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December of 2009
Meeting your family for the first time
I was the first girl you introduced to them
I was nervous but you said I was fine
You then kissed me gently on the forehead

January of 10 years ago
Swearing to each other we won't let go
Felt great when you told me I was the one
Exchanging I love you's over the phone
We knew from there, forever had begun

But I was too young to handle a great love
I messed up more than a couple of times
I'm sorry, the stars are my witness above
But like a withered rose, your love dies

May of 2010
Became selfish and took you for granted
My friends were all laughing at you
But that wasn't how I wanted us to end
It's killing me to see you in shades of blue

Same month of same year
I was longing for you, you're all I want
It's killing me to see myself regret
'Cause all it ever does to me is haunt
I was a fool to waste the love that should've been great

I was too young to handle the love you gave
I messed up and now we're not the same
I'm sorry, I dug up our own grave
But like a criminal, all I feel is shame

Outside your classroom
I sought to speak to you to put things back together
My world was doomed
As you turned down the chance to make our love story better
I deserve this
Even a last kiss
Don't let me miss
'Cause that's all I'd have to reminisce

I was too young to get hurt like this
I messed up cause I was too selfish and immature
I'm sorry, I didn't value what you cherished
Like a guilty verdict, I'm the one to blame for sure

I'm sorry we made us apart
I'm sorry I wasn't smart
To take care of your heart
That made you hate me and cry in your father's car
Your presence
Kept me wide awake
Didn't make sense
Why you got away

Don't explain
Why you wasted time
I won't complain
If you're out of line

Hey we're almost there
But it became a nightmare
You took me high then left the town
Was there something that I lack?
'Cause you took a few steps back
You took me high then brought me down

You've gone cold
Before there was us
I was strong
To accept what's past

You changed me
From a happy heart
To being lonely
Don't know where to start

Hey I have lost my faith
What a BAD girl you made
You took me high then left the town
You took a few steps back
Painful like a heart attack
'Cause you took me high then brought me down

I thought you loved me but I was blind
Your true colors showed, I was the light
I should've not pushed aside the signs
Till now, I remember the days you lied before my eyes

Hey I almost had you
Got the wrong girl to use
You took me high then left the town
Where are you heading to?
Leaving so fast like how the plane flew
You took me high but brought me down

So down
It made me drown
Those Nike shoes that suit you
I like you, as if you knew
I get tensed
When you are talking to me
Why is your smile so striking?

You call me
I see your face, you look fine
But you will never be mine
This secret
Is something you should not know
While my whole world becomes slow

I like you but this ain't right
For you, I'm ready to fight
Pretending I didn't see you
But I'm preoccupied by you

You can say
With you, I wear my best smile
That is an old-fashioned style
But today
I'm thinking of giving in
'Cause I want to be your queen

Just us here
Inside the elevator
I don't need anything more
I'm sincere
Seeing you has been enough
Staring at your photograph

I want you but this ain't right
For you, I'm ready to fight
Pretending I'm ignoring you
But I'm preoccupied by you

But we're finally on the ground
Fast was my tensed heart's beating
I hope it wasn't that loud
I want us here but you're leaving

Everything was just in my mind
'Cause in real life, you're not even mine

I love you but this ain't right
The sun above's no longer bright
Pretending I'm not into you
But I'm preoccupied by you
Pretending I see a sign
Cause you always crowd my mind
Pretending I see a sign
To continue this love so divine
Tears from the corner of my eyes
Planning to see a friend and hang out
We are ready, just got the wine
Thinking what you might be doing now

I stare at the colorful lights
But why do I see myself in gray?
Can't see myself with pretty smile
Why did you make me feel this **** way?
This **** way

Trying to get drunk to forget you
But your effect on me is greater
You knew I'm hurt but you smile like a ****
Someday when I am moved on from you
You would know what you had was better
You knew I'm hurt but you smile like a ****

Saw your pic on the internet
You look happy with her, my heart died
Will this liquor let me forget
The times I had with you while you lied?

Must be crazy to see you mine
You perfectly made me hate Sundays
Cause those were the days we were fine
Why did you make me feel this **** way?
This **** way

Trying to get drunk to forget you
But you made me remember it all
You knew I'm hurt but you smile like a ****
None of your sweet words have been true
Saw the red flags but you made me fall
Told you "I love you" but you smiled like a ****

Trying so hard to bury our old memories
Hoping to move on but it drains my energy
Thinking now if you have ever remembered me
That won't matter because you're a bad memory
A bad memory

Trying to get drunk to forget you
But your name is all that I utter
You knew I'm hurt but you smile like a ****
But there is nothing else I can do
Cause I learned to love a heartbreaker
Told you "I love you" but you smiled like a ****
I told you I love you but you said I will find someone better
Funny how I can’t let go
I keep showing here hoping you would notice me
I think you already know
I don’t mind being alone here in the party

Do you feel the connection
When we barely talk to and look at each other?
You do not know my passion
I’m the one expert in waiting for forever

It is more than love
It's a work by God

Why didn’t I notice it right away?
Made me wait for years and months and days
Why's it feel it is coming to an end?
For you, I would go through heartbreaks again
Heartbreaks again

You’re like fireworks in the sky
You are so captivating but fades in no time
Why'd you leave while I was high?
I was never ready for that sudden goodbye

He then came and rescued me
From the pain you inflicted on my heart and soul
From blue to yellow journey
Everything that I wanted from you, now I own

It is more than love
It's a work by God

Why's everything just making sense now
Made me wait for years and months and days
On the altar, he made me say my vow
For him, I would go through heartbreaks again
Yes, heartbreaks again

I used to wonder why you had to leave
Now it's clear
I used to think all boys do is deceive
Now I'm clean
You were removed in my life
To make way for delight

It is more than love
It's a work by God

Fate is playful but so wise
Made me wait for years and months and days
For him, I won't mind waiting in lines
Cause for him, I would go through heartbreaks again

If those heartbreaks mean I'd have him as prize
Then I would go through those heartbreaks again
These empty seats around me
I’m trying to see if you would sit beside me
Oh come on baby, I’m your paramour
Please do not make me love you even more

I see you walk towards her
It should have been me but I am with my lover
But baby come on, I’m your paramour
Please stop being the reason to fall for

I guess this is how one-sided love is
It gives you this hope that doesn't exist
It's like seeing you through a telescope
You’re so far but feels near like home

I see you from a distance
I wanted to get near you but there is no chance
Oh come on baby, I’m your paramour
Please don't show me you are closing the door

I see your face as I sit
I've been looking at you but that's hard to admit
Baby come on, I am your paramour
Please don’t feel that you are being ignored

I guess this is how a secret love is
I can only cuddle you in my dreams
It's like seeing you through a telescope
You’re so far but feels near like home

Being with you is enough
Sharing our own stories and laughs
You truly are the only one I want and admire
Why do we have to keep this to ourselves?
We talk casually but I keep losing myself
Despite this circumstance, this will never get me tired

This love we have is like a magic trick
It's amazing but there's one cheating and one being cheated on
We know this is really becoming sick
Because both of us can’t be together and we need to move on

I guess this is how the love that you keep to yourself is
It makes you crazy, you feel the need to get numb
Forgive me for thinking you and I underneath bedsheets
We've been so in love we don't know what we've become
That quick kiss was something
But for you it was nothing
That kiss that only happened once
Left me wanting for another chance

That quick meeting for a drink
Was something fun, don't you think?
Thought such setting would last
But this is starting to hurt real fast

And then the weekend comes
I'm right here waiting like a dumb
For you, I make myself available
'Cause I know, for sure, you would call

I love you but it hurts like a deep cut
A cut that kills unless I'm numb
I knew this won't work
'Cause there's another girl you lurk

I asked you if we were something
'Cause I want us officially dating
You told me you value me
But that wasn't the answer I wanted to hear

You see me as a friend
That was something I can't comprehend
I cannot stay like this
But I let this happen so shame on me

There's another fine lady
She loves you whole-heartedly
But your first love still owns your heart
From your first love, you can't depart

Now, there are two girls waiting on you
Please get back to your senses and start to choose
Hoping you would love me more than her
But you found the new love like it was an answered prayer

Glad you have finally moved on
But how can we move on from you?
It hurt but we learned a lesson
You should not give your all to someone not sure of you

You have overcome your first love
But the people who loved you while you move on are left unloved now
But hey! It made us stronger
Now, nothing can hurt me nor her

Thank you for being true and cherishing our friendship
You proved to me not all boys do are crap and ****
Now, I proudly say I am finally free
Thanks for putting a great end to our story

— The End —