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 Aug 2011 Blanca
Mary Torrez
I know a girl
with wandering eyes
who paints her dreams
on giant canvases.
her lopsided ponytail
is secured by a paintbrush
and I swear she looks most beautiful
when her lips are pursed
and nose scrunched up
as she tries to get that final detail
just right.
disheveled and sleep-deprived
with coffee stains on her tired smock,
she brings to life
intricate images of her subconscious.
detailed landscapes
free of the burden of mankind
with creatures whose names
I find unpronounceable
but they roll off her tongue just fine.
one day
in her cluttered studio
her paintbrush meets my cheek
with a fiery line of red.
I catch her hand in mine
and she meekly says,
"I dreamt that you were mine
so I thought I'd paint you,
our lips touch
and the paint smears
as we are brought to life
among her dreams.
 Aug 2011 Blanca
Monica Mourad
Standing there unaware and unprepared
My world wasn’t ready for you
But you never said you would play fair
You stole my heart with just one smile

Like a spell I couldn’t shake
You became my favorite nightmare
And I knew you were unlike any other
Still words were impossible to fare  

As I willingly became your victim
Trapped in those hazel eyes
Your face now a movie of wonder
With no beginning middle or end
Just endless beauty to ponder
I was left defenseless… defeated

Sick of sticking in the shadows
Watching time come as days flew by
Feelings turned to ardor no longer bearable
I knew you had to be mine

My prayer answered on that cold night
As you sat alone wrapped in a blanket
A gift given only by density
Stars sparkled night became day
And you finally became mine.
 Aug 2011 Blanca
my love stopped loving me

I don’t know how or when

in our weakness he grew bitter

I could not see it then.

He left me with no heart

and I could not understand

the cold and empty world

without my love’s hand in my hand.

I grew bitter from the wound

I still tried to make him see

I tried to work and sort things out

but it was too late for me.

Our story finally ended,

we both left beaten, bruised;

my heart grew calloused and angry

from disappointment, feeling accused

of things I had not meant, things I didn’t want to be

my love  had seen my sin, and I?

I was too blind to see.
 Aug 2011 Blanca
Katrina Wendt
If I had an inch I'd give you a mile
If you were a frown I'd give you a thousand smiles
I'd give you the world if you asked
But all I want you to have is my heart

I'll write you a song if that's what you want
Then tear it all up if you don't
I'll show you my mind and give you my heart
Just promise you won't rip it apart

I want to know how you are
I want to know your heart and soul
Your voice is a work of art
I wish you could be mine to hold

I never could move on from your eyes
They'd haunt me wherever I go
Quitting isn't always so bad
When giving up on the impossible

Honestly I'd be crazy not to love you
Although the effect seems the same either way
I have dreams of spending forever with you
I wonder if you'd want to stay?

— The End —