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Eliot York   Apr 20, 2015
I'd like to hear from you
I am looking for your feedback on the next phase of Hello Poetry.

This website is here to enable everyone in this vibrant community express themselves, read poetry, connect with each other. I intend to keep it that way too, despite the growing pressure to advertise! grow! profit! sell!

Perhaps it's my personal resistance to a world I see as single-mindedly distracted by those very pursuits, but this intention will continue to be behind every decision I make that influences the community.

And so, it's my hope is that we can do even more to connect with and support each other here. Whether it's simply taking some time to reach out to someone else by messaging them, giving some thoughtful feedback on their work, sharing an inspiring book or article, or offering a piece of advice that has guided you in the past. I've been hugely encouraged by the support I've seen in poem comments and I want the features of the website to facilitate that behaviour even more than it currently does.

With that in mind, there are new features I'd like to propose and some themes that I'd like to explore together as a community. Before I put them forward though, I'd like to get a sense of where you are, you know, in the world, in life, and with your writing.

So, in the comments below (they're sent directly to me) I'd love it if you could share those and any other ideas you have for how the website could facilitate support and connections even better. I'll then put all of those together in the coming weeks and share them with you in another post here.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
