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 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
They wonder why teenagers often seem to lose hope
When they shove the idea of perfection down our throats
As we get the idea that in order to be somebody we need to grow up
Because we're too young to know how to fall in love
And we're too young to know how to handle our stuff
Because our hormones control us
The therapists are asking
What in your past affects what's happening?
But it's honestly not the past, just the here and now
Seeing even the brightest of smiles turn into frowns
Taking blades to our wrists when the sun goes down
All we're told to look for is the inevitable doom
Someone tell heaven to make room
We're sending up some new angels soon
Parents are wondering how they made so many mistakes
Promising they'll do whatever it takes
But life isnt that easy, you can't heal bullet wounds with scotch tape
So if you happen to be looking for a quicker fix
This isn't it
This numbness won't be healed with your first aide kit
It's going to take more than a sorry toned in the voice of *******
Someone call the surgeons, see if they heal broken hearts
See if they mend broken families that tear us apart
Someone call the firefighters,
See if they can put out the fire
The one that burns every night
The one that scorches demons into the frames of your mind
Telling you it's okay to drag that blade
I still have my scars
But they don't come from exposed body parts
They don't come from bruises, blackened by poor excuses
And also literal ones. Ask me why I seem so far
From your reality
You don't seem like you understand me
But I guess I'm just another "Teen"
But that's what you can't see
People and animals aren't meant to be classified
Someone's fur may be softer than mine
Jealousy comes from dark parts of our minds
Bringing hate that erupts from volcanoes frozen in time
I figure you might understand if it rhymes
Because the liquor has burned holes into your mind
You've created this poorly formed shrine
Directed toward false Gods, burning your throat like wine
And I'm standing in the middle of WW3 today
It's me against my demons and they're on their way
Scream into my ears until I become deaf
And all I hear is your words telling me to crave death
But it isn't like depression is something you can play with
Does it count if sometimes my feelings shift
Is it okay if my numbness comes more often than yours
Or if my blade is hurting less than yours
If pain isn't what I crave, it's really love
Give me something to love without forcing barrels of guns
Into the mouths of innocent children in the hands of innocent killers
We're staring into the soulless eyes of the gravediggers
My graveyard shift isn't up yet
If you think this is a suicide note you're so very wrong
I just want to let you know what's going on
My head is a labyrinth and I continue to get lost
But I made it myself.
Yet at what cost?
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
I think I like you
Even though you reply late at night
And go to sleep early, excusing it with "I'm tired"
And you want to have a deep conversation
But our shallow ones can't keep together, so full of complications
And I'm the only girl you need
You don't have enough time for me
Because homework keeps you so busy
And without Honey there are no bees
And I seem to be lacking what you consider sweet
This confusion has me standing back on my feet
Like this crap always happens to me
I think I like you
I think I like the movie dates
The hellos and "oh no, midnight isn't to late"
And I'm quite enjoying the "I can't waits"
For the times we'll see each other during the day
I know I like the look you give when I say hi
Friends calling it the boyfriend look when you walk by
And I don't know if you see it in my eyes
But I think I like that you make me shy
I think I like you
But I hate that your so much like my dad
Say things to cheer me up when I'm feeling sad
Like Jay, it isn't that bad
I mean you got me, that all you've ever needed to have
But do I have you?
Because its feeling like I don't
Like you got more important things, take note
This expression of what I'm trying to let you know
Because I think I like you
But I think I don't.
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
Know Me
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
If you really knew me,
you'd know that I hate myself
that behind the music of my conceited mind
the heart strums a separate tune
like the secrets of self hate an image
behind a broken mirror
glued together with tears
if you really knew me,
you'd know that I hate who I am.
I hate that my mind knows what is right
and what is wrong
yet I choose the rocky path to go along
and every rock is another bad decision made
until I decide to turn around when its too late
but if you really knew me,
you'd know that I sit at a small round table
just above my hell
surviving only with EarlGreyTea and poetry
coping, desperately hoping, that my fragile plastic chair wont break
so until you really know me,
shut the **** up
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
Man, oh man.
Not this **** again.
Now I'll be torn between the two.
Make up some elaborate story in my head for me and you
Should I pick this guy?
He makes me laugh.
Should I pick that guy?
he's got money, even though that's not everything...
its more than half.
Lets put them on a rubric.
Whoever scores highest wins my hand.
But the boys have a different plan.
Seems like, whoever scores highest wins a hand down my pants.
But I went ahead and set my self up.
Acting like I'm surprised that they wanna ****.
Because I chose to ignore the obvious signs that they weren't up to much....

Do insane people notice it when they go insane?
Because half of my brain thinks these boys want me,
but the other half knows its really me who wants them
And half of me thinks I might be a little off my rocker
but the other half knows to keep that bolted in a locker.
Do the insane conceal their crazy parts until explosion?
As if they ****** eats away like natural erosion.
Do they feel it happening?
Can they see their own symptoms,
and hide it, until one poor victim,
glances into the soulless eyes of the crazy murderer of hearts
Saying "I allow myself to be torn apart"
 Nov 2013 Bianca Berely
People always say
do what makes you happy
but what if the things that make me happy,
also tear me down
They always say
take the road less traveled
but I lost all roads about ten miles back
or maybe forward
I wouldn't know.
looking back, i’ve realized
that in the moment
i tend to be anxious and impatient
and i don’t trust
that everything will work itself out
and i ache to know
exactly what is waiting for me
around the corner
   will i alter my circumstances
   or will my circumstances alter me?

i mindlessly allow myself to become faithless
and although i’ve overcome so many obstacles,
my eyes become fixated on the present
and i forget to take a step back
and reflect on my past

everyone always says,
“don’t look back,”
but i think it’s important
to remember where you once stood
and recognize how far you’ve come

i know i’ve changed
and i know i will continue to change
so why at 2am on a monday night
do i get stuck believing
that things will always be the same?
life is full of searching

searching for someone who appreciates you,
who understands each deep thought
that fills your mind and holds your hand
even when those thoughts are unclear

we search for light in dark places,
hoping that things aren’t truly as
grim as they appear to be

we search for time and consequently
waste it in the process

so often we spend days and months
and years searching for something
we think will steady our hearts

step back and take a moment
to inhale and exhale with eyes closed,
and the one thing that will bring forth
pure joy will become clear, it will
stand out and beckon for your attention

you then have a choice:
either pretend you can find a light
more satisfying and continue to search
blindly for something that will never appear,
or look at the love and hope you’ve found,
and put your faith and trust in the
most brilliant light you’ll ever see

why would you keep searching
for stars in the shadows
when there’s already a sun
shining in your sky?
if you told my heart to beat
it would
but not because you told it to
and if you told me to love you
i would
but not because you told me to
Don’t forget to get away every once in awhile,
To lose yourself in a book
Or in the woods behind your home
Ride your bike into the sunset,
Sit on your front steps and count the cars passing by,
Lay on your roof and gaze up at the night sky,
Drive along backroads with the windows rolled down
Listening to nothing but the sound of rushing wind

I hope you take the time to be alone,
To sort through the cluttered shelves of your heart

I hope you take the time to be silent,
To close your eyes and just listen

I hope you take the time to be still,
To quiet your mind and experience the beauty
Of simply Being

In a world that tells us we should always be
Connected, on the go, and doing something worth sharing,
I hope you know it’s okay to
Disconnect, slow down, and keep some memories
Between you and the moment you shared it with.

— The End —