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2.5k · Oct 2011
Love It Burns Sometimes
Bill Oct 2011
Ever see two sappy ****** in the a park holding hands no ******* clue there on the verge of sugar coated
insanity that twisted mind **** known as love.
Yeah you ignore all the warnings of sanity ***** it im in love!

You just cant get enough of each other you **** like two rabbits
and it's perfect but thats never good enough the way it is.
Oh **** no cause then after you sample ya gotta commit  and unlike suicide
there isnt a happy ending.

Then one of you starts to wonder hey ya think are they cheating?
Well if they are tahn im sure as hell going to!
Like two kids you have to out do the other.

Hey I ****** your sister!
Yeah well I ****** your brother and your ******* cousin.
Yeah now it makes sense why he's been so dam happy.

Love is the poisen that ***** up the pie children like it or not it is.
It's like the sober ***** at the party who usedto be fun till he found Jesus
or some other superhero and wants to tell you how better his life is now.

When all truth the guy wants to crack you over the head steal your beer
but his head between a pair of big ***'s and say **** being sober lets drink till we hit the floor.

Yeah sure you may think Im a ***** and that love is everything thjat makes this marble roll.
Yeah and if thats so Santa Claus is coming to town and he's bringin Elvis and Tupac and there
gonna have ******* with  Lady Ga Ga   While ****** Doo films it.

Love does exist of course.
Sure I see the old farts who been togather for so long they dont even have to tell
each other how much they dislike the other.

Love is a moment nothing more.
And like red wine in the hand of some old lush you just pray
it doesnt get spilled on the carpet cause it's hell to get out.

But for the young and horney out there enjoy the fun that happens befor that
std kicks in  cause kids sometimes love hurts and really ****** burns.
Bill Oct 2011
The world is going into a slow regression ******* TV shows about spoiled rich ****** who are as about as interesting as  a city dump.
Movies reflect just how the intelectual bus has become way to packed and short.

Adam ******* yeah there's a true comic a idiot that makes weird voices and ****** movies good wholsome
family fun well you can put the family in a car and point them to the nearest cliff in my book.
We live in a dark age yet we design bubble gum images to destroy are senses.

Hey Gill how's Tommy?
Well after getting his legs blown of he's been stuck in front of the TV  for about a month and ses
why couldnt it have been my eyes instead.

Yeah i may seem harsh to  you just cause i dont like bubble gum ******* but ask yourself this.
Why is it more people will feed a hungry dog than a ******* starving person?
Why do people belive kids are so ******* advanced when in reallity there just more sexually active than smart

I got friend's that got kids the misreble little ****"s I asked one of the turds in highschool
so what do you think about this war?
He looked at me with a brainless expression and replied what war?

Yeah real deep thinker there yet if i asked him a what's good **** site the **** would
have  opened up like a dam directory.
Yeah were moving forward and slipping into a ******* coma as we speak the last great minds worry more over a ******* new phone than any answer to real problems

Hell it's like a bomb was dropped and all that was left was a a few roaches and some ***** mice.
Who's thirst for talentless ***** cannot be met by the television screen its herion for the thoughtless mind.
Night of the living ***** and the last few true voices are stuck in ****** farm house at each others throats

They flip on the television for new's.
Instead of information they get some stupid reallity show star hyping there next season
Yeah I gotta pitch for the Jersey Shore how bout next season in space !

And while your there send up old Adam cause the aleins will love to see a
fool make **** films that have as much depth as a kids sandbox.
the shame of this is i come off as the bad guy cause in this life you can pick on Jesus
but when you attack a millionare *******.

Well then your just being mean.

— The End —