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6.5k · Aug 2011
Relaxation at its Finest
Beth-any Aug 2011
Thinking too much.
But not intensifying.
I do what I have to, and I don't do a lot.
Come to think of it, I'm lazy most of the time.
My lazy is
2.6k · May 2011
Tobacco Moments
Beth-any May 2011
This isn't coke, this isn't ****,
Those hurtful drugs have finally left.
For me, they have made a huge mess.
So lay down, take a deep breath.
Then inhale all the smoke, exhale all the pain,
Stress is now releasing throughout my veins.

One or three every hour,
feel my lungs, losing power.
But in fact, also feel the mind.
Free it too.
I smoke cigarettes, do you?
989 · May 2011
Monstrous human being
Beth-any May 2011
Do I truly see myself through my own?
I wonder what it would be like to be in someone else's mind
Do their thoughts race around one hundred miles like mine?
Am I abnormal, witty, or even a bit divine?
Differentiating the world, is a habit I hold.
Under my hazel eyes, and my hair like frizzy gold
that is where it lies,
the storage of my abstract mind.
895 · Sep 2011
Shattered Dreams
Beth-any Sep 2011
I had a dream when I was a kid,
Although, I can't remember it
Because my adult parentals shattered it.
Mind shattering, filling my head up
With a bunch of **** that doesn't make sense to me.
They taught me everything stereotypical.
579 · May 2011
A Journey of Want
Beth-any May 2011
One day, when the sound of my cheesy ringtone had awaken me,
I picked it up.
It was who I expected it to be, but at the same time, unexpectantly.
"I want you back, I can't live without happiness. And you give me the happiness that fills the spaces of my life."
Want. All I heard was that word.
That terrible, terrible, word that causes a ton of hectic problems.
From the crack in his voice, to the thoughts in my mind,
I didn't know what to do.
I hung up in disbelief and confusion.
Want, Need, Love, Hate, questions of everything hurts me.
575 · Aug 2011
Processing Life
Beth-any Aug 2011
Shredded to pieces, torn apart
This world is angry and so am I
What if I wasn't here, would I be in good shape?
I need to stop thinking what might be my fate.
I can't tell the future, neither can you
But sometimes I wonder when I'm older
Will I be thinking how much I grew?

— The End —