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Jul 2015 · 215
Bella Hasina Jul 2015
I find myself in the same exact position or hurt and pain
Sitting on my bed, laying in the dark with the glow coming from my bright phone
Wondering why me and why would they ever
Wondering if I will ever be relieved and be happy  
Or maybe this pain was destined
Like a undeserving karma
Or a never ending bad dream
It becomes at point where you become numb to it
And just sit back and wait for the pain to come again
And expect no good out of anyone
And expect no good in your life
With that pain becomes change
You won't smile the same, look the same or think the same
The only thing that will be the same is the tears that will drip down your eyes when you're alone in your room
The tears are the only thing left to feel

— The End —