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She suffers from mental flurries inside her head
Questions and worry keep her awake in bed
Looks that paralyze, statements that can make you numb
People don't realize the habits she can overcome
Wishing for an end of this unreasonable pain
Causing tears that fall like rain
Tears like crystals, concealing the hurt she suffers
Standing for herself relating to no other
Obsessions that **** her slowly with nothing to hide
With everything lost, her hope never died
Shes stands with a strong will and courage to shed
Nothing can stop her, not even the questions and worry inside her head
this poem is about a friend who suffers from OCD
For centuries now and centuries beyond
We have been told stories of the holy one
The Lord our Savior Jesus Christ!
To the name, all Christians rise.
But have you heard this story?

Christians of this generation
Shun the homosexuals with no hesitation
Speak of their sin and their journey to Hell
But do not judge until you have brought water out of their well
What do you believe you are bringing?
Joy and pride to the King?
You are pleasing the great one, but killing some
You find them foolish, you find their choices dumb
But this is not a choice, this is a reason
They are not harming you or committing treason
You are not them, neither do you own
So if you have never sinned, please throw your stone

Sadly, today we Christians believe
That scaring you into Christian hood is the only way to receive
Some may disagree and some may disapprove
But this is where I stand and I will not move
No one deserves to be shunned or given a title
Just because they do not believe every word out of the bible
Stop scaring people into religion
So that they may want a new beginning
You call yourself a Christian
But all you do is make people feel distant
I am Christian and I walk with God
But you are doing things wrong
Calling things gay
Isn't and never will be okay
It is rude and widely offensive
You have no right to
That includes giving people titles for what you believe to be true
It is awfully immature and beyond rude too
So lets be the Christians God wanted us to be
The ones who love his people no matter the Race, Gender, or Sexuality.
Let's Go.
Let's go make memories we'll never forget
Let's go chase our dreams
Let's go make fools of out ourselves
Let's run until our youth wears off

We can prove ourselves to be loyal, beautiful, respectful, bold, and fierce
****** maniacs
We will be those girls who don't care what people think about them
We will be the girls who care for others we love
We will be those girls who will succeed.

Who told us to start growing up?
Who demanded we stop living?
Who wants to steal our youth?
Those demands are pointless.

Because us girls who,
will make ourselves invincible.

And We Will Run Until Our Youth Wears Off.
This poem is for my stunning best friends Blaise, Joanna, Emily, and Caroline. Those girls know everything there is to know about me. They are beautiful, trustworthy, supporting, crazy, amazing, and fearless. They understand me and accept me. I love them with all my beaten and tattered heart.... So my four and only Quack Pack Ducklings ;) Let's Run Until Our Youth Runs Off <3
Why must I be so in love with you?
Every thing I do brings back the depressingly lovely
thoughts of you.
Maybe it's the nonchalant way you smile when you see me
Or maybe the way your forest deep eyes gleam when you read my poem
Or maybe it's just God's way of perfection.

I'm sure I could become an Olympic Track  runner after sprinting down the halls everyday
Just so I can stand next to you...
The way you laugh at my silly gestures brings joy into my compressed heart
The way you draw illustrations for my poem about depression makes me wonder
why did I ever write those when my cure is right in front of me?

If you only knew how much I smiled, cried, thought, and dreamed of this one text from you
Maybe then you'll understand
"...But you can call me your Batman..."
You would be my superhero.
My knight in shining armor.
My protection. My warmth. My security.
My First Love.

Maybe. Just Maybe.
This is God's idea of perfection.
You have no idea. You have no idea how many emotions you have brought upon me. You have no idea how much I want to feel your comforting arms around me. You have no idea how much I hope for a "Good  Morning Beautiful" text from you. You have no idea how many times my friends have heard the same stories about you again and again and again. You have no idea how much of an impact you are in my life. If I ever lost you, my poems would have no meaning. I wouldn't have met you, I would never have felt love....

P.S. Before I met you, my poems have all been about hate, depression, and loneliness. The first poem I wrote about you was my first "happy" poem... You changed me and my life forever.... <3
A situation happened a couple of years ago
Pain no one will ever know
I was pressured and forced to be right
but on the inside I knew I would never win this fight

Every night I would cry alone
Sometimes I thought about taking my life, yes my very own
I walked into the court house on July 5th or my birthday
Only to be forced to be sent away

I still feel your tears as you wept on my shoulder
Please don't cry.
Stand Tall Old Soldier.

I remember driving away that day
Watching everything turn to gray
I thought you would never forgive me
I was only doing what Lawson wanted I plea

Now I only see you 15 times a year
I wish everything was clear
You were my faith, my rock, everything I had
but others would call you my loving dad.
This is a VERY old poem of mine that still has a lot of meaning to me. I wrote it on February 11, 2013. Now my life is clear and I am happy.
I have a loving family, trustworthy friends, and poetry who will always help me release emotions. I remember reading this poem to my poetry club last year. I couldn't help myself but cry.  Although it felt like like I was looking through a thin layer of water, I still stayed up there and finished... I love my father with all my heart and soul. No, he isn't the perfect dad but no dad is. No matter what I will love him forever <3

— The End —