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Jun 2012 · 864
Party Eyes
Becky Gold Jun 2012
Party eyes


Without direction
Time moves
As we stand still

Spills and thrills
Last for how long?
How long does this last?

Sight is clearing up
When all should be fogging over
Details illuminated
Strung along for the ride

The trip
Without destination or

Shifting and
But understanding and embracing

Your insides are shining
Nov 2011 · 1.3k
The Key
Becky Gold Nov 2011
Gave me the key to your heart
Upon my arrival, you
Slammed the door
In my face.
Nov 2011 · 717
Flying High
Becky Gold Nov 2011
You like me better when inebriated
You want me; flying high
Lost all sense of inhibitions
But with truth and sobriety
Comes silence and disregard
Timeless lack of knowing
Always running circles
Around your silly empty head
Searching for some way out
To escape

I think you want to feel
But rather numbing simple accessibility
Trumps all other efforts of freedom
And of chance
To know how
To feel
To understand and to be understood
Flying high, blind in all sublime numbness

Terrified to love what is so painless
To accept as is
Never questioning purpose or potential
It is all lost; flying high

No love to lose
No chance to gain
No mind to cherish
No one else to blame

Silent nights
You think of another
But you end up the fool
No one will answer
Your words
Just flying high
Nov 2011 · 633
Finally For Me
Becky Gold Nov 2011
Sealed lips longing to scream
Aching jaw

Sinking stomach and
Rising heart
Still moving without regret

Barely conceiving
This reality
Years of turmoil

Now freedom
But trapped

World of opportunities

Chance to start

No doubts
No concerns

No control
Free of all shackles
Free of all obligations
Provided only by that self

You are there
Anticipating the magic
The meeting

Proof that you exist
The concept
The feeling

Freedom to find

To fly
To begin
To understand what love is
The cherish and be cherished
To never second guessing
To Freedom
To change
To be me
For me
Nov 2011 · 704
The Void, Our Dungeon
Becky Gold Nov 2011
When we used to watch shows
In that deep dark place
Nothing but music
Alone in a crowd of swinging arms
Kicking legs
Hands around my hips
Hold on
We listen
Bass passing through
Our bodies
This is youth
This was freedom
Hearing everything
We wouldn’t say
We let our music fill
The void
Jul 2011 · 1.0k
A Travelling Heart
Becky Gold Jul 2011
A travelling heart
Won’t settle to soon
A travelling heart expects nothing
It loves as it goes
But keeps a safe distance
Fluidity and movement
Allow safety from settlement
From truth and definiteness

When will the heart be ready?
To remain
To accept another
And be still
When enough has been seen
And enough has been done
Who will settle this travelling heart?
Jun 2011 · 1.1k
"All the world's a stage"
Becky Gold Jun 2011
I know it’s cliché
To say “All the world’s a stage”
But truth lies here

To perform our parts
Versatility, adaptation

Roles presented as they may
To be hero or villain
Innocent or conniving
How much one chooses to reveal
To their audience

What secrets will stay hidden
Until a fight to the death

All in all
"All the world's a stage"
My own perceptions of the meaning of this famous line from As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Apr 2011 · 780
Home Town Clingers
Becky Gold Apr 2011
Boys and girls
You haven’t escaped
The confines of
Our small home town

20 years old and still wearing
The band t-shirts you bought
In high school
Ripped jeans, fading fast

Unable to progress past
This world you were brought into

In our small town
Lack of worldly knowledge,
Independent thought

So much to explore
Run and leave
Our small home town

So much more
That you could do
If you only left
You would know
How vast this world
Freedom, allowance

Escape and learn
More than just
The life
The people
The simplicity of
Our small home town
Apr 2011 · 1.1k
Rainy Day
Becky Gold Apr 2011
Rainy day
Dark and dreary
Walking and
Wondering about

Magnetism to be created

Come to me now
Find me here
Pull me towards and
Kiss me in the rain
Apr 2011 · 675
Sleepin' In
Becky Gold Apr 2011
Warm sheets

Soft sheets
Between my toes

To settle
Deep breaths
Low sighs
Slowing Heart

Stretching to
A rising sun
Body creaks
Deep breaths
Low sighs
I awake
Apr 2011 · 641
Let Freedom Lie
Becky Gold Apr 2011
Decisions need not be made
Consequences need not be considered
Moments were of the essence
Our freedom was all we had

Limitless laughs
Sound adoration
Leaves numb smiles
Permanently pressed
Swollen until the morning
Oozing with serendipitous perspective

When right was just a feeling
And there was no wrong
Never a regret or reconsideration
Second thoughts were
Wasted time

To define an act
To think too much
To let go
To embrace result, and not consider

Blissful ignorance
Laughing and loving
Without restriction
Without worry

Sound sleeps
Story filled mornings

All is right
Free, and fantastical
Warm, and comfortable
In all forms, in every
Let freedom lie
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
Becky Gold Mar 2011
There’s something about the way the sun shines through the window
The way that it illuminates, but at the same time casts shadows
What is to be seen and what is to be hidden
The choice is not yours
Completely out of your control
At times
Blindness can be a blessing and
Ignorance can be bliss
Thankful for the shadows
Just as the gleaming sun shining through the window

The sidewalks so inviting
Body engulfed in the warmth of the sun
That same sun that makes the choice
To display and to conceal
That same sun that without effort
Lifts spirits of those unaware
Taken for granted
This surface comfort

Nothing can stop the sun from shining
Point it in another direction
Reveal what has been hidden
All along
Enough sense and bravery
To face the darkness
The unwanted secrets of sun
So that they may surface
They may be terrifying
Nothing that you could have ever imagined
The start of my love for writing poetry.

— The End —