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 Nov 2012 Becca Keith
June West
I would skip my morning classes
and we would figure out how each others bodies work
laying there
 Nov 2012 Becca Keith
June West
Best Friends
Friends with Benefits

I miss you
 Nov 2012 Becca Keith
Whispers backstage
Peas and carrots, peas and carrots.
The show is about to begin.
I remember when I was younger and we were doing plays in school, they would always tell us to say "peas and carrots" when we stage-whispered. :]
his smell still lingers
not enough to comfort
pain worsens
but you stay anyway
unwilling to let go

his memory still strong
not weakening with time
as much as you want it to go away
you don't

you can't accept the end
the wasted years
no more goodbye hug
never another kiss

oh, how you yearn for another kiss
 May 2012 Becca Keith
Shut your ******* mouth

And help me super-glue 
this flap of skin back to my face
Lock the door.

(Microchips & Grind-gears coo
Behind that rubbery facade
An Android god
A Hissing machinery zoo in there
Clamping hydraulics; what a scare)

No one can see this -
It's not even ****** for Pete's sake

It doesn't get better 
There was nothing wrong 
To begin with.
I am perfect, remember?
Wink wink
But really,
*How long until this glue dries?
Inspired by Darci Mason from the animated Superman seris
I knew you from another time, another country,
watched you flicker between the shrill squeals of children's voices,
trace crystal on reflective faces.

Long forgotten, you followed me here
to dance your brittle death over my body's contours,
startling me into submissive white.

My skin shudders.

Your cold hands surprise me,
long bones flecked with almost-snow
shrivel my seed to a dry husk,
my fruit to rotten pulp.

You are alien here.

Like a thief you fling back my golden quilt,
steal the colour from my cheeks,
reduce my indigenous offspring to a spineless slaver
of translucent gel,
terrified milk running to ground.

After of a night of white terror you sigh over me,
roll your eyes over my corpse
leaving the whole withered,
impartial to my wailing
on account of your ungovernable nature.

copyright © Caroline Grace 2012

— The End —