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Ben Gillespie Jul 2011
Like the winters long lost petals
as it will compose into dirt,
this new dandelion vessel
overcomes my hearts inert.
We're all scared of something
we lie awake wet with grey.
With healing backs reopening old wounds
the bandage from you, my first aid.
a thankyou poem.
Ben Gillespie Mar 2011
Romance, that loves to nod and sing
with a burning throat and broken wing
Once taught me a song so dry and black
It chose my words in an attack
with a most fierce ******, pronounced and sung
on Rialto bridge with water in my lungs

Romance, that kissed goodbye at the foot of my bed
long ago lay with me and kissed my head.
With a written word, ill leave this world
amongst laments of love lost, to be with the birds.
As wind evanescences it disappears completely
and ill sing no more, this song, so sweetly.

— The End —