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Eliot York   Feb 22, 2014
I've released some changes and improvements to the collections feature, in addition to adding a section on the home page for "featured collections". Collections remain a niche feature of the site, but I'm hoping with these new features that will soon change. Here is a little bit about what's new.

First off, collections can be public or private, and can be set up to permit contributions from certain people (you can change this in the collection's settings). Private collections are only visible to its members, and poems can be added by either members or editors. Similarly, public collections can be configured to have poems added by either members, editors, but also have the option to permit followers to submit poems. The authors of poems added to public collections will be notified.

Once you're contributing to a collection, either as a member or a follower, you can start collecting by clicking the "Add" button after reading any poem. That's all there is to it!

In the meantime if you have a collection you're excited about message me to have it featured. I'll also be posting more detailed info in a FAQ next week.

Happy collecting!
