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454 · Jun 2017
My Friends
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
There's this thing. It's one of my best friends. But it makes me do things I never intend. And this friend will stick by my side until the end. Overflowing with confusion, my mind begins to bend. As well as my heart, which i really need to mend. I have another friend that helps me repair. But not without riding it's roller coaster of despair. These two friends can't exist without the other one there. I run my fingers through the second friend’s hair as the first friend digs into my chest and begins to tear. The second friend's lips on mine is divine. But as that happens, the first friend crawls down my spine. Maybe this is a sign. Maybe I should leave both these friends behind. Because I've discovered you cant give vision to something that is blind. Trust me, I’ve tried. One day the second friend is in my favor. Next day the first friend is my chauffeur. They're both my next door neighbors. Not literally. Why don't you see. The second friend's name is Love. The first one’s is Jealousy.
396 · Jun 2017
97' Chevy Cheyenne
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
I can hear it in your voice.

on the edge of trembling.

tearing at my flesh.

racing into oblivion.

preventing absence.

I sit in the shadows.
In the backseat.
Of a 97' Chevy Cheyenne.
358 · Sep 2017
Trust Without Shoes
Benchwarmer Sep 2017
You can wear shoes.
Let sweat and moisture build up.
Stay contained.
Don't let anything fall into anyone else's hands.
You could slip them off.
Feel the softness of the grass and flowers between your toes.
Open up.
But don't forget about the opposing elements.
The rocks, the glass, the nails.
Take in all the pain from the damage that's been done to the bottoms of your exposed feet.
So, will you wear shoes?
Or walk barefoot?
349 · Nov 2017
Which is Love?
Benchwarmer Nov 2017
I attended a party Friday night
It was late, and there was alcohol
Everyone had a great time
I met a girl, a beautiful girl
The scent of ***** tumbled off of her tongue
She led me upstairs, where our lips touched
And she pulled me to the sheets
I had just met this girl
And we made love
I looked into her eyes, and I knew
I loved her.

I had just gotten 20 dollars from mowing a lawn
And I spent it on a girl, a girl I'd known for a while
I didn't take her to a restaurant
I bought chocolate milk and pizza rolls
We sat on the floor and ate them
While we watched movies
We talked about everything
We laughed
She accidentally spit out her pizza rolls
And her chocolate milk
I gazed at the mess on the floor
And looked up at her
I looked into her eyes, and I knew
I loved her.
339 · Jul 2017
Benchwarmer Jul 2017
"Don't get attached"
Slips through the lips of your peers
As if
Its an option.
Attachment is a sickness
That inevitably leads
To destruction.
338 · Feb 2018
Benchwarmer Feb 2018
Have you noticed my glow?
Not the glow upon my skin
or the glow of the reflective light
that bounces off of my car keys

The glow of glee
that glistens throughout my brown eyes
when I gaze at your beauty
as we hum our duet
that displays our affection
without words upon our tongues

It is nothing more
than a simple tune
like the sound one makes
when exposed to something enjoyable

Such as the presence of another
that lights a fire inside of me

Not a burning fire
but one that is dim
and enables me to feel warm

Just from a simple tune
312 · Aug 2017
"I love you."
Benchwarmer Aug 2017
Did you hear those words?
She meant them.

All the promises you made?
You bent them.

Time is money.
You've already spent them.
285 · Jun 2017
Cliche Tears
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
I'm better than you. Nothing will ever stop me from believing that is true. I’ll disregard your feelings and touch you wherever you want me to. I'm a *******, and that makes me someone you want to do. I'm right aren't I? Of course I am. Don't try to lie. You want me way more than all those really nice guys. The ones who listen and are ready to comfort you if you might cry. You know you'll tell them “bye bye”. Leaving them staring into the sky, wondering what they didn't do right. They gave everything for you. They can't help but adore you. They hate seeing you hurt. But when they do, they hold you as your tears soak their shirt. They love you for how wise you are. Not what cup size you are. They're exactly what you need, but don't mind them. Just focus on me. They'll treat you like you're their everything. I'll treat you like my property. You're still going to choose me, obviously
265 · Jun 2017
Uncertain Confidence
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
The hurdle
has been surpassed.

You see before you
many more.

But no longer
can you strengthen your legs.
247 · Jun 2017
What even. (Explicit)
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
Savour the simple things. Simple things are what give you wings. Just sit and think. Reckoning. Your own thoughts are your undoing. Using your vision to sit in front of the television. That’s your decision. Sometimes entertainment leads to intuition. Or isolation. Which leads to demolition. Demolition of your mind’s existence. They say it rots your brain but the circumstances change the game. It’s not the same. The meaning is getting chased away by thoughts of dancing in the rain. You must restrain in order to keep your feelings tame. Sometimes they take the fame. It doesn’t matter how you do it. It’s the people that get you through it. The people you hold close. The people you love the most. They seem to be the wisest. Wiser than most kids today, who compare snap scores like **** sizes. I’m barely even rhyming anymore. Oh well. No use. I’m just trying to get it through to you. Hell, I don’t even know what it is, but I know it’s important. Making a decision nowadays is enough to make you sick. ****. So is a ******* insta pic. Sometimes I wish we could go to back to when there was only floppy disks. The rhyming is back, or at least it kind of is. What is this. This “poem” is getting pretty random, isn’t it? I wrote this for several reasons for no reason.

What even.
221 · Jun 2017
Benchwarmer Jun 2017
You were my best friend. I always thought our friendship would never end. But it did. All because you're acting a kid. I was one of the people you cared about most.  And now im not, because I guess I was making you sick. I wasn't even aware of it. Why did you not tell me this? I think it's disgusting that this made you end our friendship. The one we'd had since we were six. I thought you were better than this. How could you be this childish. We were hanging out less than a month ago. Then you randomly stomped upon my toes. And you know what else I think is disgusting too? That this also happened because you didn't like me talking about the one I love in front of you. That fact makes me want to puke. You were someone I thought I knew. You're a stranger. And you know its true.

— The End —