i opened the protein shaker, huffed it like one huffs glue, and hissed, "this wreaks like someone took all the trash, stuffed it in a sauna, and collected the condensation to soak the shaker in!" i think i'll use it tomorrow morning.
a celestial calm entwined with daylight veins of madness sitting silently no occupation but to wind and wind my clockwork motor madness just to grin stupidly as it waddles 'round the room.
a second light comes crawling this time through the window, reminding me I survived another night wading through the fiery lakes of hell, naked as my soul on a cool night with a new love.
everything else is so easy. it's all relative, isn't it? and this is my reference point, my floor.
they give their blessing ask if you're alright not really wanting to know the answer because the answer might be just what they fear and what they fear is that they don't have the time to hear your cries and not be sunken by them they don't have the time to lend their compass and not lose their own way they don't have the time to heal a friend a lover a flesh-and-blood who might just feel the same as them but more gray they have the time to attend a funeral