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I am seeing ****** flags,
but I'm still ready to get past that
My foot can't hit the brakes,
though I know it's my heart you'll break
I'm fighting battles that are nonexistent
and savoring those illusory moments
There's no part of me in you, even just a bit,
but you take me places without you knowing it
There's no reason for you to let me live in your heart,
but I let you live in mine, thence we're never apart
And you inhabit every part of my brain
You sweep me off my feet every day
It is you that I always fancy,
but loving you is my life's greatest irony
When I love,
     it's beyond my capacity;
     you won't think it's possible in reality
     I'm an overflowing glass of water;
     overflowing with love that can last forever
     they say I become crazy
     I can give you everything you want for free
     it's dangerous, so don't make me fall
     because you see, I can give you my all

When I love,
     other girls are no match for my loyalty
     I ain't yours, but you can call me baby
     I don't give a **** if you're with her;
     to me, it is just a dead letter
     you consume every part of me;
     it's you all my senses perceive
     they say love is blind, but I see every part of you
     they are both bad and beautiful

When I love,
     I become a clean, blank paper
     where you can write every single chapter
     the ending is in your hands
     all I do is follow your commands and give you your wants
     I'm an angel, ready to save and love you,
     but you can play with me too if you want to
     I'm all yours; you can do anything you desire
     I can't dodge a bullet from a misfire

When I love,
     I loathe myself how I do it
     if you're not into me, I'm still ready to commit
     I betray my own self
     'cause you're all I care for, no one else
     I foresee the regret coming my way,
     but I shrug it off day by day
     I let you control and hold my breath
     and you become my weakness that can lead to my death
You paint this smile on my face
with casual talking and innocence
This smile will never fade
'Tis the best portrait you made
with a magical message it relays
I care for you is what it says
My smile is your best portrait,
'cause you're the reason behind it
The aesthetic of the portrait you made
reflects all my darkest shades
There's a part of you in me
that no one can ever see
That, I am not trying to conceal,
'cause I know you see the love it reveals
I am not happy
Shame on me
It is hard to admit
You would not often see it

People put happy faces
They care what the world says
But I am fed up and too tired to pretend
No one gave a **** about me in the end

I don't want to laugh
'Cause I've had enough
I wish I could undo things in life
Go back to the good old times

I've been so lonely lately
My friends are sick of my stories
I have no one to run to
Writing is all I do

I am not happy
Sadness is within me
Strong is the blue fire inside
I no longer want to hide

Tomorrow would be a better me
Something I see with zero visibility
Alive but lifeless in reality
Darkness covers my soul in its entirety
You're the poem I can't publish
Your clear answer is all I wish
I desire for your approval
But you might not see it special

I have poured my heart out
Used the best words to make this count
Beautiful story to tell
with words that have been held

What would our ending be
once you find out the secret I keep?
A written masterpiece
with a catastrophic twist

I'm ready for the world to know
Just a few steps from being shown
Feeling all the bravery within
Your heart is all I want to win

But that one little doubt
keeps me from putting this out
Perhaps this is better kept
It's something the world won't accept

Better to keep this poem instead
Than it being left unread
Perhaps I'll keep it to myself
Keep loving you in secret

I guess I would forever wonder
If it's really impossible for us to be together
And you would probably think of it too
If I have ever been in love with you
I see it clearly
Your eyes smiled at me
But all the signs don't make sense
I still can't hear what your heart says

You're a blurry picture
Nothing is so sure
I tried reading without the words
I listened but nothing was really heard

All the signs I see
is making a fool out of me
You're a deep water
that's hard to know better

Attentive to all the symbols
but I always end up in trouble
I have mastered overthinking
Too much meaning to everything

And my mind gets tired
'cause it's taken me this far
Writing a poem he won't read
Written facts he doesn't need

Love signs I had believed in
turned out to be deceiving
I understood none of it
'cause all the signs don't mean a thing

The signs of the impossible
dangerously made me fall
I realized I'm still stuck
No clue if you like me back
Have you ever felt that?
Written words are all I have
So many thoughts in my head
Expressing them is all I needed

I am glad I found this
Through this, I can say things
Things that my mouth can't say
I'm ready to write every day
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