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Aug 2013 · 539
Art of Letting Go
blankpaper Aug 2013
Heart full of mourning
When will I see the joyful morning?
If you always make me feel extinct
And I know it in my instinct
I’m tired of pretending
And I just want an ending
To this sadness
And turn it into happiness
I need to let go of this
To welcome the bliss
The bliss I’ve been finding
That’s been hiding
So farewell to you
I just want to say thank you
For teaching me the hard art
Of letting go of your heart
Aug 2013 · 982
Unspoken by @_blankpaper_
blankpaper Aug 2013
I stare blankly at him
To show that my feelings are dim
I didn’t utter a word
Knowing it’ll just hurt like a sword

He asked me why I’m like this
That my face once full of bliss
Has been taken away abruptly
To a different world unknowingly

There was a moment of silence
A moment that was filled with tense
A silence that no one dares to break
For each other’s sake

The look on his face struck me
His eyes showing deep sympathy
He knows what he have done wrong
That I’ve been hiding all along

I turned around and walk away
I know he can’t stop me today
He said he doesn’t want to be left
But I don’t want to be with someone deaf

My feelings for him weren’t real
Our relationship seems like a deal
He should’ve known so he wasn’t broken
With my words left unspoken

— The End —