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Daisy Buchanan Feb 2014
My love to you was like heavy summer rain
after all that dryness

You smiled and nothing else mattered
you laughed and I cried inside
I looked at you and felt sadness

I didn't even know I loved you
it occured to me
long time after I lost you

I wonder what were you thinking about
when you looked me
and I wonder if your actions
that made me fall in love with you
were on purpose

Because this kind of love is much more
than people assume
I love you but you're gone
I think about you
and you think about him

I would do anything to be near you again
I'd be your friend
I'd be your shadow
and I would secretly make you happy
because this is how I love you
and that is all
Daisy Buchanan Feb 2014
Your eyes are full but so empty
your hearts are filled with simple emotions
your words are foolish and irrelevant
like dust on your driveway

You judge people
because your little brains can not understand

But everything is so fake
fake money, fake people,
fake words and fake laws
fake system
made so you can feel like
your life has a purpose

I feel like I'm the only one
who sees through this
but I'm really not

I guess this life is a joke
and I am the punch line
Daisy Buchanan Feb 2014
After all these years
of being trapped in cage with him
consuming me
I still think it was meant to be
I was meant to be like this

I believe in purpous
and reason
and maybe there's something big
and beautiful
waiting for me
that wouldn't happen
without all the pain

So maybe my demon loves me
and maybe I love him
I wouldn't change a **** thing about it

I know who I am
and I feel like winning.

— The End —