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berry Oct 2013
just six minutes. that's all. hold it together.
stop. do not cry. please don't cry. they'll all see.
bite your lip. choke it back. be stone-faced.

five more minutes. you might get kicked out of school.
your parents money will have gone to waste.
they're going to be so mad. but please don't cry. don't.

alright, four minutes. keep your composure.
stop shaking your legs. your eyes are watering.
don't cry. just look out the window.

only three minutes now. breathe. don't cry.
do not cry on this bus. cry in your room. don't think about the fact
that you might've just ruined everything. more importantly - don't cry.

just two more minutes. that's all. the sky is so pretty.
look at your nails. ignore the lump in your throat. do not cry.
i'm begging you not to cry. don't. please, please, please don't.

one more minute. almost there. breathe. stay calm.
they don't know what's wrong. don't think about the fact that you ******* up so bad.
hold it in. alright. you're home now. you can cry, but you might not stop.

*(there's a stupidly long story behind this that i honestly don't have the time or desire to explain to anybody so don't worry about it i just really needed to distract myself on the bus.)
2.0k · Oct 2013
things i don't want
berry Oct 2013
i don't want to smell alcohol
on your breath when you kiss me,
i want to taste the hours that you waited
and to feel how much you missed me.

i don't want to breathe in smoke
when i bury my face into your chest,
i want to hear your barely-beating heart
and feel it pulsate in the warmth of your flesh.

i don't want to see the moon & stars
swirl like diamonds against the onyx sky,
unless i can do so in the comfort of your arms
and have your fingers interwoven with mine.

i don't even want my morning coffee
unless you're the one that brings it to me,
having learned to make it just the way i like it
and committed my preferences to your memory.

i don't want sunrises or sunsets
if i can't watch them dance upon your skin,
or love you between dove-white sheets
on saturday mornings at half-past ten.

i don't want to see the day i become old & grey
an early grave i would sooner invite,
than to live to greet old age without you
by my side to guide me into eternal night.

- m.f.
berry Oct 2013
contents of a human heart may include:
shifting shadows
wasted space
loose change
mumbled promises
secret hopes
tears - and
sometimes blood

2.0k · Oct 2013
haiku eight
berry Oct 2013
i'm hurricane-brained,
and fading faster than i
could hope to explain
- m.f.
1.9k · Sep 2013
some things about me
berry Sep 2013
let me first say, i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing
and i don't really know what this is or where to start.

i am comprised of scratched porcelain and bad dreams -
made up entirely of half-hearted attempts at sanity,
countless unspoken "i need you's",
and ever-faltering faith in myself and those around me.

i am not a poet, or at least not a good one, i don't think.
i feel a lot of things, sometimes all at once -
other times i don't feel anything at all, which scares me beyond
a level of which i am capable of explaining to you.

i nearly jumped in front of a train in april of this year. i don't know why.
my feet ventured toward the platform before it had even registered
in my head that they were doing so. i heard my best friend speak my name,
and snapped out of the trance. not a lot of people know about that.

i've been in love a lot of times with a lot of different people.
i have a fear off falling but a tendency to jump from high places.
i don't read books as much as i used to, but i'm working on that.
i'm in love right now and it's really difficult but it's nice. i'm happy.

i grew up with five brothers, so i like to think that made me sort of tough.
(but i cry every time i see a deer or a possum on the side of the road.)
i don't smoke cigarettes anymore, partly because my father hates them,
partly because they remind me too much of someone who liked them more than he liked me.

i write a lot about people who i don't talk to or see anymore. they don't live in my heart,
but the curse of memory is more often than not unbreakable. i call it leftover poetry.
then again i don't consider any of my pitiful mutterings to be poetry. just a bunch of
raggedly strung together words that sometimes rhyme a little bit.

i used to want to die and i wrote a song about it that a lot of people really liked.
i don't want to die anymore. i will never show that song to my mother.
i am much more content with watching people talk than actually talking myself.
this piece of writing feels too personal and i don't think i like it, but i'm pretty sure
Eleanor Roosevelt said something about doing one thing every day that scares you.

1.9k · Sep 2013
haiku six
berry Sep 2013
the words in my throat
endless reverberating
like bats in a cave
berry Sep 2013
my mother taught me the alphabet and 2 + 2
(but everything always adds up to you)

my father taught me to be patient & kind
(but it's you that brings balance to my mind)

my brothers taught me how to be tough
(but you still tell me daily that i am enough)

my high school government teacher taught me to be bold
(but in you i find my courage, given your hand to hold)

the birds in the sky taught me how to sing
(but it's you who hides me under your wing)

all of my heartbreaks taught me how to write
(but you gave new meaning to sleepless nights)

- m.f.
1.8k · Sep 2013
berry Sep 2013
i am sitting in a cold and very much crowded room.
a sea of nameless faces, attached to 10,000 bodies, filling 10,000 seats.
a cacophony of voices and footsteps and shuffling figures, "pardon me."
small pieces of silence peeking through the static of hums and murmurs.
out of 10,000 - i catch myself looking for one face in particular: yours.
but all i can manage to pick out are not-quite's and hard-to-tell's.
in a room filled with 10,000 faces i'm looking for yours
(because it is all that i see when i close my eyes)
in a room filled with 10,000 faces your name is echoing in my chest.
each letter, ringing in my ears, crawling up the walls of my throat, desperate to escape my lips
and scream with every decibel i posses the power to create, "where are you?"
in a room filled with ten-*******-thousand faces - the only one that matters isn't there.

1.8k · May 2013
Never Got To Swim
berry May 2013
like fools, we dove into the shallow end.
head first. blind to the danger.
the jump itself was bliss.

fingers interlocked, laughter pouring from our mouths,
eyes bewitched and sparkling naively.
we were childlike. godlike. untouchable.

however our euphoria ended abruptly
at the reality of the encroaching cement bottom -
awaiting our skulls

but by the time we realized what was happening
it was too late.
you cannot stop gravity.

the smiles faded from our mouths.
and we went down,
down, down.

no hope for air.
no flailing limbs.
no final breath.

not a chance at revival.

we were dead on impact.

we never got to swim.
1.5k · Jul 2013
being understood
berry Jul 2013
there is really something horrible
about being understood by someone.
having another soul that just - "gets it"
having another living being that relates.

because it means that they have felt your hurt
they've cried your tears, thought your thoughts
they have lived the terrors in your head and
endured the anguish  that lives in your heart.

that is why it is terrible to be understood.
my heart breaks anew when someone tells me
"i get it"
1.5k · Jul 2013
the way i sleep
berry Jul 2013
something i noticed about myself
is that, for as long as i can remember,
i've always slept on only one side of my bed

i can't help but wonder - maybe it's my subconscious,
leaving room for all the lovers i dream up in my head -
awaiting a second body to occupy the extra space beside me

i sleep on my side, too. often times resembling the shape of a crescent moon.
arms outstretched, reaching to touch imaginary stars, like my nonexistent lover.

and so as the moon, cold, always longing for the safety and cover of the clouds,
the same way i long for holding arms - but instead, alone, in the vastness of the sky.
1.4k · Jul 2013
haiku two
berry Jul 2013
like cream in coffee
so did the light within your
irises swirl 'round
1.4k · Sep 2013
berry Sep 2013
before i loved you
you were winter

you've thawed now,
turning to early spring

together we melt -
into sweet summertime

each day, we fall
deeper in love

1.4k · Aug 2013
a brief love story
berry Aug 2013
too much
too soon
too heavy
not ready
to stay

- b.
1.4k · Jul 2013
your chest
berry Jul 2013
1.4k · Sep 2013
berry Sep 2013
pounding temples
angry god(s)
boom like thunder
in my skull
sleep evades me
it's you that saves me
but dear,
your absence is hell

1.3k · Sep 2013
haiku four
berry Sep 2013
never strong in swimming
but keeping my head above
these waves for you, dear
1.3k · Jul 2013
haiku three
berry Jul 2013
once made to believe
i was as the moon & sun
truth showed, i was naught
1.2k · Sep 2013
haiku five
berry Sep 2013
you're under my skin
like a body in a grave
buried way down deep
1.2k · Sep 2013
mind reader
berry Sep 2013
how was i to know?

how was i to know you wanted me to be yours?

how was i to know the words you wrote were for me?

how was i to know you'd imagined a future, the same as i?

you never once made it clear -


how was i to know?

1.1k · Jul 2013
haiku one
berry Jul 2013
patience, little dove
the sweetest love comes to us
when least expected

— The End —