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Bibhu Oct 2013
It’s raining again; Oh, it’s raining again!
On the vast godforsaken land,
Where at the blink of an eye,
We see pain, blood and disaster.
It’s not blood today
But it’s raining again.
It’d happened long ago.
The echo had succumbed to the walls.
Or Only I had thought so!
His shadow had a victory and the man had to pay.
Cowards had the rein while the braves had no say.
Hurray! It’s raining again.
Filling my glass with drops of joy,
now I sing, play gigs and feel my voice.
I’m getting back to life with the rush of blood
Led by the grand rejoice.
Yes, it’s raining again.
Bibhu Oct 2013
Once upon a time there was a voice
That sang many songs of pain and rejoice,
Gave strength of beauty to the beholder’s eyes,
Magically turned the drinks to elixir of choice.
Soon it became the lullaby of the youth and old.
It came with a lull and left in a storm.
Getting to the lips of ours, putting the spirits on hold.
Reminded of the beauty one could never buy in gold.
Taught to be sad at the epitome of fame.
Laid many stories and said ‘what’s in a name?’.
The touch of which gave life to the relic,
Made all cry from prolific to the lame.
There was no sob, no eyes were wet,
The audience was frozen by the master as pet.
With every heart and soul being grounded to the core,
Talked more of the feeling than mere happiness had set.
Once upon a time there was a man
Who could possess that voice and no one else can.
He left us one day while tears broke out
With his voice still singing for an eternal span.
Bibhu Oct 2013
Numerous thoughts incline toward me
Each carries a unique motion
Each tries to build upon another demolition
Leaving me with confusion
Led by a multitude of ecstasy
My head branches like the ****
As Brownian as smoke of hash inside and out
No rescue arrives till I’m out, ****** with doubt
And I willingly lose it all
Forgotten, pampered, hit and hurt with the fall
My demise, my nirvana, my mokhsha
Are they all just myth
Or parts of a great equation not with a logical accord?
The dream does not stop here
As I decide to climb higher and higher.
Bibhu Oct 2013
A million bumping heads
Rendered in coherence
An enigma just beside me
As rises the height
With a soothing delight
Playing with resilience inside me
Goes she, leaving with a smile
Leaving me with a smile
Bending over a mile
I look forward to an exile
Into the lively adobe
To a turbulent surprise
Let me promise to be back soon
In your paradise in disguise
Bibhu Oct 2013
Why do you burn yourself up in the day
When you know the dusk’s not too far away?
Why is that desperation in you to speak too much
When there’s nothing to be said as such?
Why are you so afraid of the rain when you loved that rainbow?
Why does your skin look lavish only for the show?
It is true that you catch a thousand eyes when you bare it all
And you pretend to be hazed.
Don’t you know that their gazes are to be amused and not to be amazed?
Bibhu Oct 2013
My Love, do you remember the first time when we met?
There was so much of love and no fear of regret.
Do you remember the sun and the clouds that surrounded?
The river that chattered and the strangers befriended.
Do you remember the glow of that night and the twinkles up that hill?
And the way we used to talk like the old Jack and Jill.
I kept feeling you night after night.
Had tea with you till time flew out of sight.
I drank your beauty all around the place.
I still can see how lovely looked your face.
Do you ever miss me or remember my name?
I know Love is really a dangerous game.
I know you never cared about parting our way.
And you won’t look back come what may.
It’s okay if you don’t remember me anymore.
Even if my love is eternal and pure.
May Love be with you Love, wherever you be.
My eyes will wait for you as long as I can see.
Bibhu Oct 2013
The North Face

Mountain! O! Mountain!
What is your secret?
Come on, you can share it with me.
There’s not much of a difference you see.

In the summer sun you cry.
In the winter you go dry.
In the rain you dance.
Though I’d seen that only once.

The stream that you love never sticks to you.
The cloud that you befriend only passes you by.
I see the sanctuary that you host.
None of them cares for you the most.

Well, I’ve seen you smoke quite often.
Is it mostly the grass or the cream?
May we ever smoke up together?
I’d like to talk about the river and the weather.

I’ll hover around you just like that black cloud.
I’ll chatter, sing, dance and laugh out loud.
I’ll flow down you but walk back up to the point
Where in the evening we can light up a joint.

So when do we meet up your majesty?
You know, I’m getting late and your reply needs to be quick.
Did you just ask me to hold back and not leave?
Don’t stop me darling with so much of innocence or I too will start to weep.

— The End —