, love became more defined
Obstacles may hinder our path, as a larger scheme of things is meant.

I’m just wishing for one single dream
A dream that would be achieved if strength and trust are assured
That these trials may be withstood
And someday, our love would be not anymore curbed.
Aug 2013 · 385
Just a Summer Romance
bluedomes23 Aug 2013
It was on the fourth night of May
When all of these started
I saw your lovely face, so calm and tan
Everything followed perfectly fine

Days passed and sweet moments shared
In spite of the troubles faced
For the first time, I believed in true happiness
I felt it with you and each hour it grew

Short lived was the magical thing
A couple of days quickly went
Everything changed, even you did
Those words you said had a natural death

No one should be blamed
It’s the situation that called us to fall apart
We don’t have the same Faith
Yet blessed we are for we knew this not late

I could not deny the fact
That every night I still imagine of you and us
What could be our fate if we have This in common
Then marrying you would be my first decision

Tears dampen my pillow as I pray each night
That one day, our story would have its chance
No more anxieties and trials to be endured
Only you and me, God grant me this plight!

Wishing and praying, I can only do
My heart says that I should fight
The situation is against us
Struggling against it now is seemingly futile.

I still don’t want to admit
That this was for just a summer romance
Afraid I am that time may prove that this is indeed
But I want to believe that one day, our paths may again meet.

— The End —