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815 · Mar 2013
Longest Dream
Birlan Mar 2013
Standing in the crowd of friends but alone,
Feelings were there but spirit was gone,
It was a dull night but that face was more than bright,
I tried hard to escape but something was destined to happen,
Could feel the flux beneath my skin,
It was dragging me towards that figure that was the kingpin,
She was cool and calm like a moon,
Those extra bright eyes were no less than a boon,
Her smile was divine,
Standing by the harbor I felt her breath,
That’s when I realized she was mine,
My ecstasy was at the peak when I went to sleep,
Today ended the year what they call a leap.

Walking down the park and crushing that white snow,
I felt it was not the world I was living on,
It was where I could feel my heart and I was not alone,
Her words were promising,
And that was the reason my fear was gone,
My barren heart had dreams now,
And with few more promises they all were grown,

I felt, worst part was that I kept my alarm on,
I woke up and she was gone,
I realized, best part was that I had my alarm on,
It was a dream that I lived,
Now I am awake and busy but somewhere this dream is still on,
They say it was a dream for me and fling for her,
I don’t want to blame her as it was my choice,
I don’t want to hate Birlan,
Just assume it was my longest dream,
Everything I earned is gone,
But somewhere this dream is still on.
436 · Feb 2013
I would die anyway
Birlan Feb 2013
May be I had walked miles in hot desert,
and you were the spring I came across,
I had to die for you,
Otherwise I would die anyway,
But still I am dying, not because you were not what I needed,
You did keep me alive for a while but,
May be I would die anyway,
But you made the difference,
You made me ignore the boundaries,
And the difference is that otherwise I would die of thirst,
but since I wanted more of you,
So now I am dying because I am drowning in you anyway.

— The End —