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Apr 2014 · 569
In the Desert
Ben Ingall Apr 2014
I stand in your shadow,
You block my sight, the sun, everything dark,
Can't get too close to move you,
You're bigger, stronger, and cause me pain,
The mighty cactus stands before me,
Fear strikes me, tension thick enough to feel,
The air is too dry, I can feel my tongue losing the taste of life,
Something I need, we could help each other, open up and give up what we hold inside,
But no.
You're gone.
You've left.
Now you block another.
I see nothing but light,
But you've trapped another poor soul,
You are the bully, cactus of my desert.
Ben Ingall Apr 2014
To those who have everything,
Family, friends, food, water, education, is all yours,
Nothing is missing for you
And he world is at your fingertips,m
Parents, siblings, maybe a pet, possible love,
The list goes on on on on on and on.
You are the olive tree,
Peace to the world, but instead you ignore feelings thought everything that you have and were created to represent and show exists,
You have it all, but act as if everyone is dull.
Duller than a pencil used to write
Duller than a man who sleeps at night
Duller than a cloud that blocks the light,
For what?
Find a reason, fond your path of evidence or stop the wrath
On your mind that causes pain, find your heart,
Don't lose that part. I ask again.
Apr 2014 · 617
Brick Wall
Ben Ingall Apr 2014
You are a brick wall,
No matter what people do,
You stay there,
No change,
Straight-faced, ignoring the big bad wolf
Who runs the town.m

— The End —