I don't want to be anything except a part of this infinite universe a part of this vast world a part of my country a part of my nation a part of my youth a part of my home a part of my family a part of myself.
I just don't understand but somehow, standing under the same sky we exchanged our souls* with each other. Now, I'm being worse n worse and you're being better n better I know with certainty that someday you'll be proudly standing in Heaven and I'll be suffering *in Hell.
You cannot call yourself ugly until someone else does so. No one's perfect in this imperfect world nor me neither you. What I believe is kindness fills the empty spaces or hides ugliness in us lack of kindness is ugliest in all *flaws.
-you know, they are deprived of a delusional world as in my perception, they ain't broken. They can sense what's freedom that's why they wander in the skies.