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1.2k · Oct 2012
The Untruthful Lover
Becka Estrada Oct 2012
So To See That You Are That One That Has Me In The Lies Of Your Perfection
I Am Falling Each Day More For You,
And It Hurts More As We Grow Stronger
You Keep Reapeating You Wont Hurt Me
Wont **** And Wont Lie To Me
But So You Are Lying To Me When You Say You Wont
I Know So Much Of You Not To Believe Anything
So Yes I Am The One Blind And Deaf
But The Heart Has Me That Way
Because As You Lie Those Words Keep Reapting The Sweetness
Of Your Soul. You Drive Me Crazy And I Am Enchanted.
Dont Lie My Untruthful Liar Because I Need You With Me.
I Love You And I Will Give Anyting For You,
Your Touches Are The Best And Your Lips Are The Softest Of All.
Yes, I Am Inlove With You And I Know I Am Getting Hurt...Tonight.
899 · Apr 2013
I Hate Myself
Becka Estrada Apr 2013
I Hate Myself For Been So Dumb,
For Making Everyone Around Me Feel Like ****,
For Finding Comfort On Bullying Someone Else.
I Take Everything As An Insult And That ****** Me Off,
I Want To Rip My Head Out And Let Me Rot Into Pieces,
I Am Not Worthful For Anyone, An Invisible Corpse.
The Love I Once Held In My Heart Is Gone And I Have Nothing,
I Cry Myself To Sleep Even If I Dont Have To,
Is Just The Way I Feel In Me,
I Am Always Hurting My Mother,
I Wish I Could Just Leave.
And Everyone Could Be Happy.
727 · Oct 2012
Goodbye,I Swear.
Becka Estrada Oct 2012
I Dont Want To Love You,
I Mean You No Harm,
I Wish I Hadnt Fallen For You,
Am Sorry I Lied.
You Left Me Unwanted, You Left Me With Teary Eyes,
I Took You For Granted Am Sorry My Love,
Our Love Was A Disaster It Wasnt That Sweet,
We Knew It Since That Last Time You Let Her Sneek In,
Forgive Me My Loving,
Forgive My Unfair,
But Truly I Remember What You Said,
That She Was The Best In Bed,
I ******* Hate The Fact That You Threw My Love Away!
So Goodbye My Love,
Goodbye I Swear,
I Am Bettter Off Without Anyone That,
Thinks I Will Shed A Tear.
636 · Dec 2013
No More Bullshit
Becka Estrada Dec 2013
I Have Made A Decision,
That Was Really Hard For Me To Understand,
I Have Lost All Faith But Then I Realized,
That One Day I Will Be Happy,
Without **** On My Life,
I Learned To Unloved You,
So I Am Happy Now.
Go To Hell You Fake *****,
I Am Really Tired Of This ****,
You Never Loved Me So Go And **** A ****.
618 · Oct 2012
The Secret Lover
Becka Estrada Oct 2012
I See You Laying On The Bed Quietly And Still,
Without You Even Moving It Gives Me A Reaction,
You Are Just Perfect And So Delicate,
People Do Not Understand Our Feelings For Each Other,
Everyone Judges.
My Boyfriend Doesnt Know About This,
And Your Husband Doesnt Know Either.
Oh Yes Baby We Are Bad People But Who Are We To Judge?
I Fell Inlove With You Since The Very Start Of This,
I Just Want To Hold My Body Agaisnt You,Tight And Rough,
Letting You Know That My Love Is True And His Is A Game,
I Want To Steal Your Heart Away, The Same Way You Stole Mine.
I Am All Yours And You Smile Cause You Know That,
But For You I Am Just A Game Because He Has Your Heart,
I Am Just A Toy Of Your Satisfaction, Oh Baby Love Me Tonight,
Love Me Forever, Give A Sign You Will Be There Whenever.
Tonight Is Not For You And Him,
Tonight Is For You And Me,
So Give Me Your Body For Me To Embrace My Love To.
603 · May 2013
Just Him.
Becka Estrada May 2013
That Night Of Youth,
We Met .
I Did Not Expected.
It Was That Drunk Grin Of Yours,
That Got Me Captivated,
The Way You Looked At Me In Your Bedroom,
That Silly,Idiotic Laugh You Gave Me.
Soon Enough Without Trying I Embraced,
I Never Think Was A Mistake,
Though To Everyone's Eyes It Was.
Fights By Tears,
Tears By Fights,
We Went On.
You Couldn't Change Until You Realized,
That My Love Was Blinded,
And I Have You Deep In My Heart.
You Stupid *****,
The Man-***** You Are,
I Love You Always,
I Always Had.
444 · Mar 2013
The Selfish
Becka Estrada Mar 2013
The Is No Way I Can Love You,
After All You Have Done To Me,
It Seems Like I Don't Care,
I Pretend That All This Is A Dream,
And That I One Day Finally,
Will Realize What All This Is.
I Feel Like Yelling Loud And Hard,
Like If I Was Been Tortured By Your Own Hands,
I Havent Thought Of How To Tell You,
That I Know That All This Silly Things You Think
Are Good Are Bad.
I Am A Selfish *******,
That Doesn't Want To Let Go,
I Am Stupid For My Selfish Ways.
406 · Dec 2013
Becka Estrada Dec 2013
I Am Always Insulting To Her,
I Can Not Control Myself,
She Brings Me Inside Hatred Out,
I Dont Hate Her I Love Her So Much,
Is Just That She Always Have To Put Everything On Me,
I Can Not Feel Nothing Anymore When She Talks To  Me Bad,
She Knows I Love Her So Much But Its Maybe My Fault For All This.
Maybe I Am The Wrong One,
Just Maybe I Am The One ******* Up This,
But I Cant See It Because I Am To Busy Seeing Myself Fail.
I Am Wrong And I Know It.
I Just Wish I Dissapear From Her Life So She Can Be Happy Cause I Am ******* Up.
As The Older I Get The More Frustrated I Become,
I Cant Reason Because My Black Hole In My Brain,
I Can Not Bare Been Mad At Her,
I Can Not Bear Pushing Her Away,
I Just Cant I Love Her So Much,
She Has Been There In Anything I Struggle,
She Is My Bestfriend That I Love
But Most Important She Is The Mother I Adore.
345 · Dec 2013
Say Something
Becka Estrada Dec 2013
Say Something I Am Walking Away,
This Is Really Hard For Me To Say Because I Do Love You
But You Are Not Trying And I Am Getting Tried,
I Have Never Done This,
Try So Hard For Someone Then I Lose,
Because I Have Never Fallen Inlove So Deep,
You Seem Careless As I Tell You This,
You Keep Your Head Straight But I Cant See Those Tears,
You Cannot Understand This But Its The Best.
I An Crying Because I Care And Giving Up Was Never In Plan,
You Left Me Alone,
You Distant Yourself From Me,
From Your Lover The One That Wanted A Forever With You.
Stop Been So Careless Tell Me Not To Go,
Dont Stay Quiet,
Try And I Will Keep Holding On.
This War Seems Useless As I Stare At You,
But I Need A Break From All This,
I Need To Be Happy Even If I Know I Am Breaking Inside.
Say Something I Am Leaving,
Please Dont Let Me Go,
Tell Me Something So I Can Stay Here With You.
Say Something Please.....I Love You, Goodbye.
322 · Dec 2012
Becka Estrada Dec 2012
I Still Remember Exactly How We Met,
How In The First Time I Saw You I Fell Inlove With You,
How Your Smile Captivated Me,
How Your Eyes Were Incredibly Amazing.
Now Its Been Five Months Since That Day,
And It Has Been Heaven And Hell Through Out,
This Months But They Were All Worth It Fighting For.
I Am Loving So Much More As The Clock Clicks Its Hands.
I Dont Say I Love You Immensly Because I Am Afraid Of Gettung Hurt,
I Hope You Love Me The Way I Do,
Because I Want You To Be My Husband And My Life, My Love.
258 · Dec 2013
Lost And Alone
Becka Estrada Dec 2013
Why is everything i worked so hard coming to a end?
I did try hard enough but everything was in vain,
my heart is pounding hard and the slow,
i am kind of feeling lost.
i wish everything was easy but its not,
i got no friends to support me i know now,
my only lover is been a ***,
i can not go through this with out a grab,
i am endlessly falling deep in a hole.
i know if i do i wont be able to hold,
because i am breaking slowly and fast,
my mind is telling give up.
i need a friend i need another love,
but at the same time i prefer to be alone.
241 · Jan 2013
Becka Estrada Jan 2013
I like the way he lays on his bed
The way he can make my heart beat
I love the way he is when he gets jelouse
His smile can light up my dark days
But sometimes I feel like I hurt him
Why do I? He is everything to me
And when I want to show it I can't
I will love him forever and he knows that
He is my heart and soul
I like the way he lays on his bed
233 · Jan 2013
Becka Estrada Jan 2013
To My Eyes Humanity Is Evil,
To My Eyes I Perfer Them Shut,
To My Eyes My Parents Are The Enemy,
To My Eyes The Tears I Shed Hurt,
To My Eyes I Wish The World Was Different.
But Why So I See This?
Maybe I Am Afraid ToRealize The Good,
When Everything I Know Is Bad.
boldHow Can I Change The World When No One Wants To Die?

— The End —