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185 · Dec 2017
Free Writing
Jo Morris Dec 2017
Thoughts running through my head. Feeling alone again. As hard as they try, their left misunderstood.
   Wearing chains of anger, regret, and guiltiness. The keys have been swallowed.
   Surviving on the motivation and hope's nowhere to be found.
   Running the white line, like a fugitive on the run. Not knowing what I'm running from. Not knowing where I'm going.
    Steadily, I'm slowing; I was suppose to be more. Where are the dreams? The older ones we grow, the colder the world seems.
  Breathing in the smoke, blow away the ambition and dedication. So many questions, so little time.
   The age of innocence, we find to be our prime.
   Life is the greatest trick of all time. Bittersweet, just to be alive.
   To feel something, only to have it taken away.
    Living for the moment, but the moment is dark.
   Put our hearts into love, but it tears us apart.
166 · Dec 2017
Jo Morris Dec 2017
Sticks and stones may break my bones.
  Words hurt too.
  Compliments make me uncomfortable.
  I have social anxiety.
  I’m a wreck.
  Just go.

— The End —