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May 2011 · 535
What's left of me
O, I'm a *******.
But, that's what's left of me.
The only thing alive inside,
is what I'm bleeding.
Just close your eyes, baby,
and maybe, what you'll see,
is that this black is freer
then you could ever be.

I open myself,
to let the life seep.
The life that screams inside,
even when I sleep.
There is no place to hide tonight
when I'm dreaming.
That's where I found you, girl,
this darkness I'm receiving.

But, when I let go
of my give a ****.
It's like you were there,
to bring me back up.
To push me back down,
into the ground,
deeper then before,
my tainted *****.

When you look up,
at my wilting face,
I'll shower on you,
with such disgrace.

Then we'll play in the fountain...
The water we spat in.

I am evaporating,
But, I will rain down again.
So don't waste your tears.
Because everything is so Divine,
but Wretched at the same ******* time,'
don't waste your tears.
May 2011 · 592
The Sum
My degradation
Brings me to
My creation.
Learning from
Seeing through
to Salvation.
I become
Turning blue
Is the sum...
May 2011 · 516
Stains on my Soul
Why fall? Why rise?
I am what I am.
To my surprise...
I surrender to the man.
In my defense,
I feel I am to blame.
Feeling relentless,
I throw away my shame.

Trouble my mind,
with all these petty games...
I am not blind, and
I will not be saved.

Why do I laugh at myself,
when I'm dying inside?
Burning in my hell,
with nowhere to run, nor hide.

Why am I here?
Feeling that I don't belong?
Why do I feel anything at all?
Behind these walls,
with no one left to call,
Why do I feel anything at all?
Jan 2011 · 788
Rainy Metamorphosis
I am evaporating...
But, I will rain down again.
So don't waste your tears.
Dec 2010 · 577
My star. My mind.
Entranced in my own sanctuary,
Within the depths of my mind.
My garden is Planetary.
In a faerie circle, blissfully confined.

The Full Moon beams down upon me,
Perfectly aligned.
The Mushroom circle dances with energy,
And the grass underneath is fine.

Protected by forests of beauty and magic,
Majestic trees stand tall, glistening.
The energy is delightfully hypnotic.
A perfect place for Cosmic Traveling.
This is a poem inspired by a guided imagery meditation that I was guided through on the couch, in the living room in my friend Barbara Young. She is a far out, beautiful lady. I send her much love.

<3 I hope you can visualize my garden.
Nov 2010 · 519
Connected to the Stars,
and to the Space in-between.
Searching for out souls,
but can they be seen?

A black veil,
pulled over our eyes.
But it is expected,
negativity wears a clever disguise.

A coat and a tie,
black shoes, and a hat.
He knows where he's going,
but does he know where he's at?

Look up to the sky!
Look down to the ground!
Your spirit calls to you,
but you can't hear the sound.

Break free from the chains,
from the toil, from the despair.
It's only "stuff" you'll be losing.
Is it really too much to bare?

Imagine how far you'll go,
and the places you'll see,
and the connections you'll make,
like this one, with me.

Picture yourself as a thread,
and Life as the Loom.
You can be as big as the planets,
or as small as a mushroom.
Written by Blake Franklin Satter.
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Dream to Dream
Living Life.
Dream to Dream.
Asleep, but still awake.

Constantly searching for a vision.
Eyelids closed, but still looking.
The mind's curtain is drawn open.

Ancient knowledge awaits the seeker
Wise guides. Magickal symbolism.
Your power lies within.

Questioning reality opens new doors.
New thoughts being the keys.
Everything is a journey.

Information always downloading.
The cycle never stops.
Always learning. Always evolving.

Connect with wisdom, with truth.
Know yourself. Fear nothing.
Dream to Dream.
Written by Blake Franklin Satter.
Nov 2010 · 592
How Beautiful Life Can Be
Sitting on this cushion,
Waiting for the rain.
I let the water come
To wash away the pain.
And when the rain stops,
The clouds begin to part.
I let the sun shine down,
And then the healing starts.
Beautiful light shines down,
Brings a smile to my face.
Comfortable and happy,
I'll never leave this place.
But when the clouds come back.
They wash me away.
Floating down the stream,
I smile, and I play.
Forget about your plans
Just smile and float with me
Lose your expectations
And then you'll start to see
How beautiful life can be.
How beautiful life can be.
How beautiful life can be.
Written by Blake Franklin Satter.

Just a poem I wrote. Very in the moment. No thinking, just flowing. Hope you all like it. Definitely going to come back to it for some more work.

— The End —