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Feb 2011 · 651
Where I Walk
bkmackenzie Feb 2011
in our town there is a park
I walk it every day
in one corner are two flat stones
two small graves, one boy
one girl
in the park, in our town
I walk every day

girl gone at birth - 1901
boy three years of age, a son
died - 1907
in two small graves, this be their final heaven?  
in the park, in the town
that I walk everyday

children come stare at the stones
elders wonder - Who?
could be sleeping there
in the rain and in the sun, and
Where their mother? she rests not here
in the park, in the town
that I walk everyday

other's walk there too
mother's smiling as their children play
in the park, in our town
none offer
nor ask these two children to play
or beg rise up sweet little ones, from
where you so quietly lay, in the corner
in the park, in the town
that I walk every day

some will pass smile, some
look once maybe again, not
asking Who?  their mother might have been
what these stones might actually have to say
in the park, about the town, where
I walk everyday
copyrighted by: bkmackenzie 2011
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
by the stair
bkmackenzie Jan 2011
when shall I linger by the stair
where I first met you standing there
you in coat, my long, long brown hair
where I first met you last December

when shall I linger by the stair
where a woolen  scraf so willingly shared
you wrapped it round my face and  hair
the beginnings of our love affair
when shall I meet you there

when shall I linger by the stair
my hair now cut your shoulders bare
the summer warmth still finds love shared
no given end to a this fond affair
when shall I linger by the stair
I shall meet you there....
copyrighted 2011 bkmackenzie
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
Starry, Starry Night
bkmackenzie Jan 2011
from new to waxing
blinked a moon
Orion stood in might
of a heaven
earth below - such a
starry, starry night

words not fair to this
sight beheld of you
Vincent and your timelessness- beauty
golds and blue - and held
me in the spell of moon, and in the spell
of light - a vision of
one "as beautiful" - this
starry, starry night...
bkmackenzie copyrighted Jan can also read at
Jan 2011 · 915
bkmackenzie Jan 2011
torn holes through all yarn
darning i had never done; what else
to do i, but run, and run...

screaming out, you called  
by name, i ran and ran until
on tear came - words ran too,
down your face, traced my heart
for years replaced and i cried
long, for what was spent - where heaven, prayer?
nothing sent
and with vow - now
spoken for God to hear
this heart broken, his promise where?
i placed the gate (closed) on
my soul - and its holiness
of long ago...
copyrighted 2010 - by bkmackenzie
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
the feminine bleeds
not always red, not always white
seldom enough
for words - she inters herself, crouched
chambered, begs for
cleansing, hand held cupped

round- her curves
familiar to self, unknowable;
unselfish giving - she bleeds, not enough
mutilated even by her own kindness, cradled
without righteousness, coddled by an unnamed
nebula .....she curses her own image, and likeness
slivers it, cuts it raw, for dead left - visible
a world denies
knowledge with sacred
alibi - scribed hieroglyphs, scrolled - she bleeds
white, and a

desert conceals her face
calculates her dance - her movements
mythical, she cries inside

tears of salt river-ed, rested
underground, a birthing place securing
her masculine seed coming to
light -  Madonna paints her
face black, "Oh Czestochowa, pray for us
Oh Mother - we beseech thee"

She bleeds - red,  the
world turns with season - she re-seeds our flesh
feeds us with her *****, prior
to the sacrifice -"Witch, it is, Witch....burn it," conceal
in alabaster stones
lone, unmarked - her womb

tomb it only in site
of an unflinching god - hold him, birth him
in sorrow grieve and give him,  his blood shed
"take it ,drink it" - red,  she bleeds - seldom enough
as the masculine prepares for HIS resurrection
feminine for trial

He is reborn - she never dies
she is Wisdom (Sophia) eternal
He - Godhead
she - Feminine

copyrighted  December  2010
Dec 2010 · 789
Love Mortal
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
A Mortal Love I seek, I am not stone
Goddess's of past standing cold;
Rome's current shore- shown godless?
I have flesh, and
still it clings to supple bone, veined marrow

Comfort, none in promise
of a heaven that still thirsts
for my mortal soul, ... remorse held,
holding infinite death, that love would pass
from my partaking; and not
(... a martyr's fate - I refuse it's claim nor seek it's place
on a said judgement day)  For without it, Love...I am
but formless discontent, unforgivable by any winged angel or ether,
by any artisan's muse, lent full

Tell what earthen grave
would embrace  mortality's warmth/
expose an ashen soul to life? ...Love Mortal  itself is lone witness
to all posed as vital, human and willed perfectly finite....
as moon fulled to new
matched only by counted nights; Mortal?....I will
bear it in joy  -  Love, as word,or turn of tarot,
of fates
consecrating it - immutable
consecrating it - truth immortal...this

*Love ... Mortal...
copyrighted December 2010...bkmackenzie
Dec 2010 · 893
Sheet Music
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
piano, portraits, pyres
milking the celestial wellspring
notes, have and have-nots, halfed
alms, imperfect time
exchanged for dignity..a
knee takes score,
chant resounds, the portraits speaks
its crown, robbed of maven grace
defaced by scorn... reborn in
a pyres burn, a pianos key
and  the composer's fear
of obscurity
copyrighted 2010 by bkmackenzie
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
a year secures its legacy
as the moon veils her phase
with light facing inward, reflecting
the passing of life's days,
and an aura
surrounding morning
its all to fated hand
that I often think about, but can seldom
understand  -   the love  

you imparted with the waxing
of a tear -  faithfully
a promise, the gift of but one year..
of days and nights as
an all to fatal vow... now
ending as you take your leave
along with goddess
and her throne, shrouding me
in memory - and standing
all alone....
*copyrighted  12/21/2010 by bkmackenzie*
Dec 2010 · 697
love between seasons
bkmackenzie Dec 2010
I fell in love between seasons
and lines upon the page
of a "Pride and Predjuice"
that held me at its door...somehow
you wanted more..more

than autumn,
could itself hold - and less than winter,
chilled  to warmth, yet not its bitter, icy cold
and with the last of nights candle
burning, you took it from my hair,
the ribbon
and its pleasure, pressed it to the page
closing the book on what would come -
between seasons and a flame
that slowly slipped away, as did
reason, pride, all shame

this poem is held with all copyrights belonging to the author bkmackenzie.....Love Between Seasons :copyrighted November 2010

— The End —