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Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
we **** wisps of meaning down spines like beads of sweat
we send them south
across the border
between the trees
i lay my head
the ground beneath me quivers
the grass becomes damp
and the quake can be heard
like a long gentle sigh
and for a moment
the mind turns black
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
my body is simply a conduit for my will.
it is bound to get bruised
with each mark
i get a little closer
to having lived a life
worthy of dying.
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
the past is dead
like a limb
the past is dead
like a husk
cut it loose
it is done
now is yours
to hold for a moment
and let go
like ashes
fleeing the constructs of time
chasing shadows down secret shores.
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
i ingest these poisons
so i may grasp the nature
of the impermanent.
i gather up broken pieces
of broken people
so i may see beauty
despite hopelessness
i become the strength
where others have none
yet it is this paradigm
that will tear me undone.
for a bridge to brighter shores
is useless
if it breaks under the weight
of a thousand bare feet
a mirror will only reflect
what the eyes long to see.
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
i ingest these poisons
so i may grasp the nature
of the impermanent.
i gather up broken pieces
of broken people
so i may see beauty
despite hopelessness
i become the strength
where others have none
yet it is this paradigm
that will tear me undone.
for a bridge to brighter shores
is useless
if it breaks under the weight
of a thousand bare feet
a mirror will only reflect
what the eyes long to see.
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
i watch her dance
sweet joy fresh upon the brow
like tiny beads of sweat that fall
and softly kiss the ground
when i am low
i crawl into her cocoon
and a tired pirate
will finally sleep
only to awake
to the tendrils of touch
creeping like vines
across weathered flesh
a trickle sensation
giving life, and taking it away
in lieu of sadness jest.
Benjamin D Pupps Apr 2013
your intelligence is gentle
and it moves through you
as you move through all things
i have counted countless halos
dancing around your fingertips
each more intricately woven
in to everything you ever said
there are diamonds in your smile
and blue fire in your eyes
i am lost in them
in you
in everything you do
in all that you are
a whirlwind of feather
across my skin
leaving light like footprints
around you, i spin.

i love you
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