River parts it through the middle
no spark you kindle
Mirror-faces, motionless
spying minds under tolerance-dress
Of the bridges,
I count three
cross the bridge,
but they can't see
bend and break - to fit in,
this is Mirror-Tyranny.
Sing-song people flock like sheep,
conformity-vows you must keep,
You Valley-town, you Valley-people.
I put a mirror to your face,
perhaps you'll see this is the case;
Climb the hill and have a peek,
there's more of us,
who do not speak,
the Mirror-Tongue of 'I-means-we',
You Valley-people are not free.
Oh beer-brewing town,
grey and timely,
beer-foam people sting us kindly,
Unity-violence leaves no scar,
but we know what,
you really are.
Blessed oil-children
your wealth is new,
years of culture, you have but few.
Divided and numbered,
disciplined apathy,
mimics Civility.
Watch us close, expect a hit,
but battle-sparks among you are lit
Bah-bah sheep, and cows that moo,
look around - the wolf's one of you.
He's the third, waiting are more,
writing manifests of calls to War.
Valley-people, asking how,
numbing rythm has to bow,
Hillside people are watching You now.
Hold your roses high for your Father,
but Valley-people,
perhaps now you see?
You are not so kind, so pure, so free.